I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 408 - Pieces Of Memory

Chapter 408 - Pieces Of Memory

When lunch arrived, only Alan and Nicholas went to the restaurant, while Anne, who said she wasn't hungry, chose to stay in the room under the full supervision of the bodyguards guarding the door on Alan's orders.

Because what had happened in the bathroom earlier bothered him so much, Alan finally told Nicholas about it.

"Church? All I know is that since you recovered from the car accident 2 years ago, you have never been to church to attend anyone's wedding, sir. The first party you attended after the accident two years ago was Mr. Brandon Rex's wedding and that was it.? And it was held at his house, not at the church, sir," Nicholas said quietly commenting on Alan's vision.

"Really? I think so too, then what about the previous years, Nick?" asked Alan again.

"You are not one of the people who love going to church, sir, especially for a wedding. So it's impossible to say you've been to church in the past," Nicholas answered quickly.

Alan placed his fork on the plate and stared at Nicholas without blinking.. "What things have I forgotten, Nick?"

"Many things, sir, especially when you just woke up from the coma after that terrible accident," Nicholas replied again.

"Is that true?"

Nicholas took a deep breath. He then told what Alan experienced when he first woke up from the coma after the accident 2 years ago. While Nicholas was talking, Alan didn't take his eyes off his right hand at all.

"At that time, I even felt you were like another person when you just woke up from the coma, sir, you really don't remember anything we've been through together. But finally, little by little, your memory comes back, after you underwent several therapies with doctors under the leadership of Dr. Leo," Nicholas said quietly, ending his story.

"Yes, you're right. I remember that I used to come to the hospital regularly to undergo therapy with Doctor Leo. It's just that what makes me confused is why sometimes I feel like I remember events that I don't even know, and to be honest, I'm very confused, Nick. For example, my dream about a girl crying by the river, every time I wake up from that dream, I always feel sad, even though I feel like I've never been to the river or have seen that girl. But after I got to know Anne, I never have that dream again, Nick. It's strange, isn't it?" said Alan quietly.

Nicholas smiled at the master's words. He then grabbed the napkin on the table and wiped his lips slowly. "That means the presence of Madam completes you, sir, hehe."



"I'm serious, asshole!!" Alan snarled in annoyance as he threw a punch at Nicholas' sturdy arm.

"It hurts, sir," said Nicholas, laughing widely.

"Don't say that. That would be an embarrassment to the muscles in your body!!" said Alan curtly.

Nicholas laughed out loud at his master's question, while Alan was still thinking about bits and pieces of events that had appeared in his memory several times. For some reason, he felt that he had been in the church that appeared in his dream, but he could not remember what he was doing in that church or where it was located. Thinking about it really confused him that his appetite disappeared instantly, whereas previously he was very hungry. When Alan decided to return to his room, he was surprised by the arrival of Anne and her bodyguards to the restaurant.

Anne wore black trousers with a white t-shirt top plus a thick jacket with knee-length boots.

"What happens?" asked Alan quickly, trying to cover up his surprise at Anne's appearance.

"I'm bored in my room, I want to go out," answered Anne quickly.

"No, you're not allowed to do that, Anne. Our purpose here is to..."

"You mean making babies?" Anne immediately cut Alan's words without shame.

Nicholas, who was enjoying his crab soup, choked when he heard Anne's words. Luckily, he managed to regain control by drinking water.

"Not only that, our goal in Norway is to get closer to each other. So you're not allowed out of the hotel without my consent," Alan answered quickly. His cheeks were burning hot as he spoke. He didn't expect that Anne could speak so blunt like that.

"But I'm bored in the room, Alan!!" said Anne back.

"Then let's go out together," said Alan suddenly.

"D-do you want to come along?" asked Anne stuttering. The plan she had made would be ruined if Alan came along.

"Yes, you're my wife and I won't let my wife walk out there alone. Especially now that we're in a foreign country, I don't want anything bad to happen to you," Alan replied firmly.

Anne looked at Alan with a hateful look. She wanted to punch him in the face right now. However, because she had a big plan, she finally restrained herself from exploding right now.

"So, are we going or not?" asked Alan back.

"But I won't go alone, I'm going with some of the main bodyguards so..."

"Either you go with me or you don't go at all," Alan said quickly cutting Anne's words.

"Fuck...! You monster, Tyrex, Thanos, Dementors, you suck!!!!" Anne cursed Alan in her heart as her patience was really being tested by Alan's causative nature.

Alan's eyebrows knit together when he saw Anne suddenly silent. He was confused why his wife was suddenly silent like that.

"Anne ..."

"Y-yes, I'll go with you!!" Anne replied half screaming in panic.

"Okay, then wait for me here. I will get ready, and as long as I go up to the room, don't do anything, Anne," said Alan again threateningly.

"I know. After all, how can I possibly do things? Your men are always sticking with me," said Anne curtly, glancing at the four big men who had been following her for a while.

Alan smiled at Anne's words. He did not comment on his wife's words because what she said was quite reasonable. Pulling up Nicholas, who was still enjoying his lunch, Alan went up to his room to prepare himself to go out with his wife. Alan felt glad that she was willing to talk to him that much. Even though he was still very angry, Alan was happy. At least, Anne wanted to interact with him. Having prepared everything well, it didn't take long for Alan to change into warmer clothes. In line with his wife, Alan also wore a fairly thick jacket and boots. When he came out of the room Nicholas was waiting for him at the door.

"Are you sure you want to go for a walk in this cold weather, sir?" Nicholas asked Alan as they got into the elevator.

"Of course, what's the matter? Is something wrong?" asked Alan.

"As far as I know, you never like cold weather like this, sir, especially with the snow. But why are you so excited right now when Madam ...."

"Well that's the difference, Nick, because this time it was Anne who asked me to go. If it wasn't for her, how could I be walking around in the snow like that?" Alan interrupted Nicholas' words quickly with a big smile on his face.

"Yeah but..."

Nicholas couldn't finish his sentence because Alan immediately got out of the elevator which was already open when he arrived on the first floor.

Alan excitedly approached Anne, who was standing by the window. When he was about to open his mouth to call out to her, suddenly Alan was surprised when he remembered the girl in his dream. The figure of the girl in his dream at first glance looked like Anne, her long hair and the way she stood.

"Is that you, Anne?" said Alan subconsciously.


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