I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 455: What Malicious Intentions Could the Old Wolf Possibly Have?

Chapter 455: What Malicious Intentions Could the Old Wolf Possibly Have?

We purchased

"Hmm? Master?"

In the icy expanse of the cosmic void, the girl of around fourteen or fifteen seemed somewhat perplexed.

She looked at her Master, who had suddenly stopped in front of her, with a hint of incomprehension.

In her memory, her Master had always flown with her in this icy, pitch-black, and desperate universe. According to her Master's narration, they were supposed to transcend this despairing frozen world and return to their original realm-the Celestial Desolation Realm.

Since she could remember, throughout the centuries of endless time, her Master had never once paused regardless of the circumstances encountered.

Whether it be the collapse of planets, the annihilation of black holes, the interstellar conflicts of advanced civilizations, armadas concealed within nebulae, or the eerie creatures that roam the cosmos, stretching several hundred thousand feet in length

These novel and intriguing phenomena, which excited and piqued her curiosity every time they encountered them, were still unable to keep pace with her Master's footsteps.

A pale flash of lightning traversed the cosmic expanse, those fascinating and intriguing phenomena often leaving nothing more than a fleeting impression in the girl's consciousness, dissipating completely in her wake.

Although these mere seconds of impressions were enough for the girl's consciousness to scrutinize every inch of those novel phenomena with clarity and precision.

However, she still yearned to linger and behold.

However, these fascinating and intriguing phenomena could captivate her, yet they could never waver the streak of her Master's flight.

The Master is like a celestial being that never ceases its flight, constantly shuttling through the cosmos But even such a revered Master has inexplicably come to a halt, lost in thought, pondering mysteries unknown.

The eerie situation frightened the girl.

She cautiously called out a few times, but received no response, which made her increasingly anxious.

"Master! Wake up quickly! Please wake up!"

The girl shook Lu Heng's body and anxiously exclaimed, "Have you been possessed by evil demons or fallen into a trance? Wake up, take a look at your adorable little white dragon!"

The girl's shaking finally brought back Lu Heng's wandering thoughts.

He silently looked at the girl in front of him, allowing her to shake him vigorously, and said helplessly, "Stop howling, I'm not dead yet. I just got lost in thought momentarily, seeing the boundaries of the universe. It's nothing."

After saying that, Lu Heng, with a flash of light, resurfaced and flew forward with the startled girl.

Within the gleaming light, the girl's face filled with astonishment as she exclaimed, "Ah? The boundary of the universe? Master, have we truly arrived at the boundary of the universe?"

The girl immediately became joyous and exclaimed, "Doesn't that mean we can soon return to the Celestial Desolation Realm and meet our senior brothers and sisters?"

Lu Heng, however, shook his head and poured cold water on the girl's excitement, saying, "We have only left the boundary of the universe, so there is still some time before we can return to the Celestial Desolation Realm."

"The chaos holds countless worlds, and the World of Eight Desolations is merely a glimpse among them. As for reaching the Celestial Desolation Realm, who knows how long it will take."

"Moreover, it is challenging to bypass the Earthly Behemoth outside the Celestial Desolation Realm. Although my flight speed is extremely fast, there remains uncertainty as to whether we can enter the Celestial Desolation Realm before the Earthly Behemoth reacts. In the worst-case scenario, we might have no choice but to gaze at the Celestial Desolation Realm with regret."

When Lu Heng mentioned this matter, his expression became slightly solemn.

The existence of the Earthly Behemoth is an extremely dreadful obstacle, and it is unknown how the enemies of the World of Eight Desolations managed to invade the Celestial Desolation Realm for slaughter when the Earthly Catastrophe arrived.

In Lu Heng's perspective, the terrifying behemoth entwined outside the Celestial Desolation Realm is definitely not something a cultivator can provoke or deal with. Even a master-level cultivator is nothing more than an ant in its eyes.

