I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 571 - Instant Noodles

Chapter 571 - Instant Noodles

Jack stood unsteadily. His eyes continued to stare at Anne who was currently receiving intensive examination by Doctor Philips.

A few moments ago when Jack returned to the room to wake Anne up, he was shocked when he touched Anne's body. Jack finally realized that Anne was sick. Without waiting long, he then called one of his private doctors in Switzerland. Due to the distance between the hospital and Jack's Mansion, he finally ordered Erick to pick up the doctor using a helicopter which was always on standby on the helipad. Within 15 minutes, Doctor Philips had arrived in his room with his doctor's bag.

"Mrs. Anne just has a fever from exhaustion, sir. All she needs right now is medication and adequate rest. She doesn't need IVs or intensive care at home ..."

"You are paid to be my personal doctor, Philips. Not to be an advisor, do it. Don't give me orders if you still want to be my personal doctor." Cut Jack with an intimidating glare at Doctor Philips.

Doctor Philips, who was already familiar with Jack's character, finally did not argue anymore. He did as Jack requested to put an IV in Anne's body. As long as Doctor Philips worked, Jack didn't take his eyes off Anne. Her pale face made Jack's heart slice. He regretted having spoken harshly to Anne a moment ago.

After two minutes, Doctor Philips finally finished inserting the IV needle into Anne's hand. It was not without reason that Jack forced Doctor Philips to put an IV in Anne. She had not eaten since this morning. In fact, last night she only ate a piece of croissant just before going to bed after their hot romance. And in the morning Anne only drank a glass of milk before she finally fell back asleep after Jack attacked her again and again. That was why Jack was so worried. Jack knew Anne had not eaten anything. He didn't want Anne to get sick. At least with an IV, Anne's condition would get better.

When Doctor Philips examined Anne, Christian was removed from the room. Jack didn't want his son to know that his mother was sick. That was why Christian was currently being watched closely by the maids in his room with the nanny who was brought from Aberdeen, Scotland.

When Doctor Philips left with his two assistants, only then did Jack approach Anne and sit on the edge of the bed. Jack's hand then moved to touch Anne's forehead to check her temperature.

"Why do you have to be sick like this? You made me feel guilty, baby. In fact, I was the one who wanted to be angry with you for slapping me so hard earlier," Jack said softly. His eyes were staring sadly at Anne, who still had her eyes closed.

Slowly, Jack laid down beside Anne. He hugged her tightly in his arms. It was really painful for Jack to see Anne was so helpless like this. He felt like he wanted to exchange the pain that had plagued Anne for him. Jack then closed his eyes with his head that he had buried in the crook of Anne's neck, he repeatedly breathed into Anne's neck but Anne did not respond at all and it made Jack sad. Usually Anne really doesn't like Jack doing that and would definitely get angry, but at this moment Anne didn't respond to anything Jack did.

"Go to sleep, I'll be with you tonight. Tomorrow morning when we wake up, you should be fine. I don't want to know, you have to answer to me for the slap you did earlier, babe," whispered Jack softly in a hoarse voice.

And Anne who was still unconscious as if she could hear Jack's words, she frowned and mumbled softly. This then made Jack smile faintly, Jack decided to sleep following Anne into dreamland and hoped that tomorrow morning when they woke up Anne would actually be healthy. Jack prefers Anne who is fierce to him than Anne who is weak and helpless like now.


It was almost morning when Anne woke up. Thirst had awoken her up from her sleep. Anne also felt uncomfortable with the biting sensation on her hand, so she woke up and was quite surprised to see that the IV needle that was attached to her body was already red. Because the IV fluid had run out, the blood entered the tube and made her feel pain.

Anne's moaning voice managed to make Jack realize. He immediately woke up and immediately tried to help Anne remove the IV needle that was attached to her hand after contacting Doctor Philips find out how to remove the IV needle.

"Where are you going?" asked Jack curtly when he saw Anne trying to remove the blanket that covered her.

Anne looked at Jack who was walking closer. "I need to pee."

"Oh okay."

A second later, Jack immediately grabbed Anne's body and carried her to the bathroom. As before, Jack had refused to leave the bathroom when Anne emptied her bladder. Jack didn't want to walk away from Anne.

After Anne threw the tissue in the trash, Jack finally picked her up and brought her back to the room. He threw the underwear that Anne had previously used into the dirty clothes bin and was currently forcing Anne to wear her underwear.

"I can do it myself, Jack."

"Hush... it's almost done, don't make noise."

"You're exaggerating, I'm okay Jack. Don't treat me like a sick person." Anne again tried to refuse Jack's help, even though now Jack had managed to put her underwear on.

Jack, who was kneeling in front of Anne, slowly got up and stood in front of his wife. He then smoothed Anne's messy hair

"You are indeed sick, princess. Who said you were healthy?"

Anne took a deep breath. "I am hungry."

Anne tried to divert the conversation. She didn't want to talk about how she got an IV in her hand when she felt fine.

Jack's eyes lit up. "Are you hungry?"

Anne nodded her head slowly in response to Jack's question.

"Okay, I'll ask the maid to prepare..."

"No, it's four in the morning. I don't want you to disturb the sleeping maids. I want you to prepare the food for me." Anne immediately cut off Jack's words quickly.

"Those maids are indeed hired to do all the tasks I give them, including the task of preparing food for us at any time. So it's fine if I wake them right now, Anne."

Anne glared at Jack. "I just want to eat instant noodles, so I don't need a maid to make it, because you can make it yourself."

"What? Instant noodles? No...you're not allowed to eat unhealthy, unhygienic, vitamin-free food like that. You're only allowed to eat healthy food prepared by the best nutritionists I've hired, so get rid of that random food from your brain."

Anne scratched her head that didn't itch. Her husband was really exaggerating and what did he just say? Instant noodles are random food? Oh, wait and see!

To be continued

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