I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 474: What Are You Afraid Of

Chapter 474: What Are You Afraid Of

We purchased

The words of the blind man in grey instantly brought the atmosphere in the room to an icy silence.

All the merchants looked at him with terror, cursing vehemently in their hearts.

It's one thing for this blind man to seek his own demise, but let's not bring harm to everyone else, please!

If this demon is provoked to unleash a ruthless slaughter, none of the people present would be spared!

Upon uttering those words, I, being the blind man, seemed to sense the uneasy atmosphere that followed. Perplexed, I ventured, "Umis there something wrong with what I said? Why does it seem like everyone is unhappy?"

In the presence of the blind man, the white dragon girl extended her tongue and mumbled, "Master, you truly possess an unparalleled gift of eloquence"

The burly man sneered and said, "Blind man, are you suggesting that I cannot reach the Arctic Skyark Palace? Did you come to that conclusion through some sort of divination derived from your Ghost Valley cultivates? Did your divination reveal that I am incapable of reaching the Arctic Skyark Palace?"

Regarding this matter, the gray-clothed blind man nodded without hesitation and said, "Indeed, not only can Your Excellency not reach the Arctic Skyark Palace, but the three um, four individuals accompanying Your Excellency won't be able to reach the Arctic Skyark Palace either."

The blind man's words left all four demons dumbfounded.

The plump woman asked, "Four individuals? We clearly only have a party of four, where is the fifth person coming from? Blind man, are you unable to count?"

The gray-clothed blind man stood up and walked to the side, picking up the torn cloth banner. With immense sorrow, he gently ran his palm over the cracks on it, saying, "It is indeed five individuals My divinatory art is never mistaken. You are five, and none of the five of you can reach the Arctic Skyark Palace."

"So I am not cursing at you, there is no reason for you to trouble me,"

The gray-clothed blind man approached the burly man while holding the torn cloth banner and said, "You owe me compensation in gold coins."

"Gold coins?" The burly man, confused, gazed at the blind man before him and couldn't help but feel that this blind man was a complete fool. How could he dare to come and demand compensation under such circumstances? Or could it be that he truly was a bold and daring cultivator?

The blind man, however, didn't understand the confusion of the burly man. He raised the cloth banner in his hand and said, "This divination tool of mine is called 'gold coins.' Since you have torn it, you should compensate me. Otherwise, I won't let the five of you go I will report you to the authorities! I will summon the wizard from the Fire God Temple to capture you all!"

The blind man menacingly threatened the demon before him with great determination.

Such a eerie situation truly left the four demons perplexed.

The burly man, despite his fierce appearance, was ironically the most cautious among the four of them.

He frowned as he looked at the blind man before him, but no matter how he looked, the blind man appeared to be a mere mortal, completely devoid of any special qualities.

However, this ordinary mortal can recount countless matters of the cultivation world, showing disdain towards the leaders of both the demonic and righteous paths. The renowned Demon King seems insignificant in his eyes, and even the all-encompassing rule of the Heavenly Court appears to hold little significance to him.

The reaction is so peculiar and bizarre, it is simply unlike that of a normal person.

Who would ever be like this as a normal person!

After much deliberation, the burly man ultimately decided that it would be better to avoid unnecessary complications.

He coldly gazed at the blind man before him and asked, "How much money will you compensate?"

Although his tone remained harsh, it was evident that the burly man had decided to pacify the situation and no longer intended to provoke the eccentric and maddened blind man before him.

Upon hearing the burly man's clear act of submission, not only were all the merchants present flabbergasted, but even his three companions were left dumbfounded, unable to comprehend.

"PingPingye, my dear brother"

"This blind man"

The three evil demons were all astonished and puzzled, but they knew that Great King Pingye always acted cautiously. Therefore, in the active South Sea where the Great Sage of Fu Feng resided, they could still hold a place and their methods were far superior to those of ordinary monsters.

Now even Great King Pingye intends to surrender. Could it be that this blind man, who spouts nonsense, is truly a cultivator in the realm of cultivation?

As this thought emerged, when the three evil demons looked at the blind man in gray again, they suddenly made an extraordinary discovery.

This seemingly ordinary mortal blind man actually seems to possess some extraordinary insights Although he appears to be an ordinary mortal at first glance, the confident demeanor displayed in his every gesture and movement is definitely beyond what an ordinary mortal could possess.

Upon pondering this, the three evil demons all admired the foresight of Great King Pingye. Truly, as the Great Demon of the South Sea, he was unmatched by ordinary mountain and wild monsters.

They hastily stood up and spoke in succession, "Sir, how much should we compensate you for this item? Our siblings will gather money to compensate you, and we will never treat you unfairly."

The sudden words spoken by the three evil demons caught the burly man slightly off guard, leaving the numerous merchants present once again astonished, their jaws dropping in disbelief.

Howhow did all the evil demons suddenly back down in an instant?

Could it be that this seemingly crazy blind man is actually a hidden cultivator in the cultivation world? Has he already subdued the four evil demons in an instant using unparalleled means that were invisible to them?

Legend has it that the top cultivators engage in battles at a speed so swift that it defies the eye, making it utterly incomprehensible for ordinary mortals. Now, it seems that the rumors were indeed true.

This Ghost Valley Divine Calculation managed to subdue four top-notch evil demons in an instant, without causing any damage to even a single blade of grass in the inn. The power of this top cultivator is truly unfathomable. If it weren't witnessed with our own eyes, everyone would find it hard to believe that it is true.

Inside the inn, the merchants gazed in awe at the Ghost Valley Divine Calculation before them. The previously eccentric figure now appeared to be profound and extraordinary in the eyes of the onlookers, evoking a sense of mystery and remarkable demeanor.

The burly man, on the other hand, was slightly puzzled, not understanding why his three companions' attitude towards the blind man in front of them suddenly changed so dramatically.

Could it be Could it be that they have discovered something extraordinary about this blind man?

Damn it! Could it be that this blind man is truly a cultivator of the righteous path?

At the thought of this possibility, a slight chill ran through the heart of the burly man.

Although as a demon, he is cunning, Great King Pingye still had trust in his three companions.

Now, with all three companions apologizing to this blind man at the same time, it further confirmed Great King Pingye's concern - there is indeed something amiss with this blind man! He just failed to see it.

Fortunately, now that the three companions have discovered each other's abnormalities, they have promptly come forward to smooth things over.

Given the circumstances, Great King Pingye dared not be reckless any longer.

He hurriedly said, "Please, sir, tell me, how much compensation do you require? I will unquestionably fulfill it!"

While speaking, Great King Pingye inwardly lamented.

It is often said that within the Fire Pass Country lies hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and among the Fire God's Wuzhu, top-tier individuals frequently emerge.

However, he never expected that he wouldn't encounter a Wuzhu in the city, but instead, he came across a presence even more formidable than a Wuzhu!

Ghost Valley Divine Calculation A title I have never even heard of before, why is it so terrifying!

Arts of divination, ancient and modern fortune-telling Are all of these words he speaks truly real?

Is it true that our own group cannot reach the Arctic Skyark Palace?

It was almost a matter of risking my life!

The Great King Pingye, who only intended to join in the excitement up north, never expected to be so unlucky beforehand!

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