I Was Kidnapped By a Yandere Writer

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

The tip of my nose was itchy. It felt like something was tickling it. My facial muscles tense up as I tried to alleviate the itch by moving my nose.


A soft laughter echoed in my ears.

Who is it? mom? Did I come to my parents house?

My head was dizzy and my mind was not functioning well. My whole body felt numb and I couldnt open my eyes, all I could do was make some incomprehensible noises.

Get up

I heard the voice again. Sensing that someone was calling me, I forcibly lifted my eyelids, which did not move well, and grabbed hold of my spirit. I scanned through the dark room and caught a figure through the dim light. Finally, I recognized the figure who stood in front of me.

You woke up?


My whole body was sore. An involuntary sound of pain came out of my mouth. Even in the middle of this, my head began to figure out who was talking to me.

The persons gloomy complexion and unmistakable elegance exuded a dead beauty, more like an art piece than a living being. As I tried to recall the recent events, I suddenly realized who the person was, and my mind flashed an emergency signal.


My eyes widened, and my body bounced forward. However, I was immediately restrained by a sharp pain in my waist, which sent me backward. The person in front of me observed my reaction silently, and Go Eun-ah let out a small smile and greeted me.

Good good morning

Yes yes. Good morning.

Despite feeling flustered, I managed to speak diligently. The pain in my wrist, which had not completely subsided, allowed me to do so.

Ah, I was kidnapped.

After realizing where I was, I let out a shallow sigh. The fear that came to a step too late gave me a sense of familiar despair.

It was the second time in my life that I had felt such despair. The first since waking up in the barracks on the second day of training camp.

This Now that youre awake, Ill prepare a meal for you!

While I was struggling with the despair that was consuming my mind, I heard Eun-ahs voice. When I looked up at her, she shyly smiled and went out of the door.


A throbbing pain ran up my wrist. My body, which had been tied while sleeping, was swollen. I wish it was a terrible nightmare, but the reality revealed the cruel truth to me.


She didnt close the door completely, so I couldnt curse as I was afraid the sound would escape through the slightly opened door. The sound of dishes colliding coming through the slightly open door was clear as well. After making such a sound for a while, she seemed to have finished preparing before I knew it.

Soon, Eun-ah entered the room with a tray in her hand and sat on the bed. The smell of soybean paste hit my nostrils.

Now wait a minute

Eun-ah reached out and untied the rope around my waist. I felt a slight relief as my body was released from its restraints. I raised my upper body and said to Eun-ah.

Thank you.

Hehe This Shall we eat now?


The smell that drifted into my nostrils stimulated hunger. The only thing I ate the other day was thin porridge, so that was enough to make me feel that way. She put my meal in front of me and I waited for her to scoop up rice and feed me.

My situation, where I couldnt even eat without her permission, just felt pitiful, but I gathered my mind and shook off my depression at the thought that I had to live. Shouldnt it be possible to endure for the time being to escape from this woman?

While I was waiting for her to feed me, I noticed that Eun-ah wasnt doing anything. I looked up and saw her face. Her smile had disappeared, and her eyebrows furrowed in frustration. It was the prelude to a seizure.

A face that suddenly lost its smile. The eyebrows were driven to the center of her as if something was displeasing.

What the f**k! Again?

A feeling of tension built up in an instant. My head spun rapidly, retracing the situation from just before, but no clear answer came out no matter how much I tried. I really didnt know this time.

What? Did I even talk in my sleep? Or was she offended by my face?

Embarrassment and urgency filled my mind. The gaze with which she was looking at me was stinging. I was afraid that she would overturn the tray at me. I thought about it for a long time, but no matter how much I thought about it, I couldnt figure out the cause, so I was wrapping my head. Eun-ah, who had been silent until then, opened her mouth.

Ill eat well


Sentences without context

I, who didnt understand the meaning of her words, asked in confusion.

Should I say Should I say it


A small sigh escaped from her mouth.


Confused and disappointed, my emotions twisted from frustration to anger. So, was this woman just saying that I should say Ill eat well before eating?

God damn it.

Haha. Thats right! Im a bit out of it since I just woke up. Ill eat well!

Unlike the inside of me that cursed, my lips moved quickly as soon as they found the cause. Pride was an insignificant emotion in front of pain and fear. I listened to her request. She said again with a smile on her face that brightened up.

Hehe yes eat a lot!

