I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 282: Channeling The Joker

Chapter 282: Channeling The Joker

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A/N: Longest chapter yet. I think.

Getting his bearings, Peter walked along the crowd and followed his alternative self.

'I need to find where the boss's office is...' Peter thought as he tried to keep Tobey(Other Peter) in sight.

The man who kills Uncle Ben will rob the boss of this WWE knockoff show, so he needs to find that office as quickly as possible.

'How the hell am I supposed to save Uncle Ben and teach Tobey a lesson at the same time?' Peter wondered as he used the skills he learned from Natasha to maneuver around the building.

Although he didn't have any of his powers anymore, Peter took good care of himself and went through training under the Black Widow herself, so this shouldn't be so bad.

'If the task was to beat some supervillain with the same limitations, then I would have a much harder time...' Peter thought as he snuck past security whilst keeping Tobey in view.

Luckily, this place wasn't some government facility, or else Peter would be having a much harder time dodging security.

Peter remembered Natasha's words as he casually walked past some security guards.

"Most people won't question you as long as you walk with purpose. It's the idiots that creep around that get caught. Move as if you belong and the likelihood of being stopped is extremely low."

'I'm really thankful for basic training right now.' Peter thought as he followed Tobey to an elevator. 'This has to be the elevator to the office...'

Peter watched as Tobey entered the elevator and headed downwards, not bothering to follow.

Though he did pay attention to which floor the elevator stopped.

'Thankfully he's new to his powers, or else I'd be caught by now.' Peter thought as a man walked past him and hit the button on the same elevator, waiting for it to return.

Watching the man closely, Peter could see the outline of a gun in his waistband.

'That's the guy who kills Uncle Ben...' Peter watched as he waited for the elevator, pondering how he should handle the situation.

What makes his job hard is the fact that he has to save Uncle Ben while still teaching his alternate self the same lesson.

'I can only think of one way, but I need to remember where Uncle Ben will be...' Peter thought as he tried to remember the movie.

"..." Time seemed to slow as Peter thought carefully. 'Tobey wanted to go to the fights in order to make some money off of his power, but Uncle Ben wanted to talk to him so he offered to drive. After a small spat in the car, which could be completely blamed on Tobey, Uncle Ben said he would pick him up at the same exact spot.'

The question was where did his alternative self lie about going to his Uncle?

'Wasn't it a library?' Peter thought as he suddenly recalled the scene in the movie. 'The Downtown Library.'

Uncle Ben would be waiting at the Downtown Library.

And thankfully, both Peter's are from New York City, so he knew exactly where the Downtown Library is.

'Hopefully, this universes New York City isn't too different from mine...' Peter thought as he waited for the elevator to open before following Uncle Ben's killer inside.

"Hey, Sorry." Peter apologizes as he stops the doors from closing and walks inside.

"..." The would-be thief and killer of a very beloved character merely stared at Peter in annoyance.

Hitting the button for the floor directly below, Peter leaned against the elevator wall as the doors closed, locking him inside with a crazed criminal.

"Hey, you got a lighter?" Peter asks as he steps closer to the man.

"Uhh, yeah..." He says as he reaches into his pocket.

Instantly, Peter launches forward and decked him across the face.

"Ugh!" The man grunted as his body slammed against the wall.

"Sorry about this..." Peter mutters as he grasps the man by the hair and smashes his skull against the nearest wall. "...but you technically deserve it."

Just as Uncle Bens would be killer dropped down to one knee, Peter reached by the mans waist and pulled out his pistol.

"It's not personal." Peter says as he rested the barrel against the guys head and pulled the trigger.

Some blood spattered on Peter but most of it, including some brain matter, sprayed onto the opposite wall.

"Well, maybe it is kind of personal?" Peter muttered as he stashed the gun in his waistband.

After all, he's Peter Parker as well, and seeing his Uncle die, even in movies, was something that needed to be avenged.

Peaking up at the camera in the corner of the elevator, Peter smiled and waved uncaringly.

'This isn't my universe, so it's not like it matters if anyone sees me.'

Quickly hiding the body on the next floor, Peter took the bag that the man had on him and followed Tobey down to the office floor.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." Peter thought as he exited the elevator and strolled up to the office.

Just as he was about to open the door, Peters alternate self pulled it open with a p*ssed off look in his eyes and a $100 bill in hand.

'I would be too if I was promised $3000 and only got a tiny fraction.' Peter thought as Tobey brushed past him.

"Hey, what the hell?" The boss shouted as Peter walked in uninvited.

On the desk in front of him was at least $20,000 in cash, making Peter wonder why this guy didn't just pay Tobey his money.

After all, he would probably return to fight again if the money was good, and having Spider-Man as one of your wrestlers would have easily filled seats.

"Put the money in the bag." Peter orders as he tosses the bag in the boss's face and pulls out his newfound gun. "And make it quick or I'll blow your brains out."

Outside of the office, Tobey stood by the elevator, listening to the man who just ripped him off get robbed and doing nothing about it.

Seconds later, Peter ran out of the office with a gun in one hand and a bag full of money in the other.

"Hey! He stole my money!" The boss yells from his office, alerting some nearby security guards.

Peter didn't bother with them as he ran towards Tobey and the elevator, and just like in the movie, his alternate self steps out of the way and allows him to pass without a problem.

"Stop that guy!" The security yells.

"Thanks for the assist." Peter makes it very clear that he helped him get away.

After all, he did call the elevator just in time for the escape.

"Stop him! He's got my money!" The boss yelled as the elevator closed and Peter disappeared.

"What the hell's the matter with you?" The security guard admonishes Tobey before turning around and rushing off. "I'll cut him off in the lobby and call the cops!"

