I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 386 - For Jacks Sake

Chapter 386 - For Jack's Sake

Not long after, Mr. David Clarke came out of his room, Anne was still speechless. She still couldn't believe all the words of Mr. David Clarke that she had just heard.

"I don't have any wishes right now, Anne. At my age that is nearly reaching its maximum limit, I just want to see my grandson get married. I know my grandson has hurt you, but I beg you to forgive him. Alan was just too afraid to lose you Anne, until he finally did something like that. But believe me, Alan really loves you very much, no other woman deserves to be with him but you Anne. I, David Clarke, apologize for all his past mistakes to you and I beg you to accept this marriage. I almost went crazy when I saw him passed out this morning. At least, if tomorrow I die after seeing him get married, I will be at peace, Anne. So I beg you once again, please accept Alan as your husband. I know you are a good child.. At least, grant the last wish of this dying old man, Marianne. I beg you once again to marry my grandson."


Anne threw the pillow she had been hugging against the wall, as she recalled word for word what Mr. David Clarke had said when he asked her to marry his grandson.

"Arghh! Why did you have to beg, sir!!" Anne screamed loudly while hiding her face on the bed.

Anne still couldn't think straight after agreeing to the host's request. She was now cursing her stupidity for not thinking twice. She really wanted to disappear from the earth right now.

"Ah! Ah! You're stupid, Anne... you're stupid!!!" Anne screamed crazily while rolling on her super comfortable bed.

Because she couldn't bear to see Mr. David Clarke's cry when he asked her to marry Alan, Anne finally gave up. Her little heart was touched as she saw a good person like Mr. David Clarke crying like that.

"You're so dead now, Anne. Now you have to live the rest of your life with that monster. Jack, where are you? Come back, Jack, I beg you. At least, this time, save me from this marriage, I beg you, Jack," said Anne in her heart as she laid on her back with tears in her eyes. As she cried, she stared at the white, clean ceiling of her room.

Not long after that, she was back rolling on the bed, making a disturbing noise. The servants, who were on guard at the door, could only be silent and could not do anything when they heard Anne cried and ruffed in her room. Following Luis' order, the servants were now being asked to stand guard in front of Anne's room. This must be done so that Anne did not do unwanted things.

Meanwhile, Alan, who had gained his consciousness, was being fed by Noah, who patiently helped the young master eat. Noah was very skilled in nursing, having worked in one of the large nursing homes in town made Noah used to doing these kinds of things.

"You have to get well soon, sir. A groom-to-be can't be sick," Noah said quietly.

"Groom-to-be? What do you mean, Noah?" asked Alan, almost choking.

"You don't know, don't you? You're going to marry Miss Anne in..."


The bowl of crab asparagus soup in Noah's hand immediately fell when Alan grabbed Noah's hand quickly, causing Noah to lose his balance and make the bowl shatter on the floor.

"What are you saying, Noah? Say it again quickly!!!"

Noah, who was currently being pulled by the collar of his shirt, seemed to have difficulty speaking. He repeatedly patted Alan's hand to release him. Alan, who realized his mistake, immediately removed his hands from Noah's neck.

"Cough! Cough! Are you really trying to kill me, sir?"

"Don't change the subject. Quickly answer my question!!" Alan said quickly.

"Miss Anne, she has agreed to marry you, sir, and currently the master and Luis are taking care of your wedding," Noah answered quickly.

Alan opened his eyes wide. He couldn't believe what he just heard. His voice couldn't even come out of his throat right now.

"You're not joking, are you, Noah?" Alan asked coldly.

Noah shook his head. "How dare I tell a lie, sir?"

Alan suddenly jumped out of bed, but when he was about to take a step, the pain in his head came back. Panic, Noah quickly grabbed the young master's body and led him back to lie down on the bed.

"You need to rest, sir, that's what Doctor Leo said," Noah said quietly, trying to calm Alan down.

"I have to meet my grandfather. I want to ask him directly," Alan answered softly, holding back a stabbing feeling in his head.

"You can't right now, sir. Trust me. Everything is being prepared by the old master. You don't need to worry, your wedding will still happen with Miss Anne. Miss Anne is currently busy as well, because some wedding dress designers have come to take her measurements. And since you still haven't fully recover, you better rest, sir," added Noah again, quickly trying to cover his nervousness. It turned out that what Doctor Leo said was true.

Alan could not immediately accept shocking news, because it would be a shock to his brain. Therefore, Noah was ordered by Luis to tell Alan the news of his marriage. Initially, Noah refused. He was afraid of hurting his young master, but because Luis had repeatedly convinced himself, Noah finally agreed to tell Alan the happy news directly, even though he was very scared and nervous.

Alan closed his eyes for a moment so that the stabbing pain in his head disappeared. He had experienced something like this two years ago after being discharged from the hospital. That was why Alan didn't panic too much.

Seeing the master calm down, Noah took a deep breath. "What you need right now is rest, sir, and let the medicine that Doctor Leo gave you work. Calm down, sir, everything will be fine."

"Thanks Noah, I want to sleep now. I don't know why I'm suddenly so sleepy," Alan answered quietly without opening his eyes.

"Okay sir, I'll leave now. Have a good rest," Noah said quickly. After saying that, Noah then cleaned up the pieces of the broken bowl that were scattered on the floor with the asparagus soup that had been scattered everywhere.

Without a sound and with a quick movement, the floor was clean again. Alan was fast asleep too. The medicine that Doctor Leo gave him really worked. Noah carefully left Alan's room and almost screamed loudly when he saw Luis was standing in front of the door.

"Luis, you..."

"How is young master?" asked Luis in a half whisper.

"He's asleep now, as Doctor Leo said before Young master had another headache when I told him about his marriage, Luis," Noah answered quickly.

Luis nodded his head. "It's okay, it's a good stimulus. As long as it's positive it will be fine for young master, well then let's go. Let him rest."

Noah nodded his head. The two men finally left Alan's room to continue their other work. The next few days they would be very busy with preparations for the young master's wedding ceremony.


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