I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 303 - Youre The Same

Chapter 303 - You're The Same

Luckily, Linda's apartment had a small convenience store that operated 24 hours and provided a fairly complete range of daily necessities, so Anne didn't have to go too far to find those items. The only thing on her mind right now was to immediately prepare food for Linda and Paul, even though Linda had no visible physical injuries, but Anne knew that her friend wasn't fine. Therefore, she decided to make some food for them before they both rested.

After circling in the supermarket aisles for almost fifteen minutes, Anne's shopping cart was finally filled with all the things she needed. She then rushed to the cashier to settle the payment. Because Anne did not bring enough cash, she finally used her debit card again to make transactions, which were automatically read again by Jack.

"Thank you, Miss, please come back. Have a nice day," said the friendly cashier to Anne after she finished settling the payment.

"You too." Anne answered the cashier's words briefly and walked out of the shop towards the elevator.

Because Anne was too focused on carrying her two shopping bags which were quite heavy, she didn't pay attention to the road, until she finally bumped into a big tall man who was waiting in line for the elevator. "Sorry sir, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."


Anne, who was tidying up her shopping bags, was transfixed. She fell silent at the deep voice that she knew very well. She slowly lifted her face up to confirm her guess and immediately smiled innocently when she recognized the man she had bumped into.

"Jack," she said softly, calling at the handsome man dressed in all black in front of her who emitted a very strong killing aura.

Erick, who immediately came to his senses, then knelt down and helped Anne tidy up several bags of bread and milk boxes that were scattered under Jack's feet.

"Jack you said? After making my heart messed up like this and that's the only word you said to me?" Jack rebuked loudly with his hands on his hips.

Anne swallowed hard. "It's not like that, Jack, I was just surprised to see you suddenly in this place. So I spontaneously called your name out." Her smile was wide, so that the rows of her white teeth were clearly visible.

Jack ruffled his already neat hair in annoyance. Jack, who originally intended to make Anne regret her carelessness for not turning on her cell phone and not telling her what had really happened, was turned weak now. His heart melted when he saw the beautiful smile that was pasted on Anne's innocent face that made his anger dissipate.

"Ah yes, Paul. Paul and Linda had just returned, and they had an accident. Paul was stabbed in the stomach, and Linda, I'm sure she was very shocked, even though there were no injuries on her body but I'm sure she must be ..."

Jack, who couldn't stand to see Anne continued babbling, immediately hugged her tightly. He had to cool the fire burning inside him by hugging Anne's body. "Stupid girl, just a few hours ago I told you not to think too much about other people. But look at what you're doing now. You really are an idiot, Anne."

Anne couldn't move when she was hugged that tight by Jack. Her arms were squeezed to her body so that she had to surrender to his hug. "Jack, I'm not a doll, don't hug me like this. I can't breathe."

Hearing Anne's words, Jack immediately released his tight hug on Anne's body and she immediately opened her mouth wide, trying to get oxygen into her lungs, which seemed very dry because of Jack's hug which only lasted a few seconds. Seeing what Anne was doing made Jack immediately move his hand towards Anne's head and ruffle it roughly.

"Stop acting, I didn't do anything," he said softly with a smile.

Anne narrowed her eyes and glanced sharply at Jack. "You didn't do anything? You almost killed me, Jack, I can't breathe when you hug me like that."

"Don't talk about it. Oh yeah, where are they?" asked Jack slowly changing the subject. He tried to end the discussion about his very tight hug to Anne earlier.

"They? Who are they?" asked Anne confused.

Erick, who had been a spectator among them for a while, was also made to get excited. Because he couldn't hold himself back, he finally let out a word by saying, "Linda and Paul, didn't you say earlier that they had an accident."

Anne immediately screamed loudly and immediately covered her mouth with her hands as soon as she realized her mistake. Without a word, she immediately grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him towards the newly opened elevator. Anne's sudden move surprised Erick. He then rushed to follow his master who was pulled by Anne, because he didn't want to be left behind, because he didn't know what floor Linda's room was on. In the elevator, Anne spoke at length. She told them what she knew with enthusiasm, she even discussed the amount of blood that came out of Paul's body after the duel with the robbers. Jack didn't think Paul would go that far to keep Anne's car. He slowly smiled. It was a mysterious smile that only he understood for himself, even though at this moment Anne was telling something unpleasant.

"Is that so?" said Jack quietly as Anne finished her story, panting for air from being too excited.

"Y-yes, that's why I immediately ran away from the office, Jack. Ahh!!! What did I do?" Anne immediately panicked when she remembered that she had just left without saying goodbye to her co-workers in Leon's office.

Ding! The elevator door opened.

Jack immediately stepped out of the elevator without a word, as did Erick, who immediately followed his master behind.

"Miss, do you want to stay in the elevator? Come on out, we've arrived. Show the way to Paul and Linda's room," Erick said quietly, startling Anne who was dreaming.

Anne immediately realized. She then rushed out after Jack and Erick then led the way to Linda and Paul's room, which was not far from the elevator. Anne, who had memorized the password for Linda's room, had no trouble in entering it. Linda and Paul were sleeping. Anne immediately gave a code to Jack and Erick not to make a sound by placing one index finger in front of their lips.

Jack, who was used to walk without making a sound, immediately approached the bed where the lovers slept. His eyes narrowed when he saw Paul's poor condition. His face had obvious bruises with torn corners of his lips, plus his stomach was covered in fairly long gauze. Jack could guess that Paul must have been up against more than two people, given the severity of his condition. Erick also joined his master after placing his groceries on the table. He shook his head slowly because he was sad to see Paul's bad condition.

"Why was Paul brought home?" Jack asked flatly.

Anne who was unpacking the shopping bags then stopped her activities and said, "It was their wish, Paul and Linda insisted on going home. Paul said that he was fine and had no problem being cared for at home, when in fact I'm sure that's not the reason he doesn't want to be treated in the hospital."

"What do you mean, Anne?"

"The two of them definitely don't want to bother me too much, after not being able to save my car, Paul must have been very embarrassed with me, especially after I paid for the hospital fee. That's why he insisted on going home even though the doctor hadn't really allowed him to go home, because the stab wound still requires a fairly strict treatment, for fear of infection if not handled properly," answered Anne slowly. "And I don't have the power to stop them. You know how stubborn these two are."

Jack looked at Anne without blinking. "They're just as stubborn as you are, Anne."


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