I Reject Quests

Chapter 18: Inventory

Chapter 18: Inventory

Rewen took a huge gulp of Hagver before throwing it in the nearby trash can. He savored the taste of the drink as he drank. "This never gets old. The question is why would the [Bloodline System] give such a mission. Does the drink contain some mysterious ingredients?" He shook his head and focused on the matter at hand.

To complete the second mission of [Bloodline System], he needed to run half-a-mile. He originally planned to run the entire journey but the distance from the academy to his home is shorter than that so he thought about running in the academy training grounds. He took the elevator and came to the fourth floor where his class' training ground is located. Upon reaching the door of the training ground, he found it closed.

"It's not like I didn't expect this." Rewen sighed, then spotted someone unfamiliar in the hallway. She had sports shorts and her body was emitting hot rays. It didn't even take a second for Rewen to figure out that she had just trained somewhere.

"Excuse me, but do you know a place where I can run?"

"Get out of my w- wait, aren't you the-"

"Yes, yes. Do you know a place where I can run?"

"Um" Hesitation initially showed on her face which completely disappeared afterwards. "Come with me."

Rewen followed her to an elevator and saw her press '6'. The elevator door slowly closed, after which it was ascending them when it suddenly stopped. Rewen and the girl both assumed that the fifth floor had someone coming in.



Two seconds passed by but the elevator door didn't budge an inch.

[Ding! 'Male God System' has issued an immediate quest! Would you like to see it?]

[Yes] [No]

'Yes.' Rewen didn't want to see but the rewards tempted him. He wasn't particularly worried about the elevator. Although cases like these are very rare, it did happen from time to time. It wasn't necessarily due to system failure. Most of the time, it was just pranks.


Quest: Popular elevator failure incident.

Grade: D+

Details: The girl who is with the Host right now in the elevator has a severe case of claustrophobia. Cope to deal with her phobia. To complete the quest, the Host would have to bring the favorability meter of the girl towards the Host to 3. Current favorability - 0.

Rewards: +1 Dexterity and +1 Strength permanently.

Failure: None.


[Would you like to accept it?]

[Yes] [No]

'Yes.' Rewen's first reaction after reading and accepting the quest was 'Oh no!'. He swiftly looked at the girl in front of him who was leaning her head to the elevator door and her feet appeared sluggish. It looked as if someone was sleeping while standing. However, her eyes were open and her forehead was dipping buckets of sweat. As every second passed, her footing was slowly losing.

Rewen took out his bottle, opened it and gave it to her hand while also supporting her standing. Slowly and gradually, he brought her down on the elevator ground and made her lean on the wall. The girl drank the water given by him quietly.

[+2 Favorability]

Rewen smiled. He didn't necessarily do it for the quest but he was still happy.

"Thanks." The girl said, handing over the bottle to Rewen back.

Rewen kept the bottle back to his bag and sat down near her. "Do you have claustrophobia?"

The girl nodded after a few moments of hesitation.

"Why did you take the elevator then?"

"I usually don't take elevators but today, I was exhausted also, my destination was only two floors high. I thought I could handle it but then this happened" The girl spoke in a weary voice.

"This ought to be a prank. You think it was your friends?" Rewen expressed his thoughts.

"...It urk...should be my friends.. urhhahhh... uahrrrrrr" She started puking.

Rewen didn't feel much disgusted looking at some crunches of chips dipped in yellowish-white fluid mixed with the strong scent of curry she probably ate last night. He again took out his bottle and passed it to the girl.

Washing her face and drinking some water, the girl finally felt a little better. Her attention then turned to the guy who was carelessly sitting near her. 'What a weirdo.' Any sane person would immediately move a feet or two away when someone pukes. 'Maybe he just likes it? Who knows.' Recalling how he became the 'Future Strongest Man on Earth', her suspicions of him having some weird kink deepened.

"Ah, sorry. I finished your water." No matter what, she still had to be grateful to him.

Rewen took his bottle and kept it in his bag, then turned towards her and laughed. "Take my advice. Chew food properly before gulping it down your throat."

After a few seconds of embarrassment, the girl giggled. "Where did you learn to examine the details of the puke? Don't tell me you're into it."

[+1 Favorability]

[Ding! The quest has been completed! Would you like to get the rewards right now?]

[Yes] [No]

"I haven't explored that. In case I find myself to be really into it, I would at least put the doujin authors to shame." Rewen joked before saying 'Yes'. [AN: Now that I think back, I haven't made it clear that both "saying" and "pressing" works.]

[+1 Strength]

[+1 Dexterity]

The girl and Rewen started chatting. From their conversation, Rewen found out that her name was Francesca and she was from the First Year 1st Grade Class. Five minutes later, the elevator started moving. Both of them heaved a sigh of relief and got up. As the elevator door opened, Rewen spotted three unfamiliar students looking at them. Two guys and a girl. From their appearance, Rewen presumed them to be high-schoolers. "Are they your friends?" Turning to Francesca, he asked.

Francesca shook her head which puzzled Rewen.

"Why did you do this?" Rewen asked in a deep voice.

"Come on bro, it was just a prank. Why be salty? Besides, didn't you also get to know the girl? I see this as a win-win."


"Shut up. What are your names?"

"Bro, we didn't mean to do it!"

"Yes, we were planning to prank on our friend but he didn't come."

"So you pranked on us?"

"It was completely unintentional!"

Initially, Rewen thought they would be difficult but surprisingly, they knew where to take a step back. Personally, he didn't want to take this matter to the prefects for two reasons. One, it would do nothing productive for him. Two, his anger is diminished. Yet, he couldn't immediately dismiss this because he wasn't the only one who suffered. Francesca, being claustrophobic, had a far worse time than him.

"What do you think we should do?"

[+1 Favorability]


"Hmm, just leave them be. We got better things to do. Come with me."

Rewen was a bit confused with the sudden favorability increase but decided to not overthink."Alright, needless to say but don't do it again." He waved his hands and started following Francesca. As they walked, Francesca suddenly blocked his path.

"Want to exchange numbers?"

"Huh? Sure." This woman is a godsend for Rewen. Not only did he get two of his stats increased, she also helped him clear one of the missions in 'Male God System.'

[Ding! Daily mission from 'Male God System' completed! Would you like to receive the rewards right now?]

[Yes] [No]


[Ding! The Host received a Tier 1 Bronze lottery ticket! Would you like to use it right now?]

[Yes] [No]


[Ding! 'Tier 1 Bronze lottery ticket' is now stored at the Host's inventory!]

'Wait. When did I have that?'

[Replying to the Host, from the start. The inventory has limitless space but it could only hold items given from the System.]

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