Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 215 - Eynsworth Palace

Chapter 215 - Eynsworth Palace

"Are you ready, Anastasia?" he asked in a breathy voice.

"I am," she said.

He intertwined his fingers in hers and together followed Kaizan and Darla out of the woods into a clearing. Anastasia's eyes became wide with what she saw. Aidan was standing in front of a portal he had created with his hands crossed across his chest. How did he know that they were coming? A wide grin spread on his mouth when his eyes met Darla's. However, the Mozia controlled himself and bowed to the royalty first.

"My lord, this portal will take you to the palace," said Aidan.

"Does Mother know?" asked Ileus, not realizing that he was squeezing Anastasia's hand tightly.

Aidan nodded.

Anastasia was aware as to how complex the situation was, so she suggested, "If you think that it is still not right to go, we can always stay somewhere else." Her chest tightened at the thought of meeting Adrianna and that too without her daughter.

"No," Ileus snapped. "We are going to the palace." And Anastasia's mouth closed. "How is Guarhal?"

Aidan pursed his lips. "He is in the same condition, my lord. Isidorus has asked you to meet him whenever possible."

So Isidorus was sure that Ileus would make it. A faint smile curved his lips up. Isidorus, the old geezer, and his Grandfather were two of the most favorite people on the earth when he was in school. While Pierre had gone to reside permanently with Howard on the Mountains of Tibris, Isidorus stayed in Draoidh because he had vowed his life eternally to the crown. Besides, Adrianna was his favorite queen. "I will meet him, but right now I have to go to the palace." Night was about to fall.

Aidan chanted the name of the palace and symbols formed on the portal. As soon as they all passed through it, the portal closed.

Eynsworth Palace

Kingdom of Draoidh

Anastasia found herself in the beautiful gardens of the palace under the dazzling stars that sat against the black velvet. The moon had reduced to a silver crescent. The daylight had dwindled revealing a lovely, chilly night. The trees and plants formed silhouettes against the silvery sky. As the branches swayed in the wind that was as cold as they experienced in the ravine, they creaked. She noticed a rabbit in front of them darting to take cover in a bush as a night owl hooted. Lined with fragrant rose ramblers, the garden led into the palace—a colossal marble structure, kissed by the soft lights of the moon and the stars.

Ileus walked inside holding her hands very tightly as if trying to make a statement.

They climbed up the steps followed by their group. The heavily crafted and gilded tall and arched wooden doors opened on their own. Where were the royal guards? When she stepped in, she realized that her breath was on hold. They entered into what looked like a hall. She saw that the walls on the sides were decorated with numerous paintings. Between every painting there were swords that were crossed. There were tall windows on the sides with heavy drapes. At the end of the room was a huge navy blue silk flag that was pinned to the wall. Right in the center was embroidered its insignia—two swords crossed at the pommel with a golden crown in between.

They crossed the room and entered a corridor. Except for their footfalls, Anastasia didn't see anyone over there either. It was so strange as compared to the Kralj palace where at every step there was a royal guard. They rounded a corner and then came up to a landing from where they took a flight of stairs up. There were only two rooms that occupied the massive area. Ileus turned left and stopped in front of the dark wooden doors that were once again as heavily crafted as the rest she had seen.

"This is our bedchamber, princess," he said as he opened the double-door.

Anastasia smiled and then walked inside. She was expecting the rest of the group to also walk in, but she found Ileus closing the door behind them. Was the group there to protect them all the way? He leaned on the door and stared at his wife. They were home, in his bedchamber and she was safe… at least for now.

She scanned the bedchamber. The whole room was… exquisite. A side was lined with armoires. The floor was covered with soft rugs and windows were draped with white net curtains. Her head tilted when she saw that their bed was covered with a canopy of red and blue roses. The bed looked… massive.

Ileus wrapped his warm arms behind her and pressed a kiss on her temple. "You need a hot bath, sweetheart," he said and scooped her up in his arms.

She yelped. She was feeling excited and happy, yet a worry marred her thoughts. She knew that she had to face the queen the next day. "Where are all the servants?" she asked. She didn't know her way around the palace. How will she work her way here?

"I am at your service, my dear," he teased as he carried her to the bath chamber.

She was once again stunned to see that the bath was running with hot water and there were a ton of soaps and lotions and fluffy towels. On one side of the bath chamber, the wall was made of glass. He set her on the floor and stripped her of her clothes. She gasped and covered her breasts and sex, looking at the glass wall, through which all she could see was darkness on the outside.

He chuckled, "Don't worry. That window overlooks the city below. No one can see you."

"Is the palace built on a hill?" she asked.

"No, sweetheart," he replied and stripped off his clothes. "This is Level one that floats high in the air. We have four palaces here. The remaining city is below."

"Oh!" She rasped. Ileus picked her up and set her in the bathtub. He sat right behind her.

"Gods, how I waited for this time," he whispered and nibbled her earlobe. His hands trailed her belly and then onto her breasts.

Anastasia dropped her worries for the night.

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