I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 401 - Youre Mine

Chapter 401 - You're Mine

Together with Mr. David Clarke, Alan, who had finished preparing, seemed to be waiting for his wife to arrive at the dining table. They had not started lunch because they were waiting for Anne to come down. Because he had been waiting for a long time, Luis finally went up to the second floor to call Anne, so she could come down as soon as possible.

"How is she, Luis?" Alan asked quickly when he saw Luis coming down the stairs.

"Yes sir, Miss Anne will be down in a moment," Luis replied briefly.

Mr. David Clarke, who was reading some files on his smart phone, smiled when he hear his grandson's words. He slowly grabbed Alan's hand and held it tightly. "Be patient, Alan, women usually take longer to get ready. They have a lot of things to do before they leave, you have to get used to it."

"But we've been waiting for more than 15 minutes, Grandpa," replied Alan curtly.

"It's only been 15 minutes, and not 50 minutes yet. Be patient, if you're hungry, you can eat first," said Mr. David Clarke again with a smile.

"Ah Grandpa, you always defends her. Your grandson is me, not Anne," protested Alan quickly.

"Anne was orphaned since childhood. She grew up alone to become a wonderful woman, Alan. Even though she has no family, she can survive and can even have a small shop and continue her education again. Think about it carefully, who can reach her current position Alan? Moreover, she's a woman. She could have sold herself when she was young to survive like other women out there, but she didn't, right? You will regret it if you waste such a great woman, Alan. Maybe you can get 100 women prettier than Anne, but I guarantee that these women will not be as great as your wife. Haven't you proven yourself how extraordinary your wife is last week? I bet Anne must be the first woman you touch who was still pure, unlike your previous women."

Alan was speechless hearing his grandfather's words, because everything his grandfather said was completely true. Anne was indeed the first woman he slept with who was still a virgin.

Seeing the change in his grandson's face, Mr. David Clarke smiled. He then took Alan's hand again and patted it gently. "Believe me, my choice for you is right, son, Anne is the best woman to continue our family tree."

"Stop it, Grandpa. Why do you always talk like that? You're still alive, I'm still here, so stop talking about the successor of the family or whatever," said Alan in irritation as he pulled his hand from his grandfather's grip.

"Alan... you don't understand yet, what I meant is..."

"I know, Grandpa. You want me to immediately give you a grandson, right? I know, Grandpa, it's just that I just married Anne. I don't want to share her with anyone, including babies, who will ruin my intimacy with…"

Alan's words stopped when he saw Anne coming down the stairs, wearing a knee-length skirt combined with a turtleneck blouse. Anne looked strong as usual. She looked like a noblewoman in the clothes she was currently wearing. Mr. David Clarke, who was curious as to why his grandson was suddenly silent, then looked at the same direction as his grandson and smiled when he found out what had made Alan speechless. He was now more convinced that his grandson had fallen in love with Anne again and that made him happy. At least, his first plan to unite his grandson with the woman he loved had succeeded.

As soon as they saw Anne, the maids lined up behind them immediately did their job, they pulled up a chair and invited Anne to sit down. However, Anne refused. She did not want to sit next to Alan. Anne preferred to sit next to Mr. David Clarke, and automatically sat face to face with Alan. Seeing his wife's behavior, Alan almost exploded, but Mr. David Clarke immediately acted quickly. He put the best beef cutlet on Anne's plate, making everyone surprised, because this was the first time they had seen the big master serving other people at the dinner table.

"Try it, Anne. You have to eat a lot of protein. I noticed that you look thinner. Is the food in this house not to your taste?" said Mr. David Clarke, gently asking Anne.

Anne, who still put her hands on her lap, grabbed the knife and fork on the side of the plate, and slowly sliced ??the meat that Mr. David Clarke had just placed on her plate, and put it in her mouth.

"It's delicious, sir, all the food in this house is delicious," answered Anne briefly.

Mr. David Clarke smiled hearing Anne's words. He then took Anne's hand and touched it gently, "Call me Grandpa. You are now my grandson Alan's wife. So you have to call me Grandpa too, don't call me sir again."

Anne looked at Mr. David Clarke with a sad look. Even though Anne had been compressing her eyes for a long time in the bathroom, but the puffy remnants of the previous crying were still visible.

"I understand, Grandpa," Anne answered quietly, trying to hold back herself not to cry.

"Well then, let's eat. You'd better fill your stomach first before going to Norway. I know this must be too soon for you. However, things like this are natural, Anne, a newlywed couple must go together to strengthen each other's love," said Mr. David Clarke excitedly. He tried to discuss other things so that Anne wouldn't be sad for too long. Before eating, Mr. David Clarke had received a report from Luis that his grandson had just had a fight with his wife, so he tried to talk about other things so that Anne would not be swallowed in her sadness.

Eventually, during lunch, Alan didn't talk to anyone. He just became a good listener to his grandfather who was talking to his wife. Even though he didn't say it directly, deep in his heart, Alan was constantly praising his wife. He didn't expect that Anne would be a different person when she wore nice clothes and makeup. Alan really adored Anne with all his soul. He swore he would never let her go for a second starting today.

"Be careful while in Norway, Alan, take good care of your wife. Remember, it's a foreign country, you can't do as you please," said Mr. David Clarke when Alan and Anne were about to leave for the airport.

"I know, Grandpa, don't worry. I take Nicholas and some bodyguards with me anyway, so Anne and I will be safe while in Norway," Alan answered quickly, confirming to his grandfather that he had made very good preparations.

"That's good. And Anne, don't hesitate to talk to me. If Alan does things that upset you, call me immediately. Then I will instantly pick you up from Norway and teach Alan a lesson," added Mr. David Clarke again.

Anne smiled upon hearing her grandfather's words. Not long after, Alan took her into the car and immediately left to the airport because the jet that would take them to Norway was ready.

"Hopefully with this, you can start loving your husband, Anne, even though at the moment Jack still uses Alan's memory, but I hope you can love him, Anne," said Mr. David Clarke.

Luis, who had been standing behind him all this time, smiled, then patted his master on the shoulder and said, "Relax Master, they'll be fine."

"I hope so, Luis," said Mr. David Clarke hopefully.

* * *

In the car, Alan didn't take his hand off Anne's waist at all. He really wanted to show Anne that she belonged to him right now.


"Don't refuse, or later on I will make you unable to get up in the plane," said Alan, quickly threatening Anne.


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