As the security disappears, the boss comes walking over to Tobey with a frown on his face.

"You could've taken that guy apart. Now he's going to get away with my money." He didn't sound too pleased.

"I missed the part where that's my problem." Tobey stared him in the eye for a moment and then walked off.


As Peter rushed through the arena and made his wait outside, he was able to easily ditch the security guards.

Blending into the crowd of fans outside, Peter quickly figured out where he was and rushed toward the Downtown Library.

As he ran, Peter could hear sirens behind him, rushing to the arena, but thankfully he wasn't there anymore.

"Where is he?" Peter muttered as he arrived at the library.

Looking around, he spotted an old beat-up '73 Oldsmobile Delta 88, with an elderly silhouette in the drivers seat.

[Insert picture of Uncle Ben here]

'He has good taste in cars.' Peter thought as he stalked up to the car and entered the passenger seat.

"Peter, I'm sorry about before. I know-" Ben spoke before he knew who it was, only to find a stranger with a gun in his car.

"Hello, I'm Peter. It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry that it has to be under these circumstances." Peter greets the shocked old man kindly.

Well, as kindly as someone with a gun could be.

"W-What do you want? I don't have much money, but you can take it all. Just don't shoot, alright?" Ben spoke nervously.

"Sorry, I'm not here for money. Do you have paper and a pen?" Peter asks, confusing the poor old man even more.

"Y-Yeah, in the glove box." Ben shakily points it out.

"Thank you." Peter nods as he pulls out a notepad and pen.

Whilst keeping the gun trained on Ben, Peter quickly wrote a long note and handed it to him.

"What's this?" Ben asks warily.

"Don't read it yet. That's for you and your nephew. Please put it in your pocket and read it with him once I'm gone." Peter says as Ben looks down at the paper curiously before stashing it in his pocket.

"Why are you doing this?" Ben asks in confusion.

"The gun in my hand may make my answer unbelievable, but I'm here to save your life." Peter says as he looks through the rearview mirror, waiting for Tobey's arrival.

"You're right, I don't believe you." Ben guessed that Peter was some sort of serial killer.

"That's okay." Peter says as he looks over at Ben for a moment. "You know, I never met my Uncle Ben, so this is a weird experience for me. May rarely ever talks about him..."

"?" If Ben wasn't confused before, then now he definitely was. "What did you say your name was again?"

"Peter." He replied simply.

"Alright, so why do you need to save my life?" Ben asks out of curiosity.

"Well, technically I already saved your life." Peter says as he gesture to his gun. "This gun belonged to the man that would have killed you tonight."

"Where is he?" Ben asks.

"Dead in a bathroom stall about 3 miles that way." Peter points backward.

"You killed him?" Ben asks in fearful realization.

"Yup, oops. I probably shouldn't have said that." Peter says as he looks over at Ben's horrified face. "You're all about pacifism, aren't you? With great power, comes great responsibility, right?"

"How do you-"

"Oh, Action is coming." Peter mutters as he caught sight of Tobey in the distance.

Acting quickly, he hops over to the backseat and waits.

"Uncle Ben, I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have said-" Tobey apologizes as he sat in the passenger seat, though he froze when his spider senses started tingling out of nowhere.

Turning to the side, he found his scared uncle with a gun at the back of his head and a very familiar man in the back seat.

'Thanks for the assist.' Peter's earlier words rang out in Tobey's mind.

"Hello, it's nice to see you again." Peter smiles and waves with his free hand. "Thanks for the help earlier."

Ben looked at his nephew in confusion, wondering what Peter meant by that.

"I-I..." Tobey was lost for words.

"As thanks for helping me, I decided to give you a gift." Peter's smile turns a bit manic as he prods the gun forward against Ben's head. 'Channel the joker. I'm the joker. Why so serious?! Do you want to know how I got these scars?'

"Wait stop!" Tobey begged.

"But before we get to the gift, we need to listen to Uncle Ben's important lesson about power and responsibility." Peter says as he turns to Ben expectantly. "Say it."

"Umm..." He froze on the spot.

"Just do what he says." Tobey says worriedly as he eyes Peter with a deadly glare.

"With great power, comes great responsibility?" Ben says unsurely.

"See, this is why we need to listen to our elders. They're so insightful." Peter nodded as he looked his alternate self in the eyes. "Anyway, here's your gift."

Tobey watched in slow motion as Peter's finger squeezed the trigger, yet he could do nothing about it.

Not only was he new to his powers, but he had no experience in situations like this.

He's just a high school kid...

And just as he and Ben were waiting for the ear-piercing bang, which thankfully never came...

*Click* Peter pulled the trigger, but nothing happened.

"Just kidding." Peter says he pulled out the mag and showed that it was empty. "It was never loaded."

"?!" Tobey seemed to freeze for a moment as he wound back his hand, ready to pinch Peter square in the jaw.

Though before he could do so, another text box appeared in front of Peter, though only he could see it.

[1st Trial: Save Uncle Ben (Completed)

Objective: Save Ben Parker from his sad fate while still showing your alternate self the error of his ways (2/2)

Reward: Infinite Potential (Acquired)

Limitations: (Removed)]

"Oh, looks like my time is done here." Peter says cryptically as he ignores his counterpart in favor of Uncle Ben. "Don't forget my note and once again, I'm sorry about this, though you may be thanking me later on. That is if we ever meet again..."

As he finished speaking, Peter's figure began to fade, until he completely disappeared, though his alternate self still swung.

This universes Peter broke the backseat in half with a single punch, missing his target completely and shocking his uncle.

"What the hell was that?" Tobey muttered as he turned to his uncle, forgetting that he just revealed his strength.

"..." Ben stayed silent as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a letter... "Holy sh*t."

A/N: 2305 words

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