Perhaps only beings of the caliber of the Emperor Fu Xi can contend with it

Although Lu Heng has long since reached the innate realm, his cultivation level now is like comparing heaven and earth to when he first encountered the Earthly Behemoth. However, whether Lu Heng can use the luminous flight sparked by heavenly thunder to swiftly enter the Celestial Desolation Realm under the watchful eyes of the Earthly Behemoth still remains to be seen.

In the previous encounter, he could only escape from the jaws of the Earthly Behemoth with the assistance of Sister Yuanjun. It is uncertain whether Sister Yuanjun will be able to intervene again in case of another crisis.

Lu Heng has always been cautious and never engages in reckless endeavors.

On his shoulder, the girl who accompanied him in flight quietly made a grimace. Although she didn't have a real sense of the Earthly Behemoth her master spoke of, the mention of this terrifying monster intrigued her.

After all, it was a story told by her master. Judging from his tone, this so-called Earthly Behemoth was the only thing that could pose a threat to her master.

As for the rest Although her master had never explicitly claimed invincibility, the girl had already deduced the truth from the stories her master had narrated, piecing together fragments of evidence.

Her own master, in the Celestial Desolation Realm, must surely be a remarkable figure of great significance!

[Hehe And I, as the disciple, am the protg of my master! In the future, I am bound to become a prominent figure as well.]

Wherever I go, there will be a throng of people accompanying me, surely making it an enjoyable experience-far more captivating than cruising through this frigid and pitch-black cosmos.

Since she could remember, the girl had been engrossed in both flying and cultivating, and in her heart, she was filled with anticipation for the impending arrival in the Celestial Desolation Realm. Moreover, she was brimming with curiosity about the vibrant and captivating world that her master had vividly described.

Amidst such curiosity, the girl and Lu Heng finally soared beyond the continuously expanding boundaries of the cosmos, immersing themselves in the chaotic void beyond the reaches of the universe.

In the world of chaos, the void is enigmatic.

Here, is a place even more eerie and frightening than the Starry Sky Tomb.

Innumerable chaotic spatial currents rage incessantly, occasionally intersecting with the barriers of worlds, causing even the most skilled individuals to suffer severe injuries or even perish if they are even slightly careless and collide with these world barriers.

And what is terrifying is that in the world of chaos, the perception of divine consciousness is compressed to the extreme. Those below the innate level can hardly unfold their divine consciousness, while those above the innate level, though capable of doing so, have a very limited range.

If an unexpected change were to occur, it is highly probable to perish under uncertain circumstances.

However, even in such a perilous chaotic void, it is more enchanting than the Starry Sky Tomb that Lu Heng has just departed from.

After all, the chaotic void is not lacking in spiritual energy; cultivators in the chaos will not exhaust their spiritual energy.

On Lu Heng's shoulder, the young girl squinted her eyes and hoarsely exclaimed, "Master! Why am I having difficulty catching my breath? It's so uncomfortable!"

During the flight of escapement light, Lu Heng calmly remarked, "This is how it is in the realm of chaos - divine consciousness hindered, boundless pressure, and sporadic chaotic spatial currents running rampant. It is to be expected for you to feel discomfort here, given your low cultivation level."

"If it weren't for me protecting you, the moment you entered here, you would have been crushed by the chaotic forces,"

Sensing the direction in which the Floating Light Boat was flying, Lu Heng didn't linger. He continued to move swiftly, racing through the escapement light and flying towards the depths of the chaos.

As for the discomfort of the young girl on Lu Heng's shoulder, it was actually intentional on his part.

If he so desired, he could completely shield the young girl from any pressure. However, by making her feel uncomfortable now, he can motivate this overly lively and wild girl to cultivate.

Deceiving her into thinking that higher cultivation would make things much easier for her, wouldn't that provide the girl with the motivation to cultivate?

Lu Heng is merely a lone wolf, what malicious intentions could he possibly have?

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