I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 242: Stark Deaths

Chapter 242: Stark Deaths

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After almost an hour of talking to Bucky, who didn't seem to recognize his own name, let alone his best friend who was almost like a brother to him, Peggy dragged Steve away from the cell.

"I'm not done..." Steve complained as he was pulled into the elevator.

"He won't remember this way." Peggy takes hold of Steve's head and looks him in the eyes. "We need to fix whatever Hydra did to him first."

"How are we supposed to do that?" Steve asks as he truly had no idea what to do.

"I don't know, but Spider-Man probably does."


After sending Tony somewhere nice to spend the night, so that he could hopefully clear his mind, Peter returned home to get some sleep.

But sadly, the sleep would never come.

"You told some crazy gunman to shoot my mother?!" MJ yelled through the phone.

'I shouldn't have answered the phone...' Peter thought as he lay in bed while getting an earful from his beautiful yet angry girlfriend.

MJ isn't someone who's easily angered, though when she does get angry, which is extremely rare, it takes a while for her to cool down.

By the time Peter got off the phone, the sun had risen and it was almost time to start the Hydra cleaning operation.

"I'll sleep when I'm dead..." Peter thought as he hopped out of bed and got ready for the day ahead.


Arriving at the Tower in his suit, Peter first opened a portal that deposited a sleeping Tony Stark into his office.

"Huh?!" Tony jolted awake as the chair he was strapped to hit the ground with a loud thud. "What the..."

"Good morning, sunshine." Peter says with a smirk under his mask.

"F*ck you..." Tony curses as he groggily stares at Peter.

"Should I send you back to time out?" Peter asks pointedly.

"..." Tony keeps his mouth shut though his glare intensifies.

"Have you calmed down enough to talk?" Peter asks as he takes a seat in front of him. "Because we're taking down Hydra today and I thought you'd want a shot at the real people responsible for your parent's deaths."


Silence filled the room as Tony seemed to contemplate within himself.

"Fine, he wasn't in control." Tony grudgingly admits. "But I don't want to see him anywhere near me or Pepper."

"Hmm, I actually believe you this time." Peter says as he snaps his fingers.

Instantly, the chair and the restraints disappear and Tony is released.

"So, who gave him the order?" Tony asks as he stretches his stiff limbs.

"I don't know yet, but we'll find out." Peter says reassuringly.

"When we do, leave them to me." Tony says dangerously as he heads for the door, but stops to turn back before leaving. "One more thing."

"Yeah?" Peter nods.

"I want the video that Fury talked about." Tony demands.

Of course, he means the surveillance footage of his parents' deaths.

"Are you sure?" Peter asks reluctantly. "It's hard to watch..."

"Yes." Tony nods with a determined look in his eyes.

"Okay, give me a second." Peter says as he starts typing away on his PC.


Tapping into the Shield database with the many backdoors that he's crafted throughout the years, Peter quickly found the surveillance footage in question.

"Come here." Peter says as he puts the video in full screen and hits play.

Together, Peter and Tony watch as a car crashes into a telephone pole and a man that looked a lot like Howard Stark tumbled out of the drivers seat.

He looked badly hurt as he crawled in the dirt, as if he were deliriously running from something chasing him.

Meanwhile, through the passenger side window of the car, the figure of a woman could be seen breathing heavily and holding her head in pain.

Seconds later, a man on a motorcycle appeared wearing the same mask that Bucky wore last night.

At first, it looked like he might be there to help, but that idea was completely thrown away when he grabbed Tony's dad by the hair and lifted him up.

After staring him straight in the eyes for a few seconds, Bucky winds back his free arm and starts bashing Howard's head in with a single fist.

Thanks to his super strength, it only took a few hits for Howard's head skull cave in.

Although Howard wasn't dead yet, Bucky knew he would die soon enough, so he dragged him by his hair and placed him in the driver seat, where limply he fell onto the steering wheel and lay unmoving.

Once the first target was taken care of, like an uncaring robot, The Winter Soldier walked around to the passenger side of the car and reached his hand inside of the window.

The view from the security camera wasn't the greatest, but they could see enough to know what was happening.

Bucky wrapped his metal hand around Tony's mother's neck and squeezed, slowly choking her to death without an ounce of remorse.

Tears fell from Tony's eyes as he watched his mother flail around, grasping at Bucky's natal arm to set her free.

Sadly, she would died scared and confused.

After both Starks were dead, Bucky searched the car, grabbed something from the backseat, and left as if nothing happened.

"I still can't kill him?" Tony asks as his hands grip into tight fists.

"Think of him as a brainless robot, Tony." Peter tried to reason with his very distraught friend. "Someone programmed him to do that, and when we find them, I'll gladly help you torture them to death."

"Call me when we start." Tony nods as he heads for the door. "I'll be in my workshop."


Almost an hour after Tony was released, Peter called in every member of the Avengers.

It was finally time to take down Hydra.


Of course, whenever you call a meeting with so many people, it always takes time for all of them to arrive.

A lot of them show up on time, but theirs always a few stragglers in every organization.

Though surprisingly, Tony showed up only a minute after the message was sent, showing how serious he was about Hydra and avenging his parents.


Soon enough, one of the main meeting halls was filled with people, who were all wondering what the hell was going on.

"Alright, listen up!" Peter yelled as he gave a quick explanation of what the mission was. "Once the buildings are locked down, all of you will split up into teams and I will portal you inside each base one by one. Remember to only kill if necessary. I don't want any Innocent Shield Agents getting killed by mistake. Any questions?"

"How do we tell Shield and Hydra Agents apart?" Nightcrawler asks.

"You don't." Peter shakes his head. "Capture them all. Anyone else?"


"Alright, everyone suit up and get your weapons. We'll get everything started while your gone." Peter says as everyone rushes to get ready, leaving only the Avengers Council members behind.

"I'm ready when you are." Fury says as he pulls out his phone.

"Hang on, let me just see where they are" Peter says as he closes his eyes, feeling the tracking spells he placed a couple of days ago. "Okay, I got it."

With a wave of his hand, six golden portals opened on the ceiling and some very familiar people fell from each of them.

[Insert pictures of all six members of the World Security Council here.]

"Ahh!" They all exclaimed as the ground opened up under their feet.

As the six of them hit the hard floor, the six portals snapped shut as swiftly as possible.

"Call it in." Peter says as Fury hits a button on his phone and holds it to his ear.

"What the hell is going-" A woman in a blue suit asks as she picks herself up off the ground, though she soon found that her voice was taken away from her.

Peter merely waved in their direction and all six of them suddenly found it impossible to utter a single word.

"Shhh..." Peter shushed them as he pointed to Fury.

"This is Director Fury. Authorization Alpha-17025621-Beta4." Fury says as he puts the phone on speaker.

"Authorization confirmed." A woman on the other end replied. "How can I help you, Director?"

"Initiate Alert Level Five and call in all agents." Fury orders as he turns to look at their six new guests. "The World Security Council is missing and believed to be captured."

As he said this, each member of the World Security Council looked between one another in both confusion and fright.

"Y-Yes, sir..." The woman on the other end answered in shock. "Initiating Alert Level Five. Please give me the authorization code."

"Tartarus-116832902-A." Fury answers with ease.

"A-Authorization confirmed..." She stutters as she didn't expect this to actually happen.

"Good, I'll relay more orders soon, but for now I want every agent called into work. We need all the help we can get." Fury says as he hangs up the phone.

"How long should I wait?" Peter asks as he ignores the captives in the room.

"Give it about half an hour and lock everything down. We'll start cleaning house after that."

A/N: 1551 words


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