I Reject Quests

Chapter 22: Mom

Chapter 22: Mom

[Weapon skill "Lunge" created.] 

[Ding! The chained quest has been completed. Would you like to receive the rewards right now?]

[Yes] [No]

He stopped lunging his spear and looked at the screen in front of him.

"Where did the sound come from?"

"Oh, it's my spear. By the way, I have finally created a weapon skill."

"Y-you" Francesca's face drained of color and she suddenly found it hard to stand.

"Why are you so shocked? Is something wrong?"

"You do know that this is a Spring-space room, right?"

"Of course What about it?"

Spring-space rooms was another great discovery made before the research centres shut down. Depending on the quality of the materials used, spring-space rooms are used to create large rooms in a populated area. Else, how could this huge room fit in an academy? There has to be some kind of mechanism and Rewen guessed it the moment he entered the room.

"Do you know that the room absorbs shock?"

"Of cour f*ck, no no no, it wasn't me who made the metalli- no, just the sound. Yeah, I wasn't the one who made the sound."


"Okay, understand this. I haven't even reached Rank 0. I just did that with my martial arts. I'm sure that wouldn't be counted even if you reported."

"Oh? What a coincidence. The other guy who was expelled from the academy was also a martial arts genius."

"Wait! I can guarantee you won't be expelled if you didn't report this."

"Even if your father is the Branch Director of the Academy, I can guarantee that I would most certainly be expelled if I hide this."

"We know nothing, how's that sound?" Rewen tried his last trick.

"Why do you not want to graduate?"

"Isn't that obvious? I don't want to go into that hellish dark city for five years."

"But aren't the gains much larger?"

"I have my own plans to get stronger. So, what do you say?"

Francesca didn't reply for a long while before finally opening her mouth. "Okay, I don't know anything."

Rewen heaved a huge sigh of relief. He was only a single step away from graduating and sent into a special prison. The story behind making a metallic sound in a spring-space room dates back more than five hundred years. Back then, the first branch of the Eastern Dream Academy had just established itself and made a name for itself and it's very first year, a student like Rewen appeared. He had a low mana resonance but was extremely proficient in martial arts. With his strength, he began to disrupt the natural laws of the school like paying basic respects to the seniors. In his third year, he made the same sound Rewen made in a spring-space room. Everyone took note of that. 

The very next day, the entire first, second and third years ganged up on him. He managed to emerge victorious in the brawl which is nothing short of a miracle. Although he wasn't thrown into jail because it was self-defense, he was expelled from the academy and black-listed in every branch. This story spread far and wide throughout the world and some Super Academies decided to sit down and discuss the issue. One of the Super Academy being Eastern Dream. In the end, a rule was written that said 'Whoever manages to make a metallic sound in a spring-space room should report themselves to the academy officials for immediate graduation. After the immediate graduation, the said person will be sent to the capital of their respective countries' Country Hall for further training for a period of five years.'

Even though this rule was made, not a single case appeared until now. 

Rewen sighed and picked up his bag after keeping the spear to the room it came from. 

"Are you going?"


"I'm coming as well."


Eastern Dream Academy. Main Gate. 

He stared at the departing figure's back a bit, then shifted his attention to the transparent screen and tapped 'Yes'.

[+4 All Physical Stats]

[Knight Path Unlocked]

He then took a look at his stats.


Host: Rewen Klofar

Bloodline: Human (100%) (Yellow) - [Perks]

Age: 18

Strength: 10 

Agility: 9

Endurance: 9 

Dexterity: 10

HP: 95/95 

MP: 13/13

Skills: [Freestyle Knights Combat], [Lunge]

Features: [Blacksmith], [Missions to Doom], [Boost]

Path: [Knight]


'What is the benefit of the knight path?'

[Replying to the Host, the 'Knight Path' unlocks several locked skills.]

'And where are those skills?'

[In the System Shop.]

'There is a shop? How can I buy from the shop? How many points am I earning?'

[The 'Shop' and 'Points' features cannot be accessed for the time being.]

'Then what do I do? When can it be accessed?'

[Related to the 'Knight Path', nothing. It couldn't be estimated.]

'That sure was a quick letdown. Anyways, time to go home.' He wasn't too worried about this. He was confident that just with the daily missions, he would become stronger everyday. 


Jogging the entire way, he reached his home and noticed a white car parked in the open garage. With this, he confirmed that his mother arrived. He saw Cal tending the garden and came to him.

"How's her mood?" He asked cautiously.

"You forgot to ask mine. I don't know what to do with you. Yesterday, you caused a huge incident and today, you gave me a huge shock. What else do you have in stock?" Cal replied without any emotions in his voice.

"That's because you are very understanding and-"

Cal immediately cut him off. "No need to lick my ass. Go and meet Aunt. I'll be coming in a minute."

Rewen felt a bit depressed and walked towards the main entrance to ring the bell.


"Who is it?" 

"It's me, Denny."

"Oh, the protagonist of the evening arrived. Please come in."

Making a grand welcome with her hands, she welcomed him. Other than giving her a threatening glance, he didn't say anything.

"Give me your bag and you should go to the living room."

"I can keep my bag on my own."

"No, give it to me."

Rewen didn't continue arguing with her and handed over the bag to her. Denny shot him a single glance before walking away. Sighing, he took off his shoes and moved to the living room where he saw a middle-aged woman wearing a business outfit sitting on the sofa reading a magazine. Seeing someone arrive, she raised her eyes and frowned.

"So you've arrived? Sit down."

Rewen did as he was told, taking a seat opposite to her.

"You smell." She said calmly.

"Ah, I was sprinting."


"To maintain my physique."

"There are better ways."

"Of course."

"I heard you've been hiding the fact that you have interference. What do you have to say about that?"


"Shut up! Immediately follow to the hospital!" It didn't take more than a second for her calm face to change into a raging devil woman. Pulling his wrist, she dragged him out of the house.

Rewen was helpless. He could be rebellious but what good would that do? He did have thoughts on directly shifting the blame on his family and cry about it but one thing he hated doing is drama. Nothing good would come out from it. He was a grown-up so he had to act like one. 

Putting on the seat belts in the front seat of the car, he asked. "Where is Dad?"

"He went to the Black Continent." The middle-aged woman subtly replied.

"That's so far."


"I never asked this but what kind of business are the two of you involved in?"

"Manufacturing Magic Artifacts."

"Do you have a company or sorts?"

"We do."

"Then are you rich?"


"Then why are my monthly expenses so low?" He almost resisted the urge to add a few curses.

"You have to know the value of money."

Rewen inwardly facepalmed a thousand times. "You increase my monthly expenses and I'll work harder. How about this?"

"How about no?"

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