Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 261 - Council Meeting (4)

Chapter 261 - Council Meeting (4)

Adrianna was extremely angry. She said, "Your powers will be stripped for time being, until all this is cleared. You will be under surveillance round the clock and you are going to stay in Draoidh for that time in Level two."

"But that is not fair!" Draven protested. "How can you pass a judgement based on the fact that he didn't agree with your daughter-in-law?"

"You question the queen's judgement one more time and I will have your head impaled," said Isidorus. "Let me know if you want Adrianna to sweep your cell."

"I have already walked through his cell," Adrianna said.

Draven flinched. He had built a heavy mental shield around his mind. Scared as hell, his eyes became wide and a thin line of sweat coated his forehead. The hair on his nape rose as dread skittered down his back. What did she come to know? The woman was simply too powerful. He was working on a law to prevent this kind of invasion of privacy and he needed support.

"What?" Murtagh almost shouted. "This is not fair."

"You failed to contain a threat, which resulted in a major catastrophe. There is no reason why I should keep you as the second in command to the Alpha of Silver Vales. Dmitri is currently looking at the possible threats to his kingdom when it should have been you who would have seen them in the first place. Why do you think we appointed you as the second in command?" she asked. "We did that to appease the tribes that constantly wage wars against us. We even went to the extent of promising our little one to you, but you have forgotten the importance of an alliance. There are many good contenders for your position and that too from your tribe. My husband will choose one from them!"

A tense silence followed. No one spoke a word of protest after that. Adrianna gazed at all of them and then continued, "Even if Iona is my daughter, I will stand in her way if she is an enemy to the kingdom of wizards. My duties lie to the kingdom first and then to my family. Do not misconstrue my statement because having said that I will fiercely protect my family from all types of threats. As for the dark witch, we will wait and see what her next move will be. In the meantime, I will ask Haldir to prep up the security around Draoidh and Silver Vales."

"And what are we going to do with the constant attack from the kingdom of Vilinski?" asked a woman, Circe. She was the Minister of Education and was also looking after the wizard academy. With light brown hair, hazel eyes and a heart-shaped face, she looked lovely. Wrinkles that fanned around her eyes showed years of experience. She had given Lila the honor of merit for passing the academy with highest marks, and when she heard how Lila's life ended, she felt sad. The whole scandal around Lila was now a part of the gossip circle. Her father, Ozin had stopped coming out of his house as her family was the target of bitterness from the netizens. Circe was not happy with the attacks of the faes and Anastasia was a fae. "Though I do believe that with Anastasia here, the attacks are going to cease."

Adrianna was waiting for this question and she grabbed the opportunity. "Anastasia is here against the will of her cousin brother, Aed Ruad. Aed Ruad had usurped the throne of Vilinski eight years back when Iona was kidnapped. We have strong reasons to believe that Iona is now a part of their plans. Anastasia's parents were thrown in the celestial prison." She paused and looked around at the shocked expressions of the council members. It was expected. Nonetheless she continued, "Aed Ruad had planned on marrying Anastasia. But his plans were thwarted when Ileus helped Anastasia escape. Had he married Anastasia, he would have ascended to the throne of Vilinski and gained more power as their king. At present with Anastasia as my son's wife, there is a strong political fracture in their kingdom. This is the time to attack them!" She slapped the table with excitement.

Anastasia gasped. She hadn't anticipated her mother-in-law's move.

Murmurs started amongst the council members at Adrianna's sudden revelation. It was huge news. Anastasia had run away from the kingdom? And that too with Ileus? He married her in order to create a political fracture in their kingdom. That was nice and comforting.

Ozin questioned, "Do you mean that we should attack the most powerful kingdom of the Lore because you want to free Anastasia's parents? That is going to cost too many lives. And god knows for how long the battle would go!" He looked at Draven for support.

"That's right!" Draven supported him. "Like I said earlier—you are putting us in the line of fire for your personal interests!"

"That is incorrect!" Circe countered. "The queen is saying that we should take advantage of the situation because at present we have Anastasia with us. If we win the war and the fae kingdom is returned to its rightful owner, we are going to have strong political allies. What is so difficult to understand?"

For the first time someone from the council backed Anastasia and it meant a world to her. Her hopes returned. She looked at Circe as a faint smile appeared on her lips.

"But we can't fight with them alone!" Draven snapped. "And we don't have allies in the Lore. Who the hell in this world is going to fight a lost battle? No one is going to be on our side!"

Adrianna arched an eyebrow. "Last week I had a meeting with the kings and queens of the kingdoms across the Lore. The meeting was also attended by Etaya, Aed Ruad's mother. She demanded Anastasia in exchange for leaving us in peace, but that wasn't possible. I refused her because my son has wed Anastasia in Evindal. She left in a huff, but we gained allies in the Lore. So, if we go to battle against Aed Ruad, rest assured, we have a lot of backing!"

Once again, the room was full of murmurs as they got to know the gravity of the situation. Adrianna perceived that it would take some time for the members to acclimatize to what she said. "We conclude the meeting for today. I will leave all of you to understand the situation properly. I will let you know when we have to meet next."

When all the members left the meeting chamber, Ileus asked his mother, "Do you think it is the right time to reveal about my marriage with Anastasia to the public?"

"No," she gave a sharp reply. "Now I would like to discuss things with Isidorus. You both may leave."

"Yes Mother," said Ileus and bowed.

Anastasia also bowed and was leaving with him when Adrianna said softly, "You did good, child."

A grin appeared on her face. "Thank you, Your Highness," she replied.

Ileus held her hand and they walked out of the chamber. Anastasia noticed that the clouds had dissipated thankfully. They met Darla and Kaizan on the way back to the east wing.

"Ileus, we are planning a small fun party at our old joint in the evening. Would you join?" Kaizan asked.

"Yes!' Ileus immediately agreed. He realized how much he was looking forward to unwind.

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