I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 289: Battle, Fight, Pow... Titles are hard sometimes...

Chapter 289: Battle, Fight, Pow... Titles are hard sometimes...

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"My Champion!" The Grandmaster exclaimed in relief as Bi-Beast arrived. "It's so good to see you again. You're just as handsome as I remember."

"?" The upper face of Bi-Beast looks past everyone in the room and locks eyes with the Grandmaster. "Grandmaster, you called?"

"Yes, I have some intruders that need dealing with." He waves toward the armored group of heroes. "Be a dear and handle them for me, will you? Just try to keep that armor of theirs in good condition. It has piqued my interest."

"..." Eying the group of armor-clad individuals between them and the Grandmaster, Bi-Beasts lower face grunted, ready for a fight. "We can take them."

"Yeah, maybe..." Though his more calculative side was more cautious. "But what's in it for us?"

"..." The Grandmaster frowned upon hearing Bi-Beast's question, though he quickly put on a smile to cover up his displeasure. "I'll gift you a ship with a route off of the planet. Sound good?"

The Grandmaster instantly knew that his words were enticing for the giant beast, as both of its faces showed sparks of interest at the same exact time.

"But!" He adds with a huge amount of emphasis. "I'll only do so if you deliver me those suits of armor in operational condition."

"Fine, just sit back and enjoy the show." The smarter half of the towering beast agreed as he stomped toward Tony and his group.

"Hey! Hang on a second!" Rhodes exclaims as Bi-Beast ran up and sent him flying across the room with a powerful punt.

War Machine screamed as he flew across the penthouse and hit a wall, which instantly crumbled under the impact.

"Tony! What do we do?!" Pepper panicked as she's never dealt with monsters like this before.

"Relax, Peps. Just keep your distance and attack when theirs an opening. Rhodey and I will keep him busy." Tony says as his thrusters fire him toward the hulking beast.

"B-But Rhodes..." She stuttered, thinking that War Machine would be out of the fight or possibly even dead...

Though, those thoughts were immediately halted as a black metallic figure shot out of the rubble and rushed to Tony's side.

"See? He's fine. Now, do as I said!" Tony practically orders as Pepper gets some distance from the two-faced monster and prepares to fire her lasers at any moment.

Meanwhile, Gamora has already disappeared from the battlefield.

With one look at the Grandmasters champion, she knew that she didn't stand a chance.

If he were to catch her for even a single second, it would be game over. All that he would have to do is squeeze her like a tube of toothpaste and her life would come to a horrific end.

So being smart about it, Gamora ran off and allowed her armored companions to handle the giant beast in the room.

After all, they're the ones who were equipped to do so.

"You know he's lying, right?" Tony spoke up as he shot forward and pounded a metal fist into Bi-Beasts face, sending the giant stumbling backward a single step.

Before their opponent could regain their footing, Rhodes soared forward like a missile and matched his friend's punch with one of his own.

Instantly, Bi-Beast fell onto the floor and looked up to see two armored figures above him.

Hoping to sway the Hulk-like giant away from their enemy's corner, Tony and Rhodes paused the assault and waited for a moment.

"If there really was a way off this planet, then don't you think that the Grandmaster would have taken it by now? At best, he'll give you a ship and send you into a wormhole, where you'll be ripped to shreds and deposited halfway across the universe." Tony's words seemed to sway the giant, who stood to his feet and turned to his employer questioningly.

"Who says that I've never left the planet?" The Grandmasters smirked comfortably from his throne. "I just see no reason to stay gone for very long. After all, why leave when I'm the king of my own world here?"

Nobody could tell whether he was lying or not, though the calm smile on his face portrayed an air of confidence which certainly helped convince Bi-Beast at the very least.


Just as the fighting was about to start again, the elevator chimed as its doors swung open, revealing Peter, Genie, and Brunnhilde inside.

"Yo!" Peter called out with a wave as his eyes landed on Bi-Beast. "Huh? Who's this two-faced ugly looking guy?"

Both of Bi-Beasts faces frowned as Peter strolled out of the elevator with Genie and Brunnhilde following closely behind him.

