I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 285: Vs Green Goblin

Chapter 285: Vs Green Goblin

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"Hahahaha!" A familiar manic laughter filled the night air.

{?} Andrew watched in confusion as Peter turned to find a green armored figure flying their way on a hoverboard.

"One more and I get my prize..." Peter says as the figure flew around for a moment before hovering a few meters away from him.

{Wait... That's...} Andrew couldn't believe his eyes.

"Hello, Harry." Peter greets the crazed Goblin-looking man.

"Spider-Man, do you see what you made me do?" Harry asks a bit frantically.

His hair was shorter and looked to be falling out, and although they could only see his face, his skin also had a green gaunt sick tone to it.

Not only that, but his eyes glowed a haunting green and his teeth appeared to be rotting in his mouth.

[Insert picture of Amazing Spider-Man Green Goblin here]

{What happened to him?!} Andrew asked in shock. {Green Goblin... You knew this would happen, didn't you?}

After all, he just saw Harry a couple of days ago and he looked perfectly healthy.

'Yes, though I arrived too late to stop him. Harry was desperate to not die like his father, so he did something rash...' Peter explains partially as he looks up at Harry. "You shouldn't blame others for your own mistakes, Harry. I didn't force you to do anything."

{I tried to protect him...}

"I tried to protect you." Peter repeats out loud.

"Look at me!" Harry screams in anger.

{It's going to be okay. Tell him it's going to be okay. I'll figure out how to fix this.} Andrew sounded heartbroken.

His friend was almost unrecognizable at this point.

"You don't give people hope." The Goblin looks at Peter in betrayal. "You take it away!"


'Look, I'm going to be real here.' Peter takes a moment to talk to Andrew. 'If I didn't show up for my mission, he would have killed Gwen. Now, I can capture him alive, but I'm telling you right now. He's a lost cause already.'

Based on movie and comic book logic, Peter knew that capturing Green Goblin would most likely result in him escaping, later on, to wreak havoc once again.

Especially since Peter wouldn't be able to stay and help out.

As soon as the trial is completed, he'll get ejected from the universe just like last time.

{Don't say that! Harry is my best friend...} He exclaimed sadly.

'Look, I know that you probably don't want to hear this, but I'll say it anyway. If you want to guarantee Gwen and Aunt May's safety, then leaving Harry alive would be a very big mistake.'

He was silent for a moment before responding.

{No, I'll fix him.} Andrew wouldn't take Peter's advice. {He hasn't done anything yet. Gwen is still alive. Capture him and I'll deal with everything afterward. Besides, this isn't your world, and nor is it your body. It's not up to you.}

'Are you sure?' Peter asks one final time. 'Since he's your friend, I'll do what you want...'

{Yeah, I'm sure.}

Hearing his counterparts answer, Peter shrugged as he turned his attention back to the giggling green maniac on a hoverboard.

"Look, I'm going to make this quick since you're a bit of a small fry." Peter says uncaringly.

Because compared to Electro, who was fairly overpowered and took some thinking to beat, Green Goblin wasn't much of an opponent.

At least for Peter.

If this was Andrew in the driver's seat, then maybe the fight would be a challenge, but sadly for Harry, that wasn't the case.

All he had was a minor increase in his physique from the venom he took, and a bit more added power from the exoskeleton armor that covered his entire body.

Other than that, he's nothing but a spoilt rich boy with power that he hasn't mastered yet.

"Hahahaha!" Harry began to laugh like a madman. "We'll see about that!"

As he finished speaking, the Goblin flew off into the distance, though Peter acted quickly and shot a web at his back.

"Where do you think you're you going?" Peter asked as he yanked the web back and pulled it over his head.

In an instant, The Green Goblin was pulled alongside his hoverboard and arched over Peter before slamming onto the concrete floor, creating a small crater from the impact.

{Hey! I said to capture him alive.} Andrew complained.

'Oh, shut up. He's fine.' Peter replied as Harry picked himself up.

Looking down at his broken hoverboard, the Green Goblin clicked his tongue in annoyance before setting his sights back on Peter.

