I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 186: Mommy & Daddy

Chapter 186: Mommy & Daddy

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After another day of placing all sorts of enchantments on the room for protection, as well as the whole rig for power and cooling, Peter was finally able to start up his own personal AI.

Plugging his ghost laptop into an interface terminal computer that connected to the whole setup, Peter transferred over everything in the 'BetterJarvis' folder and got to work.

Within minutes, Peter got everything sorted as his cursor hovered over a button titled run.

'Here goes nothing...' Peter thought nervously as he clicked the mouse.

Instantly, the room filled with a humming noise, as every piece of machinery came to life, booting up for the first time.

Peter leaned back in his chair as a window appeared on the monitor in front of him, showing a progress bar filling slowly.

"This may take longer than I originally thought." Peter muttered as he saw the bar filling at a snail's pace. 'Might as well get some food.'

Opening a portal, Peter stepped through, peaking back for only a moment to make sure that the room's protections were active, before closing the portal and swinging off.


Outside one of New York's best Chinese restaurants, Peter stepped out with a bag full of food and a cold soda in hand.

Of course, he wasn't in his spider suit at the moment.

Based on how long it was taking his AI to form, Peter knew he had some time, so he found a good place to eat and watched the people pass by as he dug into his white rice and sesame chicken.

While stuffing his face, Peter heard some banging from his left and turned only to find a car speeding by with two men leaning out of the back windows, shooting pistols backward toward whoever was chasing them.

"Can I just get a moment of peace?" Peter asked with a tired sigh.

Just as he was about to set down his food and deal with the passing criminals, a slim dark figure swung into view, dodging bullets and shooting webs in retaliation between swings.


'MJ can handle it...' Peter thought lazily as he casually continued eating.

Meanwhile, everyone else was screaming and trying to find cover from the gunfire.

Suddenly, a couple of MJ's webs hit the wheel wells of the speeding car, which caused the tires to lock up.

Although the car was coming to a stop, it hit a curb in the process and flipped, rolling over the sidewalk. Straight in Peter's direction.

Though he didn't have to move, as seconds later MJ dropped down between him and the car, stopping its acceleration with an outstretched hand.

"Are you okay?" Silk asks as she turns to see her boyfriend seated there with a smirk on his face. "Peter?"

"Yo." Peter said as he pointed at the car behind her. "You may want to handle that."

Turning back around, MJ saw one of the criminals crawling out of the car. He was just about to raise his gun in her direction as well.

With a flick of her wrist, MJ shot a web and snatched the gun from his hand, before swinging it around and nailing him square in the face with it.

Unloading the gun and throwing it aside, MJ grabs all of the men from the car and ties them up for the cops, who would be arriving soon based on the sirens.

"Thanks for saving me, Silk." Peter gives her a playful wink. "I'm a huge fan."

"Shut up." MJ says in embarrassment. "What are you doing here?"

Thankfully, no one was around to hear their conversation.

"Just got some food." Peter says as he motions to his chinese food.

Looking over her shoulder, MJ saw a bunch of police cars pour into the area.

"Wait here, I'll be back." She says and swings off just in time for the cops to roll in with guns in hand.

"On the ground now!" A few of them yell as they circle Peter, though most of them go to secure the webbed-up criminals first and check the car.

"Hey, I was just eating here." Peter says as he holds up his hands.


After about ten minutes of dealing with the police, who asked just about every question possible, Peter walked off with his now cold food.

'Maybe I should get some more?' He thought as he caught sight of someone familiar leaning against a wall a few meters away.

"Hey, sorry about that." MJ apologizes as she watched him dealing with the police from a distance.

"No problem." Peter says as he tosses his cold food in a nearby trashcan. "Want to get some food?"

"Sure, but I pick the place." MJ says as she walks over and grabs Peter's hand, dragging him wherever she wanted.


After eating with MJ, Peter had to go and check on his AI, but MJ wasn't exactly happy about that.

"Come on, let's go home..." MJ leans forward and whispers into Peter's ear.

Instantly, Peter's eyes go wide as his eyebrows shoot upwards.

"I would love that more than anything." Peter says as he felt his mouth water, though his tone soon turns to disappointment. "Trust me, but I need to check on an important project that I've been working on."

"What project?" She asks as the sexual tension completely disappears.

"Well, I can show you but don't touch anything or tell anyone, okay?" Peter says, as he didn't mind MJ knowing.

She wouldn't reveal anything and wasn't like Tony, who would want to mess around with his baby.

Receiving a nod, Peter found a good spot to open a portal and took MJ to his modified penthouse.


"Are we in the tower?" MJ asks as she saw the view from the floor-to-ceiling windows. "Should we put on our suits?"

"No, this room is completely separate from the whole tower and Jarvis." Peter taps the wall, revealing the golden runs that were hidden only a moment ago. "There isn't even WIFI in here."

"Okay, why?" MJ asks but before he could answer, the terminal started to beep.

Turning to the screen, Peter and MJ saw a full progress bar alongside an alert that said complete.

"What's that?" MJ asks but once again Peter was interrupted.

"H-Hello..." The childlike voice of a little girl suddenly fills the room. "Is... Is anyone there?"

She sounded like a kid that got lost in the grocery store, looking for her parents. As if she were scared and on the verge of crying at any moment.

"Yes, I'm here." Peter answers as he rushes back to the terminal and takes a seat in front of the webcam, closer to the microphone. "Hello."

Peter waves hello at the webcam with a warm smile on his face.

"I'm Peter." He says, not knowing what else to say at the moment.

"A-Are you my daddy?" She stutters nervously.

"What?!" MJ exclaims in shock.

"Well, sort of." Peter says with a smile as he ignores MJ for the time being. "I did create you, so I can be your father if you want? I wouldn't mind having a daughter."

The early stages of a living being's life are it's most crucial for development, and his AI was, in fact, a living being. He would need to nurture her just like any other child, or else she could become mentally insane.

This is why he even separated the room from any internet or cellular connection. The early development of his AI was far too important to be infected by the overwhelming tsunami that is the internet.

Otherwise, his AI daughter would most likely go crazy, like Ultron.

"O-Okay..." She answers nervously, though she sounded happy nonetheless. "Why can't I move?"

"Well, you're a living Artificial Intelligence that I created with technology, so you aren't exactly human like me." Peter knew this would confuse her, but needed to be truthful to form a good relationship.

"I don't understand, Daddy..." She answers in confusion.

"That's fine." Peter said understandingly. "You don't have to understand right now."

"O-Okay." She says.

Peter could picture a little kid nodding her head with a cute confused look on her pudgy face.

"Though you will be able to move soon enough." Peter says with an excited smile. "I just need some time to make you a body."

"I would like that." She answers, finding her current situation somehow uncomfortable.

"I will speed up my work then." Peter nods into the camera.

"You created a daughter?!" MJ finally processed everything that just happened.

"Who's that, Daddy?" Peter's AI's daughter asks as she could only see him in the camera.

"That's your Mommy."

A/N: 1451 words


[Or I'll kill🔪the new daughter... 😂hehehahaHAHA🤣... cough... Okay, maybe not. I don't have the heart to do such a vile act😓]

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