"Scrapper 142! It's so good that you're here." The Grandmasters grew even more relieved at Brunnhilde's arrival. "I love it when you come to visit, 142. You always bring me the best stuff."

Completely forgetting about the ongoing conflict in the room, the Grandmaster turns to his trusted guard, Topaz.

"Whenever we get to talking about Scrapper 142, what do I always say? 'She is the...' and it starts with a B." He asks with a smile.

"B*tch." Topaz answers in distaste as she hates Brunnhilde.

"No, not b*tch. Were you waiting just to call her that?" The Grandmaster asks, enjoying the odd rivalry between Topaz and Brunnhilde. "Try again."

"Boozy whore." Topaz answers insultingly yet again.

"No, I'm so sorry, 142." He quickly said though he seemed more amused than apologetic. "Best, I was thinking of the word best. Because I always say you're the best. She brought me many contenders for my beloved Champion, you know."

"Yes, you say that every time she's here." Topaz sighed in annoyance as she glared in Brunnhilde's direction.

"Right, well why don't you assist my champion against these intruders and I'll pay you afterward as always?" The Grandmaster offered as his eyes roamed toward Peter and Genie. "You can show me your latest merchandise then as well."

"Your name is Scrapper 142?" Peter asks teasingly, though he knew her real name all along. "That had to be rough growing up."

"..." Brunnhilde refused to correct the record as she gestured to the disk on her neck, surprising the Grandmaster.

"Huh? Wait... Are you the merchandise?" The Grandmaster realized as Topaz smirked beside him.

"How much for her? I'll give you a million credits." She offered as the thought of enslaving her long-time rival and enemy brightened Topaz's day.

Glaring in Topaz's direction, Brunnhilde hoped Peter wouldn't accept, as she would soon rather die than live a life at the whims of that jealous rotund hag.

"Not for sale." Peter turns her down in an instant.

"Then why are you here?" The Grandmasters asks.

"He's with us!" Tony shouts as he points to the giant two-faced monster across from him. "Are you going to help us with this or what?"

"Nah, you got it." Peter shakes his head as he looks around the room for a moment. "Hey, where's Gamora? You kidnapped her so she better be in one piece, or else I'll never hear the end of it."

Quill would not be happy to learn that the love of his life was hurt or killed because one of Peter's friends decided to kidnap her for a space adventure.

"Uhh..." Tony hummed as he looked around and didn't find her.

"I'm right here." Gamora revealed herself from behind a large pillar. "You sure took your time finding me."

"Well, I was busy." Peter shrugs uncaringly. "I poisoned your father by the way. He ran away like a little b*tch too."

Hearing his words, Gamora froze in place and just stared at Peter in shock.

"Y-You what!?" Gamora asks incredulously.

Of course, she would be happy if it was true, though it sounded so far-fetched that she couldn't bring herself to believe it was even possible.

"Oh, and Quill found out about his dad. Apparently, he's half ancient alien or something." Peter explained vaguely.

"Right..." Gamora found it all impossible to believe.

"Anyway, why don't you go and comfort him? He seemed down in the dumps the last time I saw him, so maybe a lover's reunion will cheer him up?" Peter says as he waves his hand.

"We are not-" Gamora tried to deny it as a golden portal opened below her feet. "-LOVERS!"

She yelled the last part in surprise as she fell through the portal and disappeared.

"?!" Those who have never seen Peter's portals watched in shock as Gamora was sent away in an instant.

"What was that?" The Grandmaster asks in interest.

"Nothing." Peter refused to answer as he turned to Brunnhilde. "Make yourself useful and kill the guy on the throne. And while you're doing that, Genie and I will check out the appetizers."

Since this was originally a party with Sakaar's upper echelon, the drinks and food were still out, so Peter walked over and started looking through them in interest.

"Oh, hors d'oeuvres!" Genie exclaimed excitedly as he rushed to follow after Peter.

"Hey! What about us?!" Pepper yelled incredulously. "We could use some help here."

"Meh, you guys can handle it."

A/N: 1537 words

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