Ice Age Apocalypse: I Hoard Billions of Supplies

Chapter 2: Femme Fatale

Chapter 2: Femme Fatale

Zhang Yi stepped out of his home, greeted by a tranquil scene brimming with human joy and serenity.

Numerous parents played with their children in the neighborhood square, their faces adorned with happy smiles.

But Zhang Yi knew that all this would turn into nothing but bubbles in a month.

He quickly walked out of the neighborhood. Not far away, there was a Michelin three-star restaurant.

A meal there would cost at least five to six thousand, and Zhang Yi had never been willing to splurge on dining there before.

But now, he didn't care at all.

Having returned from the dead, he needed to celebrate properly!

Upon entering the restaurant, Zhang Yi found a window seat and ordered all the most expensive dishes, along with a bottle of Lafite wine.

This extravagant meal cost him fifty thousand yuan.

Even the waiters in the restaurant looked at Zhang Yi with ambiguous expressions, assuming he must be a wealthy heir.

After all, who else would eat such expensive food in one sitting?

Zhang Yi ignored what others thought. He began to devour the food when the table was filled with delicious dishes.

Perhaps because he had endured six months of an ice-bound apocalypse, the delicious food moved him to tears.

His voracious eating drew the attention and gossip of the surrounding diners.

But Zhang Yi couldn't care less.

In the apocalypse, people would kneel and bow for a pack of instant noodles.

When that time comes, all civilization and morality will turn to dust.

While Zhang Yi was eating in the restaurant, a woman passing by the window stopped in her tracks.

She was a woman with long, flowing hair and delicate makeup. She wore Gucci high heels and carried an LV handbag.

This woman was Fang Yuqing, the one who had killed Zhang Yi in his previous life.

Beside her was her good friend, Lin Cainin.

The two women couldn't help but take a few more glances at the Michelin three-star restaurant as they passed by.

They both longed for such a luxurious place, but their finances prevented them from splurging there.

However, this didn't stop them from scrutinizing the interior, hoping to spot a wealthy young man they could hook up with.

To their surprise, Fang Yuqing spotted Zhang Yi inside, with a table full of top-tier food in front of him.

"Isn't that Zhang Yi? How does he have the money to eat here?" Fang Yuqing exclaimed.

Lin Cainin was equally shocked, covering her mouth, "Is Zhang Yi really that rich?"

As she spoke, she gave Fang Yuqing an ambiguous look and laughed, "Yuqing, you're fortunate! The guy chasing you turns out to be a hidden rich kid."

"Look at that table of food. It must cost at least fifty or sixty thousand. How can an ordinary person afford such an expensive meal?"

Lin Cainin's tone was envious.

She knew that Zhang Yi had been pursuing Fang Yuqing for two and a half years.

But Fang Yuqing had always kept Zhang Yi on a string, neither rejecting nor accepting him.

Fang Yuqing was a total gold digger. She always believed she could marry a quality rich guy and become a young mistress.

But she couldn't bear to give up on Zhang Yi, who had a car and a house in Tianhai City.

So, she always kept Zhang Yi as a backup.

Her backup principle was: not proactive, rejecting, or committing.

Seeing Zhang Yi enjoying a luxurious meal worth tens of thousands today made Fang Yuqing start to doubt.

"Could it be that Zhang Yi is actually a hidden rich kid?"

Fang Yuqing rested her chin in her hand, pondering.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was possible.

"Right, isn't this a common plot in TV dramas?"

"Someone who is very wealthy but pretends to be ordinary to find true love."

Fang Yuqing believed her own words, her eyes lighting up.

If that were true, she could save a lot of effort.

After all, Zhang Yi had been pursuing her, and she believed that if she just nodded, Zhang Yi would immediately propose to her.

Lin Cainin urged, "Yuqing, let's go inside and find Zhang Yi!"

In truth, she was eyeing the delicious food on the table.

This was a Michelin three-star restaurant. Ordinary people wouldn't get to taste such delicacies in their lifetime.

Fang Yuqing hesitated momentarily but shook her head, "That wouldn't be good! It might make him think I'm a gold digger."

"Let's wait outside and pretend to bump into him."

Fang Yuqing wasn't foolish. She wouldn't lower her stance just for a meal.

Even if Zhang Yi was wealthy, she had to maintain her goddess demeanor.

Only then, when they were together, could she control Zhang Yi and keep him as her devoted admirer.

So the two of them hid not far from the restaurant, waiting for Zhang Yi to come out.

Zhang Yi ate for over an hour, happily rubbing his round belly.

The taste of the Michelin three-star food was ordinary, but to someone reborn from the apocalypse, it was enough to move him to tears.

Next, he planned to buy supplies at a nearby supermarket.

This was to test the storage capacity of his interdimensional space, to avoid any problems later.

Although he was confident about moving supplies from Walmart, it was better to be cautious.

Having experienced hunger, he couldn't allow any accidents.

Zhang Yi happily paid the bill and walked out of the restaurant under the waiters' enthusiastic smiles.

At that moment, a familiar voice rang out.

"Zhang Yi, what a coincidence!"

Zhang Yi turned his head and saw Fang Yuqing and Lin Cainin.

Fang Yuqing tucked her hair behind her ear, deliberately exposing her fair neck and pink earlobes.

Zhang Yi sneered inwardly. This classic green tea trick was designed to make men feel moved unintentionally.

As a top drama queen and femme fatale, Fang Yuqing naturally knew this well.

But unfortunately, the current Zhang Yi was no longer the naive admirer he once was.

Not long ago, this woman had caused his death, a miserable and tragic death.

She had even intended to break his ribs to make soup!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi's gaze turned cold, filled with naked killing intent.

Anyway, the apocalypse would soon arrive, and even killing her wouldn't be a problem.

Should he finish her off?

Fang Yuqing shivered under Zhang Yi's gaze and nervously said, "Zhang Yi... what's wrong?"

Zhang Yi quickly restrained his gaze and said lightly, "Nothing, I mistook you for someone else."

He suddenly changed his mind.

Letting this woman die so easily would be too lenient.

Besides, killing her now would likely lead to legal consequences.

Zhang Yi didn't want to be in jail when the apocalypse came.

It was better to let her experience the despair of the apocalypse before dealing with her.

With the element of surprise on his side and his memories from before his rebirth, Zhang Yi had a hundred ways to make her die in agony.

So, for now, there was no need to deal with her.

The most important thing now was to build the safest refuge, ensuring he could live safely and comfortably in the apocalypse.

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