I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 247: Zola

Chapter 247: Zola

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After helping Fury's team with their meta-human problem, Peter received a bunch of other calls, informing him of similar situations for the other teams as well.

Of course, the other groups were able to handle their problems alone, so Peter only had to portal the beaten Hydra Metas into their new cells.

Once everyone was finished with their work, Peter counted exactly 9 Hydra Metas, who were now permanent residents of the Avenger Tower detainment floor.

Some had great powers, like the metal guy who had Superman laser beam eyes, and others were a bit of a letdown, to say the least.

Like one man, who had the power to fart a deadly toxic gas...

'The X-Gene is truly random...' Peter thought as he remembered the looks on Storms face when he arrived to portal the guy away.

Luckily, Peter wasn't there to witness the fight, but Storm described it well enough.

"We walked in and this pervert pulled down his pants, turned around, and..." Peter couldn't hold back his laughter as he heard what happened.

The poor guy got the worst roll imaginable when it came to superpowers. He couldn't even attack with his clothes on and face his enemies head on.

'Unlucky...' Peter thought with a shake of his head.


With every base captured, Peter brought all of the teams together so that they could organize how to deal with the huge number of prisoners.

"Everyone go and take a 30-minute break, while we talk." Peter shooed the lower ranks away, leaving only his fellow council members, Steve, and Peggy behind.

"Sir, the media is in a frenzy with the barriers appearing all around the world, and the president has called multiple times, asking if the Avengers are involved." Jarvis spoke up as the room emptied.

"You couldn't have made the barriers invisible?" Tony turns to Peter and asks.

"No, it would have complicated the spell even more than it already was." Peter answers with a shrug as he whips out his phone. "I'll text Barrack and let him know it's us."

"What about the media, sir?" Jarvis asks as the TV on the wall brightens, revealing an image of a building surrounded by a golden barrier.

Thankfully, Jarvis muted it so they didn't have to listen to news casters argue over whether this was the work of aliens or some crazy phenomenon that couldn't be explained.

"I'll tweet-" Peter stopped speaking as he saw the reply he got from the president. "Forget it, Barrack said he would hold a state of address and explain that it's us. Let's just let him handle it."

Throughout his time as an Avenger, building this place from the ground up, Peter has learned the ebbs and flows of the political world.

The president would stand to gain a lot of backing if he is the one to explain what's going on, as it would show that he has a good grip on the situation as well as a working relationship with the Avengers.

And lucky for him, Peter has a good opinion of Barrack, or else he would simply write a tweet and be done with it.

Of course, most people in the room understood this and agreed with his decision.

It's best to keep the politicians and world leaders happy. At least, for now.

"There are a lot of prisoners and not enough cells." Charles changes the subject as he knew this would be a headache.

"Yes, which is why we should start screening each person, so the real Shield Agents can assist us." Peter says, receiving nods of agreement all around.

"How though?" Tony asks as he flops down into a seat. "We can't just read their minds and..."

Instantly, all eyes turned to Charles, who shook his head instantly.

"No, I don't like invading people's privacy, Nazis or not." Charles vehemently declined.

"We aren't asking you to mind r*pe them." Peter says, both happy and annoyed at Xavier's answer.

On one hand, if he was more willing, then this entire situation would be sorted in a day or two.

On the other hand, thankfully, Charles isn't a mind r*pist, who would break anyone's trust and privacy at the drop of a hat.

'Either way, my mind has been protected for a while now...' Peter thought in relief, though he suddenly remembered something. 'MJ doesn't have her mind protected and she's met Charles a few times already...'

Although Peter didn't think that Professor Xavier read her mind, he now has to fortify the mind of everyone who knows his real identity...

'I should have done this earlier...' Peter reprimanded himself.

Saving these thoughts for later, Peter finished speaking.

"We'll bring them into a room one by one and ask if they're Hydra, and all that you have to do is skim their surface thought to see if they're lying about their answer." Peter explains, hoping to sway him into accepting the plan.


The whole room descended into discussion and sometimes arguments, as everyone spoke their part, adding ideas and disagreements.

Though when it was all said and done, Peter's plan rose to the top as the clear winner.

