I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 190: Granny’s

Chapter 190: Granny’s

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After the incident in the Extremis holding cells, Tony locked himself away in his workshop, unwilling to talk to anyone.

At first, Peter was both confused and worried for his friend, but after speaking to Jarvis, he understood what was going on.

Watching a man kill himself in real-time while pretty much blaming you for it can certainly take a toll.

When watching the security footage, Peter was just glad that the cell held back the explosion, or else Tony probably wouldn't be here right now.

'Was he trying to kill Tony, or just off himself?' Peter questioned as he sent out a text.

Not knowing how to handle this, as Tony wasn't responding to him, Peter called over Pepper, who would hopefully be able to help.

That's usually how these sorts of situations get resolved in the movies anyway. The hero gets thrown an emotional curveball and in comes the love interest, who snaps him out of his depression or whatever.

Once Pepper arrived, Peter portal'd her into Tony's lab, as he wouldn't let anyone in the normal way, and left to clean up the scene of the crime.

'Thankfully, Extremis explosions don't leave behind any body parts or blood...' Peter thought as he used the Mystic Arts to fix the damaged prison cell back up to working order.


Seeing as MJ was still out on her mission with Steve and his team, and Tony was locked in his workshop, getting a pep talk from Pepper, Peter decided to call it a day and go home.

Of course, he visited Lily before leaving.

She received another batch of homework as well as some cartoons as payment, which she could watch upon completion.

'Being a father isn't as hard as I thought it would be.' Peter thought as he portal'd to his bedroom.

Though Lily has a few restrictions and perks that make being her parent rather easy. She can't leave the penthouse, doesn't need any food or water, and was pre-programmed to be rather obedient to Peter.

If every human child operated like Lily, then the world would be twice as populated.

As Peter switched to his normal clothes and went downstairs to make some food, he ran into an odd situation.

Sitting in the living room, May and Grace locked eyes with Peter, as if they were waiting for his arrival.

"Are we having some sort of intervention? What's with the weird looks?" Peter asks as he keeps his distance from the two of them.

"Is it true?" May asks with a pointed stare.

"Is what true?" Peter asks, finding this whole interaction unsettling.

"You know what!" Grace yells as if she was blaming him for something.

"I really don't..." Peter says with a raised brow.

"..." May and Grace turn to one another and have some sort of silent exchange.

"Did she not tell him?" May asks and Grace simply shrugs unknowingly.

"Can someone just say what's going on before I use magic to force it out of you?" Peter raised his hand and conjured a spell circle.

It was nothing special. Just a spell that would shoot a line of water at them like a water gun, though they didn't know that.

Peter was fed up with not knowing, and they were taking too long to get to the point.

"Well..." May says as she turns to Grace.

"MJ is pregnant!" Grace exclaims as she stands from the couch.


Silence fills the house for a moment, as the two women stare at Peter, looking for any sort of reaction to the big news.

Though, the reaction they received wasn't exactly expected.

Suddenly, Peter burst out laughing, which surprised the two of them, as they expected either happiness or panic from him.

"Yeah, right... Pregnant." Peter spoke sarcastically as he slowly stopped laughing.

"?" May and Grace both looked at him in confusion.

"Peter, this isn't a joke." May says seriously as Grace nods alongside her.

"Yes, It is." Peter as he wipes some tears from his eyes. "I don't know why you think this, but MJ isn't pregnant."

"She said so herself." Grace says as if that would make Peter believe.

"I doubt that." Peter says with a shake of his head.

Neither woman knew what to say anymore, as they looked between one another, hoping the other could convince him.

"I don't think you two understand." Peter says as he conjures a different spell circle and showed it to them. "MJ literally can't be pregnant because I gave her a magical contraceptive."

Even if MJ cheated on him, which she would never do, as she's a loyal woman, and could never do, as the spell he placed on her would do some pretty horrible things to anyone that tried anything sexual, It was still impossible for MJ to be pregnant.

"But, she asked about being a mother and..." Instantly, Grace realized that MJ didn't actually admit to being pregnant.

'Asked about being a mother?' Peter repeated her words in his head. "I think this may be my fault..."

Hearing Peter's admittance, both women turned to him questioningly.

"Why?" May asked.

"Because I showed her something that I created in secret and made her promise not to tell anyone. She couldn't correct your misconception, since that would be breaking her promise." Peter explains his best guess. 'I didn't think that whole 'Mommy' thing would cause all of this...'

Thinking back to earlier when he saw MJ off on her mission, Peter wondered why she didn't say anything about this, but then he remembered the odd smile she gave him.

'Is this her revenge?' Peter thought.

"Then why would she ask about being a mother?" Grace asks confusedly.

'Should I just show them?' Peter thought with a tired sigh. "Well..."


Although Peter wanted to keep Lily a secret for a while longer, that didn't seem to be possible, so he explained everything to the two grandmothers.

"You made a child?!" Grace asks in shock.

"I have a granddaughter?" May asks as a fond smile slowly crept its way onto her face.

"Her name is Lily Parker." Peter reveals, though he leaves out her middle name. "She's an AI, but Lily is alive just like any other human being."

"Can I meet her?" May asks as Grace starts putting the pieces together.

"Sure, but remember to be nice and treat her like any other child." Peter says deathly serious. "Early development is crucial for both AI and children."


Arriving in his penthouse alongside May and Grace, who now fully understood the mix-up, Peter was greeted by his confused daughter.

"Daddy?" Lily asks as she could see Peter come into the frame of the webcam. "Why are you back? I'm not done with my homework yet..."

"Well, I brought some guests." Peter says as May and Grace walk up behind him. "Lily, meet your grandmothers."


After a bit of an awkward meeting, Grace and May started spoiling Lily. At first, they fawned over her like any other cute child, but then they started using Peter to help gain some brownie points.

"Peter, get us some Disney movies." May practically ordered. "I want to watch a movie with my granddaughter."

"But, I didn't finish my homework yet..." Lily stated like the good and dutiful child she is.

"Don't worry about that." May says with a wave of her hand. "This is a special occasion, right Peter?"

"Sure..." Peter reluctantly gave in.

"Yay!" Lily squealed in excitement.

"But once the movie is over, it's back to homework." Peter says strictly.

"Yes, sir!" May salutes jokingly, eliciting a laugh from her new grandchild.


Once they arrived back home, May and Grace couldn't keep the smiles from their faces.

They loved the new addition to the family and were excited to learn about Peter's plans to make Lily a body.

As they stepped into the living room, Grace's phone, which suddenly got a signal again, started going off like crazy.

"Oh god..." Grace says as she saw who it was.

"What?" Peter asks in confusion.

"Umm..." Grace hums as she looks between her blaring phone and Peter with a worried expression. "I-I thought MJ was pregnant..."

"Right, we've already been over this." Peter says with a nod.

"And I may have told her father..." Grace says as she shows her phone, revealing the name Nick Watson on all of her missed calls and texts. "He must have just listened to the voicemail that I left last night."

Before Peter could say another word, the sound of loud banging came from the front door.

"Is that?" May asks dreadfully.

"YOU DUMB MOTHERF*CKER!" A familiar loud and angry voice projects from the door. "GET YOUR A#S OUT HERE!"

A/N: 1457 words :)


[🌹Roses are red.🌺Violets are violet. Hand over my💎stones💎before I get🔪violent🔫]

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