I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 566 - Billboard?

Chapter 566 - Billboard?

Anne awoke from her long slumber when she smelled the scent of mint mixed with musk. Her consciousness becoming clearer when she felt that she was leaning against something softer than the chair she was sitting in.

And, geez! Anne finally realized that she was currently leaning on Jack's body.


"Already awoke?" Jack immediately asked Anne a question with a perfect smile.

Anne immediately sat up straight, Anne reflexively wiped her lips, making sure no saliva came out. "Why don't you sit in your own seat? Why..."

Anne was silent. She finally realized that she was no longer on the plane. The interior of the room she was currently in was different from the plane she had previously boarded.

"Welcome to our home."

Jack's soft voice made Anne finally realize that she had arrived at her destination, Switzerland. Jackson Knight Clarke's main house.

"Why so fast? Didn't we just go up to..."

"You've been sleeping for more than 8 hours, princess."

Anne opened her mouth wide. She couldn't believe she had slept that long. Because she felt like she had just lay down in a comfortable chair on the plane, yes, that comfortable seat was what finally made Anne fall fast asleep.

Jack chuckled softly and the next second, to Anne's surprise, he landed a passionate kiss, just like last night. Luckily, Anne was still conscious enough to stop Jack from going any further, especially now that she finally realized she was in a Limousine, where Erick and Nicholas, who each sat next to Christian, looking at them curiously.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked innocently.

Anne, who was annoyed with Jack, then gave her signature move: a deadly pinch that she launched into the thigh, which suddenly made Jack scream in pain.


"First, we were in the car; secondly, there's your son watching us. Do you want to ruin his pure mind, huh?"

"Is it wrong if I give you a kiss? After all, we are husband and wife, and for Christian, I think it doesn't matter if he sees his parents making out..."

"Erick, Nicholas, didn't you see your two assistants, Jack?" Anne, who was already annoyed, cut off Jack's words quickly.

Jack immediately turned his head, staring at Erick and Nicholas, who had been sitting in perfect, expressionless postures. "Tell me, what did you see?"

"I see nothing, sir." Erick answered quickly.

"So am I, sir." Not wanting to lose, Nicholas immediately replied to Erick's words.

Anne shook her head slowly. She was now starting to realize that she was the only crazy person in this car, except for Christian, who still didn't know anything. Anne was completely driven mad by the three men who were around her. Jack smiled with satisfaction when he heard the words of his two subordinates. He looked very happy to be able to tease his wife who looked very upset.

The stressful journey was finally over when they arrived at a large Victorian house with towering gates, the gates of which opened automatically when they arrived. From inside the car, Anne could see the surroundings, including a large fountain in the middle of the garden with statues of two mermaids holding shells.

"This is your house?" Anne asked quietly without realizing it, but her voice sounded a little shaky.

Jack, who had just grabbed Christian, whose eyes were already very droopy, smiled faintly. "Our house, to be exact. You're the mistress of this house, baby."

Anne swallowed her saliva. She couldn't believe she would see a house so big. Anne thought that Grandpa David's mansion was the biggest and grandest she would ever see, but now, in fact, Jack took her to a house that was more fitting to be called a palace. Erick and Nicholas got out of the car first. They immediately opened the car door wide to give way to Jack, who was carrying Christian, so he could get out of the car safely. When Jack got out of the car, Anne got out of the car. Her voice was choked when she saw firsthand how big and majestic Jack's house was.

"I totally renovated this house in about two years."

Anne turned to Jack. "Renovated for two years?"

"Yeah, I spent my time remodeling this house while I was looking for you these past two years."

Anne's head lowered slowly. She didn't expect that her departure had such a big effect on Jack.

"But it looks like all my efforts have paid off, now that you two are back. Come on, come on in, Christian doesn't seem comfortable sleeping in this position."

Anne nodded her head. She then walked after Jack who looked very happy because he managed to bring home his son who he had been looking for for the last three years. The maids, who wore white and black uniforms, were lining up while bowing their heads, welcoming the arrival of the master with his wife. None of the maids dared to look up before Anne passed. Although they had not met Anne in person, but they all knew who the mistress of the house where they were working was at this time.

"Welcome, Mrs. Clarke." About twenty maids immediately greeted Anne.

Anne, who was just about to walk past the maids, immediately stopped her steps. She was confused as to why the people could recognize her even though she clearly had not formally introduced herself.

Seeing her confusion, Eric smiled. "Come in,? Madam, all the answers to your questions are already inside."

"Inside the house?" Anne repeated Erick's words.

"That's right, Madam."

Without waiting long, Anne then quickly walked into the house and almost screamed when she just stepped into the main door.

"Jesus, what is this," said Anne quietly.

Anne's eyes immediately opened wide as she looked at the photo of herself that was hung on the wall, the photo which came from the arrangement of four Videotron screens had 30 seconds to display one photo before finally changing to another. On average, the photos displayed on the Videotron were photos from when they were still studying at UAL. In the photos, Anne looked very cheerful, always smiling, full of enthusiasm and very beautiful with her adorable natural look. Even though her age was not as young as in the photo, Anne was much more beautiful with her maturity.

Seeing Erick and Nicholas enter Anne's house, she immediately turned to her husband's assistants. "What does this mean?"

"Videotron, Madam."

"I know it's a Videotron. What I mean is, why would someone install a videotron in a house like this? Is this really a museum? Or is it a shopping center so a videotron of this size is installed?"

Erick and Nicholas looked at each other for a while, before finally Erick stepped back towards Anne.

"It's Master's idea, Madam. So don't ask either of us."


To be continued

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