I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 294: Evolving

Chapter 294: Evolving

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Orion1614 & Drojam🏆 (A/N: It was a tie)

"Right, so who are these old gods?" Peter asked as he now had to worry about whoever these gods were.

"Not much is known about the Old Gods, other than that they visited Asgard once when we were nothing but warring tribes on a planet similar to yours. Before the Asgard you know today was even a thought, they appeared." Brunnhilde explained what she knew.

"What did they want?" Peter asked curiously.

"You'd have to ask Odin or Thor." Brunnhilde shrugged unknowingly. "Only the Royal family was allowed to know."

"Great..." Peter muttered as he waved his hand and opened a portal. "Come on. Let's go."


Arriving in his office at the Avengers tower followed by his new dutiful servant, Peter immediately collapsed into his office chair and let out a sigh.

"Jarvis." Peter called out as Brunnhilde B-lined straight toward the minibar, where she immediately poured herself a drink. 'I guess she's back to drinking now...'

"Yes, sir?" Jarvis replied, dutiful as always.

"I need you to make my new friend here a United States citizen. Hack into whatever you need to. Just make sure you aren't caught. I'd do it myself, but I have some stuff to do after this." Peter orders.

"Yes, sir. I'll have it done by the end of the day." Jarvis replied as he got to work.

"So, what are we doing after this?" Brunnhilde asks as she took a seat on the couch along the wall with her drink in hand.

"I'm going to work on a personal project, but you, on the other hand, will be familiarizing yourself with the city and updating your wardrobe." Peter says as he opens his desk drawer and pulls out a credit card. "Here."

Tossing the card over, Brunnhilde caught it with a single hand and looked it over curiously.

"What is this?" She asked.

"That is my Avengers company card. You can use it to buy clothes and other necessities. Just don't go over the 100 thousand dollar limit." Peter says as he whips out his phone and makes a call.

"What's up, boss?" After waiting a few seconds, a familiar female voice answered the phone.

"Jessica, are you working right now?" Peter asks.

"Yeah, why?" She answers as the sound of pages flipping could be heard in the background.

"Is it Spider-Man?" Loki asked loud enough to be picked up by her phone.

"I need you to come to my office. I have a special job for you." Peter says cryptically.

"Really?!" Jessica sounded excited at the prospect of leaving her office for once. "I'll be there in a minute!"

"Good." Peter says as he looks over to Brunnhilde, remembering her obvious dislike for the Asgardian Royal Family. "Leave Loki behind this time."

After all, Loki would no doubt do something to p*ss Brunnhilde off even if he doesn't reveal his identity...

"Uhh... Okay." She says as Peter hung up the phone and looked toward Brunnhilde.

"An employee of mine is on the way." Peter explains as he writes a quick note and leaves it on the desk. "Show them that note and they'll assist you."

Without another word, Peter opened a portal, leaving his new sworn protector behind.

"Wait a minute-" She tried to stop him.

"See yah!" Peter waved as the portal snapped shut.


"Boss? I'm here." A knock could be heard at the door.

"What are you waiting for?" Another voice asked in annoyance. "Just open it already."

As the door swung open, Jessica walked in with an annoyed look on her face as a smirking Loki followed behind her.

"Sorry, boss. Loki wouldn't listen..." Jessica spoke as she found Brunnhilde sitting alone on the couch without her boss in sight. "Uh... Hello?"

Without saying a word, Brunnhilde pointed to the note on the desk.

Quickly reading it over, Jessica's former excitement was snuffed snuffed our, like a candle on the wind.

After all, she thought that Peter was calling her for a mission, not this...

"So, I guess we'll be your tour guides?" Jessica said in reluctance.

"Tour guides?!" Loki didn't sound happy at all. "I am Loki Odinson, a Prince of Asgard. I am nobody's guiding servant!"

Instantly, Brunnhilde rose to her feet and reached for her sword as she glared in Loki's direction.

'Leave Loki behind this time.'

Peter's words played out in Brunnhilde's head.

"Well, you're my servant now." She says matter of factly as she pulls Dragonfang from its sheath. "Do you have a problem with that?"

Peter tried to keep them separated though that didn't seem to work, so she'll just have to make the best out of this situation.

And what would be better than beating the sh*t out of an Odinson?

Maybe a certain Odinsdottir but her time will come soon enough...

"Woah, let's all just calm down." Jessica jumps to step between the two.

Though she couldn't block Loki from seeing the sword in Brunnhilde's grasp.

Dragonfang isn't a one-of-a-kind sword by any means.

No, it was the standard issue blade of the Valkyrie, but what really solidified Loki's assumption was the markings on her wrist.

(A/N: Google Marvel Valkyrie logo. Idk how to explain it.)