The Professor didn't look very happy with his part in this, but in the end, he reluctantly agreed to do the job.

Soon enough, everyone returned from their short break and was ready to get back to work.

"Alright, here's what's happening..." Peter explained the plan to everyone who wasn't there for its formation. "Since we only have one mind reading Professor, we'll have to go through each captured base one by one."

With the plan explained, Peter opened a portal and sent them on their way.

"Tony stay behind." Peter calls out, stopping his friend from following the group.

"You two aren't coming?" Steve asks as he and Peggy hang back.

"No, we have a Nazi computer to shut down." Peter shook his head.

"You're going after Zola?" Peggy asks.

"Yup, as the oldest living member of Hydra, I thought it best to ask if he knows who ordered the deaths of Tony's parents." Peter revealed his plans.

Upon hearing this, Tony, who was originally reluctant to lag behind, was instantly on board with Peter's idea.

"Let us come with you." Steve says as he points at the open portal behind him. "Besides, they have more than enough man power to go around."

"Fine, but there probably won't be much fighting..." Peter agrees with a shrug as he closed one portal and opened another.


Stewing in his terminal command center from the 1970s, Armin Zola was currently confused beyond belief.

[Insert picture of Armin Zola's Computer body/room here]

Hours ago, a golden barrier covered the entirety of Camp Lehigh, which included the room which houses this machinery, which in turn houses the brilliant mind of Nazi scientist Armin Zola.

In the early '70s, Zola received a terminal diagnosis.

Realizing that he didn't have much time left to live, Zola concluded that science couldn't save his body's dying body but it could save his mind, literally.

Without wasting time, Zola got to work constructing a supercomputer, dubbed his greatest masterpiece, to synthesize and emulate his own brain through one hundred billion neurons that he re-created and replicated with microprocessors of his design.

All of this left him trapped in the basement of the main building of Camp Lehigh, a former United States Army base, which was later turned into Shield's first base of operations.

Of course, as the barrier appeared around his home, Zola sent many of his flesh-bodied lackeys to collect data on the odd occurrence, finding the whole phenomenon both intriguing and worrisome.

'Someone wants me trapped in here...' He thought as he order his men to use everything they could to break the barrier so that he could send out a distress signal.


As the hours passed, Zola became even more fearful.

No amount of force, finesse, or firepower worked against the indomitable forcefield.

Just as the last lackey left after giving him another disappointing status update, Zola watched in realization as a golden portal opened appeared in the center of his room.

'Yes, the colors do match...' Zola thought as he stared at the golden portal through the many cameras in the room. "Spider-Man, I should have known that it was you."

Zola welcomed Peter as he stepped into the room, followed by Steve, Peggy, and Tony.

"Yup, we decided that Shield needed some cleaning up and you're last on the list." Peter says as the portal closed behind him.

"Zola, is that really you?" Steve asks as he remembered the man from his fight against Hydra during the war.

"Oh, if it isn't the star-spangled man with a plan." Zola says with a cybernetic laugh. "You haven't aged a single day, have you? Incredible."

"And you're looking very... computery?" Steve replied as he stared into the monitor, which showed a black and green face that looked slightly like the original Zola.

"Truly a master of the English language." Zola says with a laugh. "Have you seen Bucky yet?"

Instantly, the mood changed as Steve's face hardened into a glare.

"If I'm the last stop, then you must have found him." Zola speaks as if he were gleefully poking a bear with a stick. "I put in a lot of work to mold him into the man he is today. Countless days went into programming Sergeant Barnes into a good little boy. In the beginning, he begged and pleaded for you to come save him, but you never showed up."

Just as Steve was about to lose his mind and start breaking things, the image of Zola's face turned to Tony.

"Speaking of, how have you been Mr. Stark?" Zola sounded very amused with himself as he spoke. "Losing your parents so early must have been hard. Sadly, they met an unfortunate accident, didn't they?"

"Okay, let's calm down for a second..." Peter could see what Zola was doing and tried to put a stop to it but...

"You..." Tony uttered in furious anger as his Iron Man suit formed along his body in an instant.

"Oh, sh*t..."

A/N: 1701 words


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