I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 250: Star Boy

Chapter 250: Star Boy

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Once Peter got home after dropping Tony off with Pepper, he found the place completely empty.

Lily and MJ were at school and May was at work, Leaving him all alone for the time being.

"I need a shower and a long nap..." Peter muttered as he turned on the shower.


Once he was clean and comfortable in bed, Peter was about to fall asleep when he caught a glimpse of his Ghost laptop sitting on his desk.

'...' Peter tried to ignore it, but his curiosity far outweighed his tired body.

Pulling the laptop over with a quick web shot, Peter opened it up and got to work.

The complete contents of Zola's database were downloaded and locked behind a million failsafes, just in case the Nazi Scientist had a backup plan to escape death once again.

Due to the fact that accessing the downloaded data may set off a trap laid by Zola, Peter started working on a way to scan through it and find any red flags.

Like a supercharged virus scanner, which could then be used to remove and delete any found 'virus'.

"This is going to take a while..." Peter muttered as he whipped out his phone and ordered some food.

After all, he hasn't eaten in a while either.


By the time Lily and MJ got home, Peter was still crafting his ultimate virus detection program, though he decided to take a break when he heard them talking downstairs.

"Mom, I want sushi..." Lily whined as she held her growling stomach.

"Didn't you eat lunch at school?" MJ asks as they both flop down on the couch together.

"No, school lunch is disgusting." Lily said as she stuck her tongue out. "Today was hotdogs and I swear they make them with some type of rubber. This one girl dropped hers and it bounced four feet off of the ground."

"Four feet?" Peter asked incredulously as he walked down the steps. "Ned and I set a record of 3 and a half feet when we were in middle school."

"Dad!" Lily leaped out of her seat and rushed over to hug Peter. "You're back."

"Sorry, it took so long." Peter says as he wraps her in his arms. "It was a lot more work than I thought it would be."

"Is my mom still in danger?' MJ asks worriedly.

"She shouldn't be, but maybe it would be best if she moved in with us." Peter offers, knowing it would be much safer at his house. "At least for the time being."

"Okay, I'll text her." MJ nods in agreement and takes out her phone.

"Grandma is moving in with us?!" Lily practically squealed. "I'll go get her room ready!"

Without another word, Lily rushed passed Peter and up the stairs to prepare everything.


After portaling Grace over as well as some of her belongings, Peter spent a bit of time with his family before heading back to his room, where he would continue working on the super virus detection and deletions program.

'I need to come up with a better name for it.' Peter thought as he typed away in bed.

While working into the night, Peter felt a pulse of magic run through his body, signaling him to a certain event taking place...

'I might as well have a look.' Peter thought as he opened a portal and stepped through, leaving his sleeping girlfriend behind.


Whilst Peter was working in his bedroom, another Peter in a metal mask with glowing red eyes trudged through the hellish planet of Morag, dodging gushing geysers that shot out chemical waters.

[Insert picture of masked Star Lord here]

Taking out a handheld device from his pocket, the man in the mask hit it against his palm a few times before it lit up, projecting a holographic image of what Morag once looked like.

Adults rushed around, children played, large buildings created an alien-like skyline, and greenery was mixed in at every possible location, showing a healthy and thriving society.

Comparing it to the watery wasteland that it is today was like night and day, making anyone wonder what could have happened to cause such a catastrophic change.

Following the holograms, the masked man arrived at a crumbling temple, ravaged by the harsh waters of the toxic planet.

Stepping into the temple, the man pressed a button on the side of his mask, which caused it to collapse backward and disappear, revealing his face.

[Insert picture of Chris Pratt here]

After admiring the temple ruins for a moment, the man pulls out an old cassette player from Earth.

Donning his headphones, the odd yet handsome man pressed play on the cassette player and started dancing his way through the temple, as if he were in some sort of musical.

"... Come and get your love... Come and get your love... Come and get your love..." He sang loudly and out of tune as he made his way to a broken doorway in the back of the temple.

Eyeing the destroyed door for a moment, the man shrugged and continue dancing his way inside, where he found a vault with a single pillar in the center of the room.

In the middle of the pillar was a glowing forcefield-like cage, which held a metal ball about the size of a softball.

Pulling a white glowing orb from his pocket, the man places it on the floor in order to light up the room, revealing the odd alien symbols that covered the vaults walls.

"Found you..." He muttered as he removed his headphones and got to work.

Placing a triangular device close to the central pillar, he watched as the metal ball was sucked out of the forcefield and magnetized to the device.

Picking up the freed ball with ease, the man turns to find a group of heavily armed Chitauri soldiers blocking his exit.

"Oh, sh*t!" He exclaims as he throws his hands in the air. "Let's all just calm down, okay? I'm Peter Quill. Just your average junker."

The only reply he received was some bug-like clicking sounds as well as an angry shriek from the monster-looking leader of the group.

"Oh, hang on. I have a translator here somewhere..." Quill reaches into his pocket, but he soon learned that, that was a horrible idea.


Instantly, the Chitauri soldiers released a high pitch scream and fired their weapons.

"F*ck!" Quill blurts out as he dropped to the ground, letting the energy bolts fly past him and into the wall, knocking it down and revealing the harsh wasteland outside.

Tapping a button behind his ear, Quill's mask reforms, and his boots light up, shooting him across the floor and out of the destroyed wall.

'There he goes.' Peter watched in amusement as Star-Lord flew out of the temple and ran for his life with the empty Orb in hand.

Of course, he doesn't know that it's empty.

No one does except for him and the Ancient One.

Following the Chitauri soldiers, who chased Quill all the way back to his ship, Peter enjoyed the show as an unseen voyeur.

'It was smart of me to place that notification and tracking enchantments on the orb.' Peter thought as he felt excited about meeting the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Especially, Groot and Rocket.

'Maybe I should become a member of the Guardians?' Peter thought as he smirked under his mask. 'After all, with Ronan dead Thanos will probably send out one of his best enforcers to acquire the Orb...'

The Guardians will most likely need all the help they can get...

Although Seeing Quill run around like a madman with hundreds of Chitauri chasing after him was entertaining, Peter started to wonder whether he would have to come to his rescue or not.

'Are these guys stormtroopers?' Peter wondered, as not a single energy bolt has managed to so much as graze Quills clothing.

Soon enough, the great Star Lord escaped into his ship and flew off, leaving the Chitauri behind as he blasted off.

As the ship flew away, Peter ignored the remaining Chitauri and opened a portal.


*Heavy Breathing*

Peter Quill caught his breath as he sat on the floor of his ship, processing the entire ordeal that he just went through.

"That was impressive." An unfamiliar voice filled the ship. "Sloppy but impressive."

"What the-" Quill yelled in surprise as he scrambled to a nearby table and picked up a blaster pistol. "Where are you..."

The great Star Lord spun around, looking for whoever stowed away on his ship, but found nothing but open air.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot that I was invisible." The voice says again as a man in a blue and red spider costume appears out of nowhere.

"How did you do that?" Quill asks in shock as he keeps a distance and points his pistol toward the intruder.

"Magic." Peter says as he always does. "I'm Spider-Man by the way. Nice to meet you."

A/N: 1507 words



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