I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 502 - Second Change

Chapter 502 - Second Change

Jack suddenly sat on the floor as his head hurt so much on all sides, and it made Anne panicked. Because she didn't want to see her husband in pain, she then contacted the bodyguards who were guarding outside the church. After receiving Anne's call, eight men dressed in black went straight into the church and immediately helped the master who was holding his head. Six of the eight men acted quickly and immediately took their master into the car, leaving Anne who was still sitting on her knees with tears welled up as she watched her husband being taken away.

Anne slowly turned her body to face the altar, still kneeling on the floor. She lowered her head and touched her forehead, lips, and chest with her thumb as she made a cross. "Lord, only to You I ask for all blessings and protection. If what I have just done is wrong, then please correct it, but if what I am doing is right, please help me by healing my husband. Help him remember himself again, help my husband knows who he really is, God."

Anne's prayer was heard clearly by the two bodyguards who were still waiting for her, the two men could only be silent when Anne prayed. Finally, they asked Anne to go because at the moment, Alan had been taken to the nearest hospital in York Minster to get first aid. With limp steps, Anne stared at the first car that took her husband to the hospital.

"Please, Madam," said a friendly bodyguard asking Anne to get into the car.

"Thank you," answered Anne hoarsely.

After Anne sat down and fastened her seatbelt, the two bodyguards immediately rushed into the car and followed the first car to the hospital.

Anne did not take her eyes off of the car carrying Jack. Her mouth did not stop saying a prayer for God's help. After driving for almost 20 minutes, the two luxury cars arrived at a hospital. Several nurses immediately approached the first car and gave assistance to Jack quickly. Jack was immediately put into a cot to be taken to the emergency room, while Anne followed behind him.

"Don't tell Grandpa yet, I don't want Grandpa or Luis to know. I don't want to worry Grandpa," said Anne quietly, asking her bodyguards not to keep her husband's condition a secret for a while.

"Yes, Madam, we understand."

"Thank you," replied Anne again, wiping the tears that were still falling.

After Jack entered the emergency room, Anne sat in a comfortable chair at the front of the room. Some of his bodyguards seemed to be registering at the reception so that Jack could get maximum service.

Twenty minutes passed and several nurses and doctors finally came out of the emergency room. One of the doctors immediately approached Anne.

"Excuse me, Madam, may I know what is your relationship with the patient?"

"I'm his wife, Doc," answered Anne quickly.

"Oh okay. Can we talk for a minute, Madam?"

"Of course, Doc, of course you can!!"

The doctor smiled at Anne's words. "Okay, come with me. Don't worry, there are still two nurses taking care of your husband inside."

Anne, who was initially hesitant, finally followed the doctor's steps. The doctor took Anne to her practice room, the bodyguards who had been standing up for a while immediately added to their guard when they saw the madam left with the doctor.

"Right now your husband isn't conscious, but he's fine. All his vital organs are good and there's nothing to worry about, so you don't have to worry too much, Madam. What you're doing right now is enough..."

"His brain, did his brain hurt again? Is the surgery he's had two years ago is okay, Doc? Is he going to experience anything worse than now?" Anne immediately bombarded the doctor with several questions at once.

The middle-aged female doctor smiled. "Everything is fine, we have done a thorough examination and there is nothing to harm your husband, Madam. Even the surgical wound you mentioned is alright. Maybe he fainted because he was too tired. So you can calm down, Madam, because your calmness is much needed right now."

Anne fiddled with her fingers on her thighs. She looked very nervous. Even though she had heard the explanation from the doctor who had examined Jack, Anne was still not satisfied. "My husband had an accident two years ago, Doc. He fell in the cold sea which caused him to almost lost his life. He even had to have surgery on his head due to a blunt object and not only that, he was almost brain dead. His brain could barely function until he finally received brain stimulation from his dead twin brother's memory. It managed to make his brain work again. It is strange indeed, but that's what happened, and now my husband lives with his twin brother's identity and memory. What I want to ask is, is there a chance for my husband to remember himself again, Doc?"

The female doctor in front of Anne was surprised. She was silent for a long time and asked Anne to repeat her words slowly. After Anne recounted Jack's condition in details, the doctor suddenly hugged Anne tightly to provide support.

"Madam, do you know what a second chance God has given you?" asked the doctor gently, stroking Anne's hair.

"I do believe, Doc, that God has power over that," said Anne quietly, looking at the female doctor sitting beside her.

"That's what is currently happening to your husband, since he was in his mother's womb, things like this have been recorded in the course of his life. To have an accident at sea, helped by his own family which he never imagined before, and even had to use the identity of his twin brother at the moment, all of that has been recorded in his life journey, including to have a great wife like you. Therefore, you have to be patient. Not everyone can get an opportunity like this, Madam, this is a miracle that cannot be explained by human logic. I am also very sure at that time the doctors, too, would not think that your husband could be saved in that way, so don't regret it, Madam. Believe me, there is great happiness that will awaits both of you. Not everyone can pass a test of this magnitude. I myself certainly will not be able to. Therefore, trust your husband, for sure, that he will heal and if he hasn't returned to his true self I hope you will stay patient. Maybe God is still letting your husband finish the task that his twin brother hasn't had time to finish," said the doctor gently trying to calm Anne.

"But I'm getting tired, Doc, I'm afraid I can't last much longer," answered Anne honestly.

The female doctor named Kristen wiped the tears from Anne's eyes that rolled down her face. "You are the chosen woman, your life is full of blessings. You were chosen by God to pass all His tests that were not given to others, I'm sure you can pass all of this. Because believe me, God will not test his child, who believes in Him, beyond the ability, I believe you are able to get through all of this, Madam."

Anne again shed tears. She then grabbed the doctor and hugged her tightly. "I miss my husband, Doc, miss his former self. I'm afraid it's a sin to always mention his real name when I'm with him."

Doctor Kristen smiled. "No, Madam, love knows who owns it. You are innocent, you are a wonderful woman. I am grateful to have met you, you were definitely stronger, Madam.

"Hopefully I'll be strong, Doc," said Anne softly, tightening her arms on Doctor Kristen's body.

To be continued

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