Each Valkyrie is given that marking on the day of their induction to the sisterhood.

"You're a Valkyrie... I thought the Valkyrie all died gruesome deaths?" Loki couldn't keep his venomous mouth shut if his life depended on it.

Brunnhilde pounced forward, though Jessica ended up being stronger than she thought and easily held her back.

"Choose your next words wisely." The Valkyrie looked ready to kill him.

"I'm terribly sorry. It must be a very painful memory..." Loki's expression didn't match his words as he spoke with a provoking smirk on his smug face.

"Loki stop!" Jessica shouted as it became harder and harder to hold their boss's guest back.

"You must be a traitor or a coward because the Valkyrie are sworn to protect the throne, yet here you are with your blade drawn on a Prince of Asgard." Loki continued, hoping to use this opportunity to acquire an elite Valkyrie guard.

Though things don't exactly go his way.

"Ugh!" Jessica was instantly thrown across the room.

As Jessica crashed into the door, breaking it in half as she flew out into the hallway, Brunnhilde matched toward Loki and jammed the blunt end of her sword handle into his stomach.

"Argh!" Loki coughed up a mouthful of bile as he collapsed onto the floor, finding a sharp blade resting at his neck as he looked up.

'Has Asgard grown weaker in my absence?' Brunnhilde was surprised by how powerless he was.

Though she didn't care enough to comment on it.

"Listen closely, your Highness." Brunnhilde says with a heavy dose of distasteful sarcasm. "This is not Asgard and I am not a Valkyrie anymore. I've already sworn myself to your boss, so keep your mouth shut or I'll cut out your tongue and beat you to death with it."


While Brunnhilde and Loki were settling their differences, Peter stepped into his penthouse, which was still filled with Lily's old equipment.

"So, are you finally going to test out your evolution?" Genie appeared next to him and asked excitedly.

"Yeah, though I'm not sure if I should start small or not." Peter muttered as he paced back and forth in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, which showed a perfect view of the New York City skyline.

In his possession, Peter has a very large amount of Celestial blood from Knowhere...

"I say go big or go home, kid." Genie says dramatically as always.

"..." He didn't want to be swayed, but Peter couldn't help but want to agree.

After all, with his unlimited potential and perfect evolution combined, the likelihood of any complications happening was extremely low.


After a moment of silent contemplation, in which Genie started playing game show timer music out of boredom, Peter finally came to a decision.

"Let's start small..." Peter uttered cautiously.

He can't allow Genie to goad him into doing something dangerous.

Celestials are literal gods, after all.

Peter needed to test out his power at least once before going straight into a godly evolution.

"What are you going to do then?" Genie asks in disappointment.

Waving his hand, Peter opened a portal and reached his hand through.

Before Genie's curious eyes, Peter pulled out a case full of blood-filled vials.

Each of them was labeled with different names though they were all familiar.


[Professor X]


[Black Panther]


There were 10 vials in total and this wasn't all that he collected either.

Peter has made sure to collect blood from every enhanced individual that he has ever met.

Though it was harder when it came to people like the Black Panther, as he had to sneak into Wakanda to take his blood.

Meanwhile, it's the protocol for each member of the Avengers to hand over a blood sample for medical reasons, of course...

Though Peter made sure to switch his blood sample with a fake, as he didn't need a clone of himself running around, which was likely to happen in a comic book setting.

"Which one are you going to choose?" Genie asks excitedly. "I vote for Nightcrawler. He has a good teleportation ability."

"Are you sure that you aren't being biased because he matches your skin color?" Peter asked jokingly.

"..." Genie looked away and started whistling innocently.

Ignoring his blue companion's theatrics, Peter reached into the case and pulled out a vial.


"Huh? Why him?" Genie asks.

"Because his healing factor will come in handy." Peter says as he loads the blood up into a syringe. "Do you know if it's going to hurt?"

"No idea." Genie shrugs.

"Great, you're about as useful as ever..." Peter muttered as he stabbed the needle into his arm like a heroin junky and pressed down in the plunger.

Instantly, the blood shot into his body.

Pulling out the empty syringe and setting it aside, Peter waited patiently for something to happen.

The feeling of his body tingling was still the same even after a minute had passed.

"Hey, are you sure that you granted my wish? Because-" Peter was about to complain before he felt the tingling feeling increase drastically.

"You okay, kid?!" Genie asked worriedly as Peter looked down to see the small needle hole in his arm heal itself shut.

"I think it's working..." Peter muttered as the tingling he felt changed into excruciating pain as if he were being stabbed by a million knives in every part of his body at once. "Aaaaggghhh!"

A/N: 1779 words

🚨Hand in your💎STONES💎or no more chapters🚫hehehahaHAHA!🚨


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