Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 153 - Pretension

Chapter 153 - Pretension

Anastasia gulped in panic and her hand went to her medallion as she thought about Ileus. She wondered that if she pulled it out of her neck, would it again blast her elsewhere. With eyes she waited for the queen to say more. It was better to stay quiet.

Og'drath continued. "My servants are going to paint tattoos on you, which will make you darker. That way you will blend better amongst us."

"I am not a spy…" Anastasia said. "I don't even remember who I am or where I've come from."

Og'drath threw her head back and laughed. "You see Natsya, I don't care whether you remember or not. What I care about is the reason I've called you here."

She was dumbfounded at Og'drath's blunt admission of purpose. "And what is the intention?" her voice a mere whisper.

Og'drath raised her eyebrow. "Though I feel it is none of your concern but let me explain to you." She took a deep breath and said, "I feel that you know the fae language and that is your strong point. Often Etaya speaks in the fae language to Seraph. He is picking up on it and understands. I want you to get close to Etaya and keep a watch on her. What does she speak, what does she think and what are her plans? You have to report them to me."

She really didn't trust Etaya and Anastasia couldn't help but appreciate her wisdom, intelligence and cleverness.

"The woman is too young, but extremely ambitious and clever. She has wrapped Seraph around her small finger and manipulates him well. I want you to tell me everything she does. You will have to become my eyes and ears of the west wing."

"But that is too dangerous," Anastasia said. "If you have recognized my traits, don't you think Seraph would?" She admitted to being a fae, because pretension was no longer needed.

"That's why my servants are going to paint tattoos on you."

Anastasia nodded at Og'drath with awe. She fumbled with the fabric of her drape. The queen had thought out the plan well in advance—a plan that suited Anastasia perfectly. She had to get close to Etaya to know about her. It was like killing two birds with a stone.

"Can you do that for me, Natsya?" asked Og'drath. "If you do it, I will pay you with handsome rewards, but if you fail—" she looked outside the window and caressed her pearl necklace with her long gray fingers. "If you fail, I will throw you in dungeons that are seven levels below this place and deny that I even know you."

A moment later with determination in her voice, she replied, "I will do it for you."

Og'drath's mouth curved in a smile baring her fangs. "Good. I am going to ask my servants to paint you with demonic tattoos. If you agree to pierce your navel with a silver pin, then that would make you even more authentic."

She nodded. "I am okay with it."

Og'drath was about to leave when Anastasia asked, "Will the blueness on skin ever recede or it will stay forever?"

"It will fade in a matter of two weeks. However, if you come in contact with the bane blood again, it will take a toll on your skin. In that case, we are going to paint you all the more heavily."

Anastasia wrapped her hands around her as a shudder passed through her body. So she had a maximum of two weeks and in those two weeks she had to figure out a way to go back… to the future… to her present… "Jor'gas was mentioning that Etaya likes to punish her servants," she said.

"She does. So I hope that you stay away from trouble. In case she orders whipping you, I will call you back."

In the next two hours, Anastasia was taken to a special room where two servants whom she had seen in the queen's chamber, painted her skin with black demonic tattoos. One of the servants explained that they depicted stories of olden times, and people who had these tattoos were regarded to be staunch supporters of the king and queen. Jor'gas overlooked the entire process and looked more anxious than Anastasia.

Once the paint dried, Anastasia found herself looking bizarre. Jor'gas took her to the west wing. As they crossed an attic, she said with unease, "I didn't know what plans the queen had. I am so sorry to have put you in this situation. I thought that she was calling you out of her kindness and that she would make you her handmaiden."

"It is fine, Jor'gas," said Anastasia as she touched her hand. "I am happy to get some work in the palace. It is going to help me be distracted from millions of questions that come to my mind. I don't know where I have come from and I don't know how to go back. While I figure all that out, this job is going to keep me preoccupied."

Jor'gas stopped and on an impulse hugged Anastasia. When she pulled back, she brushed her cheeks with her fingers. "Thank you," she said in a low voice.

Anastasia chuckled and they walked towards a courtyard that separated the north wing from the west wing. As they passed, she noticed that there were guards at regular intervals.

"Remember, today is their wedding. You are new, so stay close to me. Don't go near the fae princess until she calls you. She practically hates all of us and acts superior because of her looks. It really makes me wonder how she likes the prince. It's not like the prince has a different skin than ours," Jor'gas scoffed. "His skin is as gray as ours!"

Anastasia chuckled. "Don't worry. I am going to stay with you."

The royal guards let them enter the bedchamber of the prince and princess because they knew that Jor'gas was one of Etaya's handmaidens.

They crossed an antechamber. As soon as they opened the door of the bedroom, Anastasia's breath hitched. The whole chamber had furniture made from gold.

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