I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 292 - My Fiancée

Chapter 292 - My Fiancée

Seeing Anne walking down, Jack then approached her and wrapped his arms around Anne's waist proudly when Anne was already on the first floor. Even though Anne didn't wear any makeup, she actually looked prettier than Sophia, who was wearing thick makeup .

"W-what does all this mean?" asked Robert in a trembling voice.

Anne looked at Robert without smiling. "You can't forget me, can you, sir?"

"Y-you really are the poor girl who..."

"That's right, Madam, I am Marianne, the poor girl who served as a maid in your house many years ago. The poor girl who has made your child as popular as she is today," said Anne quickly, without fear.

"What do you mean?!! Don't talk nonsense, my daughter became a pianist because of her ability which is recognized by everyone and it has nothing to do with you at all!!" Robert immediately shouted in response to Anne's words.

"Right, after all who are you? Why does my daughter need your help? Don't talk nonsense, Marianne. I can sue you for degrading my daughter, and Jack, stay away from this girl, she is a poor person who is used to extorting rich people like us, son," added Hannah Higgins loudly, echoing her husband's words.

Jack smiled faintly. Slowly, he removed his hand from Anne's waist and walked over to Hannah and Sophia, who were sitting next to each other on the sofa with their hands still tied. "Blackmailing the rich?"

"Yes son, a poor girl like her must be used to doing all this. Making false statements to get money, like what she just did to Sophia. You know Sophia is a good child. She never does anything despicable like other artists. Sophia's attitude has even received praise from many people and has been awarded many times as the kindest and friendliest artist, so don't believe that little bitch's mouth. Disgusting poor people who try to get luxury in dirty ways for their pleasure," Hannah answered excitedly. "Don't be tempted by her, Jack, who knows if that girl is full of deadly venereal disease. So now you better get her out of here, I don't want to breathe the same oxygen as that girl."

Jack's jaw tightened at Hannah Higgins' words. His eyes immediately turned red. His chest also felt very tight when he heard the words that came out of Hannah Higgins' lips.

"How do you know that she is a poor girl who likes to extort rich people like us, Madam? Do you know her?" asked Jack quietly with anger.

"Of course we know her, Jack, her mother was a maid at our house in Germany. The woman even tried to seduce me several times, luckily my faith is still strong so I am not tempted by the poor whore and my kind wife still forgives the woman to keep working. But apparently the prostitute didn't stop there, she even made her daughter also worked in our house. And the child has now grown perfectly into a lowly prostitute like her mother who is now trying to approach you, Jack, you better get rid of her immediately. Don't let her tricked you with her pretty face which she must have used to seduce a lot of rich guys out there, before seducing you." Robert Higgins answered Jack's question without hesitation, even though all the words that escaped his lips were a sham.

Jack, who was emotional, immediately moved his hand towards Robert's neck and gripped him so tightly that it made Robert widened his eyes, which suddenly made Hannah and Sophia scream in fear.

"Jack, stop!!!" Sophia screamed in panic, the only words that came out of her lips after a long silence after seeing Anne after so long.

Jack turned to Sophia and then brought his face to Robert's ear and said, "Don't answer my question, I'm asking your wife and you have no right to answer Robert,"

"I'm sorry, Jack, I won't repeat it again," replied Robert, stammering with difficulty, Jack's grip made it really uncomfortable to talk.

Jack removed his hand from Robert's neck, and then looked back at Hannah Higgins, whose face was as pale as paper.

"Answer my question, Madam," said Jack flatly, full of intimidation.

"As my husband said, Jack, we got to know Marianne and her poor parents when they moved to our city. Because we feel sorry for those who live below the poverty line, I hired the girl's mother to work in my house as a maid, but apparently my kindness was taken advantage of by her. I had several times caught my husband being seduced by her and I've also seen her steal some of my jewelry. I had wanted to report them to the police but didn't because I felt sorry for her. Until finally the girl's mother got karma, she died of venereal disease which is contagious because of her work that..."