"That board wasn't cheap, you know." Harry smirked as he reached over to his waist and pulled out multiple advanced-looking grenades. "Here, catch! Hahaha!"

Without a care for the surroundings, he started throwing grenades everywhere and laughing madly as he did so.

*Boom Boom Boom Boom...*

Peter merely backed up and watched as the power plant was being destroyed, shutting down the city's electricity for a second time that night.

{shouldn't you be stopping him?} Andrew asks worriedly.

'Why bother? It's not like there are any bystanders here. All of this can be rebuilt.' Peter didn't really care.

Since this isn't his universe, Peter won't be stuck with clean up duty, so why should he care as long as nobody is hurt?


After a minute or two of explosions, Harry ran out of firepower and stood in the center of the destroyed power plant with a grin on his face.

"Did I get him?" He muttered to himself.

"I think so." A voice answered from over his shoulder, almost whispering in his ear.

"!" The Green Goblin jumped in shock and turned around.


As soon as he caught sight of Peter standing behind him, a fist met his swiveling head, sending the Green villain crashing down to one knee.

"I'll give you chance to give up before I'm forced to beat you into unconsciousness." Peter offers kindly.

"Hehe, no thanks!" The Goblin chuckled as he sprung to his feet and swung at Peter.

"Sigh..." Peter let out an annoyed breath as he sidestepped Harry's pitiful excuse for a punch. "You have bad technique. You want to use your hips and lean in a bit when striking. Like this-"


Without holding back, Peter sent a heavy punch to Harry's jaw, as the rest of his body was currently protected by armor.

"See? Now you try..." Peter stood by and waited for his opponent to pick himself up off the floor.

This instructional sparring match continued, though only one side was really enjoying it...

"Hahaha!" Green Goblin continued to laugh as he took yet another blow to the face. "Is that all you got?"

Luckily, he has a small healing factor, which slowly started healing him up to fighting condition once again.

"Alright, I'm bored now." Peter muttered as he stomped on Harry's knee, sending him falling to the floor. "Goodnight."


Using all of the power in his current body, Peter grabbed his opponent's head and sent a fierce knee to his face which thankfully seemed to knock him unconscious.

'There, captured alive and well. Don't say I never did anything for you.' Peter says to his grateful counterpart.

Though before Andrew could speak his thanks, the sound of a speeding car could be heard in the distance.

Seconds later, a black sports car pulls up, and Gwen hops out with an angry glare.

"I can't believe you left me webbed up on a skyscraper!" She exclaimed furiously.

"Well, it was either that or find the nearest prison cell." Peter replies jokingly.

{Please don't start anything because I'm the one who has to finish it when you're gone...} Andrew begged in dread.

After all, he's the one that has to deal with Gwen's bad mood when Peter leaves.

"I-Is that Harry?!" Gwen asked in shock.

Just as she was freaking out about their friends odd appearance, Harry's body twitched as he leaped off of the ground and rushed in Gwen's direction.


Though just as he caught sight of Gwen, The Goblin seemed to freeze for a moment, giving Peter just enough time to act.

Shooting a web at his arm, Peter pulled Harry away from Gwen and kicked him upside head, knocking him out old for a second time.

'As I said, she won't be safe with him around...' Peter reiterates his point as a familiar text box appeared in his line of sight. 'But I'll leave it up to you.'

[2nd Trial: Save Gwen Stacy (Completed!)

Objective: Save Gwen Stacy from her tragic fate and defeat the two villains (2/2)

Reward: Perfect Evolution (Acquired!)

Limitations: Removed]

Seeing that his second and last trial was completed, Peter knew that his time in this universe was coming to an end.

'Well, it was nice meeting you, Peter Parker.' Peter says goodbye as his consciousness fades from his counterpart's body just in time for Gwen to rush into Andrew's arms.

'You too, Peter Parker...'


-Mirror Dimension-

"Huh?" Peter grunted as he returned to his body, which felt different than before...

"Congratulations!" Genie exclaimed as fireworks filled the sky. "You are one of the few to ever pass multiple trials at once! I knew you could do it."

A/N: 1545 words

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