I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly

Chapter 111: Mythical Transformation (1)

Chapter 111: Mythical Transformation (1)

Chapter 111: Mythical Transformation (1)

Translator: 549690339

Seeing this system notification, Zhu Wuyang couldn’t help but fly into a rage.

Masons built shelters for all living beings, chefs prepared food for intelligent life to avoid hunger and thirst, teachers taught and educated people all over the world … How were these occupations low level?

Compared to the professions of teachers and chefs, the profession of blacksmiths seemed to be a little lower, at least in the eyes of most people.

However, why was it that even the blacksmith profession could be recognized by the special encounter system, but the teacher and chef sub-professions could not be recognized by the special encounter system?

Zhu Wuwan was also a little confused. Could it be that the profession of a teacher was not considered a real secondary profession? After all, many people who had nothing special could become teachers, just like many private kindergarten on Earth.

As for chefs, could it be that they overlapped with alchemy? After all, many of the medicinal dishes cooked by chefs were low-level versions of alchemy.

Zhu Wuwan was also unsure. After all, the Special Encounter System had already notified him three times, and there were no more notifications.

However, even though she failed consecutively, Zhu Wuwan did not give up. She continued to master more sub-occupations, wanting to see which sub-occupations could be recognized by the special encounter system so that Zhu Wuwan would have more freedom to break through.

” Congratulations to the host for mastering the Peerless Beast Taming Classic for the first time in your life. You have obtained 5,000,000 breakthrough points. Due to the importance of strength, 50% of the breakthrough points will be used to increase the host’s strength! ”

” Congratulations to the host for becoming an apprentice beast tamer for the first time in his life. You have received 10,000,000 breakthrough points. Due to the importance of strength, 50% of the breakthrough points will be automatically used to increase the host’s strength! ”

The Beast Taming Technique had also been recognized by the Special Encounter System, which increased the number of Free Breakthrough Points Zhu Wuwan obtained by another 10%.

From now on, in the process of obtaining breakthrough points, only 50% of the breakthrough points would be forcefully poured into Zhu Wuwan’s body to increase her strength. The other 50% of the breakthrough points could be freely distributed by Zhu Wuwan.

Originally, Zhu Wuyang wanted to continue trying. Unfortunately, because of this wave of attempts, Zhu Wuyang had obtained too many breakthrough points. Under the forced infusion of the special encounter system, his strength was already close to the limit of the Inborn Realm.

In the lower dantian, the inner essence of the vast sea with a radius of nearly a hundred miles surged and roared continuously. It could erupt with terrifying power at any time. The entire lower dantian was almost completely filled.

In the nine great chakra meridians, the surging inner essence of the vast sea was also flowing endlessly, forming rivers that were about to fill the nine great immortal meridians.

Under the nourishment of such vigorous and pure inner essence of the Vast Sea, all parts of Zhu Wuwan’s body were also improving at an astonishing speed, getting closer and closer to the limit.

If he didn’t think of a way to solve it, when Zhu Wuwan’s strength reached the limit of the Innate Realm, all the breakthrough points he obtained would be wasted. This was what Zhu Wuwan didn’t want to see.

Therefore, he could only pause his attempts at subclasses and solve this problem first.

After some consideration, Zhu Wuwan decided to improve the Immensity Sea Original Codex first and comprehend the method to crystalize the inner essence of the Immensity Sea. This way, he would be able to store dozens of times more innate inner essence.

When he was flipping through the books on the third level of the Imperial Library, Zhu Wuwan had comprehended and integrated all the methods and techniques that were beneficial to the crystallization of the innate inner Yuan. At this moment, what he needed to do was to integrate them into the Vast Sea Origin Codex, so that the Vast Sea Origin Codex could reach a higher level and have the effect of crystallization.

Zhu Wanwan sat cross-legged in the secret cultivation room. The contents of the Vast Sea Source Scripture and the secrets of the Innate Crystallization of

Essence described in some peerless ancient books kept appearing in his mind. At the same time, he also used this to create new ideas and comprehend more Crystallization Techniques.

There was no content about the crystallization of the essence in the Eternal Sea in the Eternal Sea Source Code. Even in many peerless ancient books and mythological books, there were very few that described the method of the crystallization of the innate inner essence.

After all, the Innate Crystallization of Inner Yuan was too difficult and dangerous. If one was not careful, it could cause the Innate Inner Yuan to go berserk. The danger was not proportional to the reward.

Unless it was a peerless expert who wanted to enter the path through martial arts, ordinary peak Xiantian experts would not even consider the problem of Xiantian inner Yuan crystallization.

However, it was very difficult to obtain the method of entering the path through martial arts, so very few peerless experts would consider the problem of the crystallization of innate internal essence. In fact, most peerless experts did not even know that innate internal essence could also be crystallized.

Zhu Wanhao had read more than three thousand books in the royal library, and more than a thousand of them were top-notch and peerless books. In the end, there were less than ten books that described the method of crystallization. One could imagine how rare they were.

If not for this, Zhu Wuwan would not have wanted to comprehend the corresponding crystallization method by himself. It was true that among the few crystallization methods that Zhu Wuwan had found, they were either not suitable for him or were too rough, making it difficult for the Immensity Sea’s internal essence to successfully crystalize.

Fortunately, Zhu Wanhao was born with a divine nature and was extremely perceptive. Even without these crystallization techniques as a reference, he was still able to forcefully comprehend the corresponding crystallization techniques.

Moreover, with several crystallization techniques as a reference, it was even easier for Zhu Wuwan to comprehend and fuse them.

Zhu Wuyang had also memorized many ancient books. Although these ancient books did not have any descriptions of the Crystallization Technique, they could still play a role in comprehending it by analogy, further reducing the difficulty of Zhu Wuyang’s comprehension of the Crystallization Technique.

The contents of the Crystallization Technique and the Vast Sea Essence Canon flashed in his mind like a lantern. All kinds of inspirations bloomed like stars, interweaving in these memories, causing Zhu Wuyang to quickly immerse herself in them.

The crystallization method of the Eternal Sea Inner Essence had already taken shape.

Zhu Wuwan continued to perfect and improve the prototype. The Eternal Sea Essence Opus, which had already reached the Mythical stage, improved further in the process of Zhu Wuwan’s improvement, and its power became more and more vast.

At the same time, the originally extremely vigorous and pure inner essence of the Vast Sea in Zhu Wuan’s body changed. It became stronger and purer bit by bit.

At some point, the Vast Sea Inner Essence in Zhu Wuan’s lower dantian had already reached the limit of a hundred miles. His nine major chakra meridians were also filled with Vast Sea Inner Essence.

There was no way to increase it, no way to increase it!

The Immensity Sea Inner Essence in Zhu Wuan’s body was so pure that it had already surpassed any peerless expert in the Jiu Zhao Nation. In other words, there was no peerless expert in the Jiu Zhao Nation whose innate inner essence could catch up to Zhu Wuan’s.

Putting aside the secret martial arts techniques that he had mastered, just by relying on the most fundamental innate inner essence, Zhu Wuyang was already invincible in the innate stage.

The spiritual light in his mind was like the blooming of stars. In this dazzling starlight, the Vast Sea Origin Opus was still constantly improving and transforming.

Zhu Wuyang was already immersed in it, completely unaware of where he was..

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