Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 238 - Sweet Lilas Game

Chapter 238 - Sweet Lila's Game

As Anastasia walked through the gardens, she admired the beautiful night-blossoming jasmine and jacaranda, the fragrance of which wafted in the air with the chilly air. It floated down the path and into the manor's corridors. Flanked by the guards, Darla and Kaizan, she crossed the corridors and entered a lobby that had several paintings. She gave them a cursory look—a cacophony of colors against gray and black and navy backgrounds. Anastasia felt compelled to look at the paintings that were inlay wood. She walked closer to them feeling a sense of unease.

"Do you like them?" asked Darla in almost a whisper.

Anastasia gulped saliva down her throat. She didn't know what to say. The paintings were conflicting, showing a thousand emotions—so abstract that it drew attention, but so still that it was almost repulsive. It was as if they tried to say something to her, as if they whispered unknown language to her—of gloom, of despair, of something so foul… something so trapped.

"Anastasia?" Darla called her, pulling her out of the reverie.

She jumped back a step and jerked her head toward Darla. "Shall we go?" she said in a low voice.

It took a moment for Anastasia to will her strength to leave the place and start walking. She sucked in a sharp breath and said, "Yes, let us go."

"Those paintings were made by Iona," Darla informed. "She was too young to express her emotions, but when she did, this was what came out."

Anastasia was surprised and she could feel a knot forming in her stomach.

"Cora and Pierre loved her a lot. She used to spend a lot of her time with them and they were the ones who inculcated this talent of hers. When she was kidnapped, they took every painting she had made and framed it. A total of twenty paintings from Iona decorate the manor."

"I see…" said Anastasia, guilt seeping in her heart all over again.

They walked through the antechamber. The guards stationed themselves on the outside along with the guards of the Silver Vales. The guards opened the gilded doors of the hall. Few people were sitting at the table already sipping wine. At the head of the table was Pierre. He got up as soon as he saw them coming in. Cora also got up with him to welcome the guests.

Pierre's eyes were fixed on Anastasia. He stared at her all the way till he came to them. Kaizan and Darla bowed to him and then Kaizan introduced. "This is Anastasia, Ileus' m—" Darla coughed loudly. "Ileus' guest. She is staying with us for a few days."

A smile flashed across his face baring his pearly white teeth and fangs. "Please join us," he said politely, waving towards the table. He pointed to a chair on his right side.

The servants on the table served food. An array of spices, meat, soups and herbs lingered in the air. Anastasia walked to the other side and sat down flanked by Darla and Kaizan. She knew that all eyes were on her. A pale blush rose on her cheeks. After being seated when she looked up, her eyes met with Lila's. She gasped. And right beside her was Murtagh. What was Lila doing there? A tentative smile built on her face that disappeared as soon as it came. How did Pierre and Cora know her? Had she told them about her interaction with Ileus? She found Murtagh watching her with his steel gray eyes—that brutal face tensed to the point that it became angular.

"Hello Anastasia," said Lila in a dulcet voice. "It is so nice to see you here." She picked up her goblet and took a sip of the wine.

"Do you girls know each other?" asked Cora with a frown.

Lila laughed so charmingly, it sounded like bells of a temple. "No, no. I just wanted to make her feel welcome." What she implied was that she was already a known figure in this household and she was practically one of them and Anastasia was an outsider.

Cora's frown disappeared and her demeanor softened. "Lila you are just too nice." She sighed. "Sometimes I feel that we will miss you so much after you marry my grandson."

"Aww, Cora, you just make me feel so bad all the time," Lila replied in a loving tone. "I will not marry Ileus and will stay by your side always."

"What?" Cora laughed a little. She turned to look at Anastasia and said, "Have you ever seen a girl this silly? Gods, I love her so much!"

Anastasia only gave a faint smile. She was feeling extremely jealous and wanted to blurt that she was Ileus' wife, but she knew that if she did that there were others on the table who might use the information in the wrong way.

"So what brings you here, Anastasia?" asked Lila, her name rolling out like it was slipping from her tongue.

"I have come to buy some jewelry," she replied honestly.

"Ah!" There was an excited glint in her eyes. "I am also over here to buy jewelry."

Anastasia was marveling at the way Lila was showing her ignorance.

"I have to buy jewelry for ministers in the human realm," said Lila as a servant placed a napkin on her lap. She fluttered her eyes and continued, "What kind of jewelry are you planning on buying?"

As other nobles became quiet, Pierre leaned on the table to hear the conversation.

"Rubies and emeralds," Anastasia answered. She chose to keep her answers short.

"Really?" Lila sounded surprised. "That is very interesting!" She placed her goblet on the table and said, "How about we play a small game?"

"Game? What game?" A crease formed in the middle of Anastasia's forehead. Warning bells rang loud.

"Why don't we simply eat food?" Kaizan scoffed. A grunt from Murtagh came, which meant that his interruption was unwanted. He grinded his teeth.

"What game Lila?" asked Cora.

"Oh it's nothing, Cora," said Lila. "It is just to lighten the atmosphere, but if you don't like it, I will not play. And I am so sorry to speak like that with your guest." She sounded afraid and timid.

"No my lovely Lila," said Cora reassuringly. "You can do whatever you like."

Lila gave her yet another affectionate soft look. "Thank you Cora," she almost purred. Then she gave Anastasia a patronizing look. "Shall we start then?"

Cora clasped her hands and said, "I am sure you will win Lila!" She gave a pitiful look to Anastasia. However, when she glanced at Anastasia, she couldn't help the fact that she felt oddly pulled towards her. The girl was beyond beautiful. She was… ethereal.

Lila stretched her hand at the back and a servant came immediately to hand her purse. Diamond studded, the green silk purse shimmered when she opened it. When she was opening it, without glancing at Cora, she said in a slightly high voice, "You really indulge me Cora. I love this purse because you specially got made for me." She wanted to boast it in front of Anastasia. On the inside she laughed that Anastasia must be so jealous. She wanted to look at her, but restrained.

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