Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 379 - Massage

Chapter 379 - Massage

Ileus and Anastasia followed the direction of his voice through a corridor, a hall and a small staircase. They came to stand upon a landing, which went deep into a darkness on the left and a room on the right.

It was dingy with one small arched window which had a mullioned window. The floor and the walls were lined with gray stones. Despite the thick smell of moss and dense flora on the outside, the room was clean and there was a small fur rolled in the corner. There were fresh logs in the fireplace. There was a chamber pot and a washbasin. "This is lovely!" Anastasia said. "Is there someone else living here?" she asked, looking around.

Kaizan's lips tugged up. "No. I arranged all these the last time I came here."

Ileus couldn't help giving her a pitiful glance. The fae princess found this small, murky room… lovely? His Adam's apple bobbed.

Anastasia decided to clean her feet and hands and urged them both to do the same. And she was starving as hell.

"I have arranged another room for myself," said Kaizan.

"Oh, be near," she replied out of concern.

"Yes, Anastasia," said Kaizan with tenderness and walked out.

Ileus came behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I know you are feeling hungry," he said and pressed a kiss on her temple.

She sagged against his chest. It was such a beautiful feeling that emerged from somewhere deep, and she wanted to flow with it. After a month of staying gloomy and having that feeling of missing a part of your soul… she just gave in… because now after meeting and being with this golden eyed werewolf, the part snapped right in place. It was as if an invitation to life. "How do you know?" she asked, tipping her head up.

"I can hear your heartbeat Ana… and the grumble of your stomach."

She giggled.

"Stay here while I try to find the kitchen in the fortress and warm the roasted meat for you," he said and kissed her forehead. Anastasia was like an addiction to him. For a month he was deprived of her and now that he found her, now that he tasted her again, now that he planted himself in her again, he was euphoric.

"Don't go anywhere," she said. "I will have the cold meat."

He stared at her with those golden eyes. "Okay…" he whispered and nudged her to turn to him. He cupped her cheeks and said, "You must be very tired, aren't you?"

She nodded.

"Will you allow me to shackle your wings?"

Anastasia jerked her head back as her eyes became wide. "Can you do that?" she asked, half-doubting his intentions. "Why would you do that?" She stepped away from him.

"Please don't look at me like that Anastasia," he said, missing her already. "I want to give you a nice massage. If I shackle your wings, I will be able to massage your back too easily. However, if you don't want that, I am fine. But I will still massage you."

She tilted her head and then asked, "Can you unshackle them later?"

"Of course, darling!"

Anastasia debated whether she should trust him to that level or not. In the end she said, "Okay, but massage my feet well." Saying that she turned leaving a very excited Ileus behind. Before she could reach the bedroll, he had rushed there and spread it for her.

"I will," m'lady, he replied with a glint in his eyes and waved at the fur pelt. Why don't you take your clothes off and lie down?

Suddenly, a voice from a different room came, "You two keep it low, damn it!" Kaizan grated from somewhere. "Your voice is booming around and then echoing."

"Shut up werewolf!" Ileus grunted. He strode to the heavy door and closed it with a bang.

Her lips tugged up and starting with her boots, she removed her tunic and then her leggings. When she had tossed every bit of clothing from her body, shamelessly she lay on the fur and looked at him with doe eyes. "Where will you start massaging me, m'lord?" She parted her legs slightly.

All senses left his brain at the sight and his jaw slackened. His eyes became hooded and the erection shot north. It jutted out of his pants. He rubbed it and walked towards her. "Where do you want me to start from?" He shackled her wings.

"I would like to eat something first," she replied in answer and turned to her side.

Ileus darted to his satchel and pulled out every goddamn thing to find the roasted meat that he had wrapped in a cloth. In the morning after they had breakfast, he wrapped every bit of the remaining piece in order to feed her. He brought it to her, unwrapped it and made her eat.

"What about you, Aly?" she asked. The nickname was so sweet and so… suddenly a memory flashed across her mind… of a woman with golden eyes who looked like him and called him Aly. Her eyes became wide and she stopped eating.

"Anastasia?" he rasped. He stroked her back to ease out her tension. He covered her with another fur and tucked her cozily. "Are you fine sweetheart?" he asked.

She gave a tight nod. Then she looked up at him and placed her palm on his cheek. "Did someone else call you Aly? A woman?"

"Lots of women call me Aly, but—"

"She has golden eyes too," Anastasia cut him off.

Ileus stared at her for a moment and then nodded slowly. "My mother."

A shaky breath left her. If she remembered his mother, then surely she knew him from before. There was a deeper connection. "Aly…" she said softly. "Do I know you?"

Ileus brought his knuckle against her cheeks and brushed them lightly. "Yes, love…"

A tear rolled down her eye and he became worried. "You don't have to remember that now. Please eat your food because I have to massage you!"

Anastasia giggled at his charming joke and ate the food fast. "After you massage me, I want you to go and fetch more food. I would love to eat berries."

"Sure, love!" he replied and gave her another bite of meat.

Anastasia scanned the blue sky from her window. It was very cold outside, but because of the fire she was feeling warm. Ileus had begun massaging her feet and was slowly coming upwards. She could feel the heat coming from him and wanted to get wrapped in it.

He circled his hands on her buttocks and then slowly and softly took them up her back. He was happy that small flashes of her memories were coming back.


"Iona!" Rolfe came out after her, not knowing as to what he did to upset her so much. And why was it that upsetting her unsettled him? He rushed to her, afraid that she would leave the camp and he would never find her again. He found her standing in front of few men and women. While the men played fiddles and lutes, the women snaked their bodies in a rhythmic dance. They pulled her in.. Reluctant as hell, she joined them only to realize that she had two left feet.

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