"Stop!!! Don't talk, don't talk anymore... don't ever slander my mother. My mother was a good woman, she died of complications. It's not what you say!!" Anne's screams loudly, cutting off Hannah's words. Tears were streaming down her face when she heard her mother being insulted so many times by Robert and Hannah Higgins.

Robert laughed loudly at Anne's words, he forgot the warning Jack had just given him.

"You turned out to be good at acting like your mother, who was a whore ci..."


Jack, who couldn't control his emotions, immediately threw his hand on Robert's cheek so hard and it didn't stop there, he also gave raw punches to Robert's stomach and face. Hearing Anne kept being called a prostitute made him unable to contain himself. Robert's screams and screams of pain were ignored by Jack, he continued to throw kicks and punches at Robert's body, which was already lying on the floor. Even the cries from Hannah and Sophia asking him to stop his actions were not heard by Jack. He continued to vent his anger on Robert. Erick, who was standing not far from Anne just lowered his face. He knew that his master was really angry right now. Because of that, he just kept quiet and didn't intend to forbid what Jack was doing, and neither did Anne. Anne, who usually couldn't bear to see someone being beaten, was now silent when she saw with her own eyes that Jack did something she really didn't like.

"Stop Jack... I beg you, you will kill my father, Jack!!" Sophia cried pitifully.

"I beg you to stop, Jack, please don't do that. Please forgive my husband, Jack." Hannah screamed loudly and continued to beg for forgiveness from Jack, who didn't look like he wanted to stop his activities at all. He was still very energetic throwing his kick at Robert who was vomiting blood.

"Jack, I beg your pardon... forgive my father, Jack, I promise to do whatever you want. But please stop, don't kick my father again, Jack. My father is old, Jack, sob... forgive my father, Jack... I beg you for the sake of our relationship in the past, please forgive my father."

Jack, who was very excited to vent his anger at Robert, suddenly stopped immediately. He stood up straight and looked at Sophia with a look full of hatred.

"What you said earlier, repeat that again!!" Jack asked breathlessly.

"Forgive my father..."

"After that, Sophia!!" Jack rebuked loudly, interrupting Sophia's words.

"I-I'll do whatever you want," said Sophia softly with tears still streaming down her face.

A smile appeared on Jack's face when he heard Sophia's words. "Good, I hope you remember what you just said, because otherwise I'm going to make you guys live on the streets, and one more thing you have to remember is never to call Jackson Patrick Muller's fiancée a lowly woman. She's worth so much more compared to all of you, and you, Sophia, is nothing compared to Anne. She has never betrayed me like you did before. Don't think I don't know that you and Edmund have an affair behind me, Sophia. I didn't say anything not because I don't know it. I'm silent because I want to see free shows from traitors like you guys, so from now on stop acting like a victim. I'll give you until tonight, I hope tomorrow you will do what Anne and I expect. Tell everyone that you are a thief, the thief of songs made by Anne's mother that you claim to be yours."

Sophia's chest became tight suddenly after hearing Jack's words. She did not expect Jack to know about her relationship with Edmund. Jack even knew about the song she stole from Anne, who Jack now called his fiancée. The same thing could also be seen in Hannah Higgins. The old woman, who previously cried for her husband who was beaten by Jack, was now silent when Jack mentioned Anne's song which was taken by her daughter to start her career as a pianist. Sophia was crying uncontrollably without a sound when she realized that the career she had built years ago would now be destroyed in a matter of hours because of Anne's sudden appearance.

After saying what he wanted to say, Jack then approached Anne who had been frozen watching him teach Robert a lesson. Jack lovingly grabbed Anne's face which was wet with tears and wiped it gently. Without hesitation, Jack gave Anne a kiss on the forehead and then led her away from that place to the second floor. Sophia's eyes widened perfectly seeing what Jack did to Anne. She bit her lip hard to see Jack's affection for Anne, her eyes gleamed with fury.

"What's mine will still be mine, you won't be able to snatch Jack from me, cheap bitch. We'll see," said Sophia quietly with determination.


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