After saying that with a smile on her face, Eun-ah moved her hand and scooped out some rice, and put it in my mouth. I swallowed the rice that touched my mouth and cursed inwardly.

F**king b**ch.

As soon as I opened my eyes, my heart trembled and I almost died. I felt like my insides were turning over with anger, but even in the midst of my boiling anger, I input information about the current situation in my mind.

The triggers that have been revealed so far are

Anger, rejection, cleanliness



There was another unidentified trigger, like the chilling gaze I had noticed last night when she had confirmed that my waist had been loosened, but at this point, it seemed that the basic stance I should take had been established.

Politeness, cleanliness, and obedience

There are so many things she wants.

It had been dynamic since morning. As soon as I opened my eyes, I faced a crisis, so I felt like I was completely awake. I didnt need a wake-up call. As I was passing the rice, Eun-ah, who had been diligently feeding me, opened her mouth.

Uh How is it?

Oh, it is really delicious. You cook well.

Hehe Im glad

Eun-ahs face was filled with happiness and pride. I suddenly felt a sense of shame in response to my reflexive answer to her question, even though I was lost in thought.

If that woman had performed such spasmodic actions to train me, she must have been an excellent trainer. My body had surrendered to her within a single day.

After twisting in shame for a while, I swallowed the rising feeling of revulsion while burning with determination.

Dont think that just because your body has surrendered, your mind will too!

I was determined to escape this place and regain the life I deserved, and put that woman in prison. As I engraved this resolution in my mind and ate the meal, I chewed diligently and soon found myself looking at the bottom of the empty plate.

I quickly put on a smiling face and spoke.

I ate well. Thank you for the meal.

Hehe Now I heard that you ate well, so I I I I thank you too!

Eun-ah must have been very satisfied with my quick response and replied with her face blushing.

Thenthen Ill put this away!

Laughing and shaking her body, Eun-ah tied my waist again and left the room with a tray in her hands.


The door was closed. The room turned into a dark space, lit with only the faint light from the nightstand once again.


I hoped her to leave with my waist untied again, but unfortunately, it didnt happen. For now, I needed to come up with a plan to improve the situation while she was outside.

No matter how I think about it

The ideas I had already thought of the day before; The toilet and the shower There were only two ways I could free my body immediately.

Shell definitely want to wash me.

Due to her sensitivity to cleanliness, she wouldnt leave me like this. In addition, I needed to go to the bathroom to take a shower, which meant she had to untie me.

Thinking that far, I felt my face heat up with shame. I closed my eyes tightly at the fact that I had to show my bare skin, but I couldnt think of any other way.

Be patient, be patient, Dokyun. How much information will come in if I just leave this room.

In addition to the advantage of being able to untie the strap on my waist, there were probably far more things outside the room that could be clues for my escape than inside.

Considering things like the sound of dishes clashing outside the door and the sound of water that I had heard yesterday as she went to wash, at least this house must have most of the elements needed in a normal family home. If that were the case, there must be something like a useful tool that I could use.

In addition to that

I need to know where this is.

What I was aiming for was the veranda. If it was a structure of a normal family house rather than a building isolated from the outside, I would be able to see the outside scenery through the veranda. Was it a private house, an apartment, or an officetel in the city center? I needed to find out.

If its a private house, I dont have to look at anything else, just break the window and run out.

In the case of a high-rise building such as an apartment or an officetel, a different method had to be used, but there may not be a way.

I wish it was a single-family house

High-rise buildings make things even more complicated. I would have to open the front door and leave, but I dont think that woman would give me that opportunity.


Maybe it was because I had used my brain too much as soon as I woke up, but I started to feel a headache. I struggled with my headache for a while, suddenly, I felt something in my stomach.


A voice full of bewilderment came out of my mouth.


Cold sweat ran down my back.

I cant believe this.

Familiar feeling, a signal that I would have to carry for the rest of my life if I missed it. The pain in my stomach, which started to growl, paralyzed my thinking, which had been working tightly until then.

In the meantime, my head remembered one thing I had forgotten.

Come to think of it when was the last time I went to the bathroom?

Sweat started to pour out of my forehead. The last time I went to the bathroom was two days ago, right after I finished work. I had not gone to the bathroom once since then.

My tense thinking suddenly stopped and conveyed one fact to me.


Im fucked.

[ TN:  Join Patreon to support the translation and to read up to the 3 chapters ahead of the release: /YandereLover232]

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