I Reject Quests

Chapter 13: Daily Missions

Chapter 13: Daily Missions

Bored, he took out his notebook and started writing down the daily missions from the three systems. 


[Basic Knights and Magic System] 

Practice [Freestyle Combats Manual] for ten minutes. 

Gain 1 MP. 

[Male God System]

Get a girl's number. 

Kiss a girl 3 times. 

[Bloodline System]

Drink two cans of Hagver. 

Run half a mile. 


'Aren't the daily missions of [Male God System] too damn straight!?' As a proud seasoned veteran virgin in his previous world, he naturally had very little experience with romance. Fortunately, the Rewen of this world had experience. Having dated someone for four years, there was almost nothing he didn't do. 

'Running half a mile shouldn't be so hard and well, today we'll be learning how to store and absorb MP.' Rewen slowly planned out everything in his mind and as soon as he was done, the History Professor left the class and Instructor Venitt along with the Assistant Instructor came. 

Instructor Venitt coughed lightly. "As y'all are already aware, today we'll be taking the first step towards your journey in the Mage System. Now, come to the training grounds within five minutes." The class stood up and one by one, everyone left the classroom. 

4th Grade Training Grounds. 

[Ding! Daily Mission from 'Basic Knights and Magic System' completed.]

On his seventh try to create the mana storage, Rewen succeeded. He looked around and found everyone except for him struggling and felt a bit proud. With long strides, he headed in the direction of where Instructor Venitt was standing and monitoring the students.

"I'm done." He said in a moderately loud voice. His voice sounded humble and his expression said he didn't want to bring attention. Rewen knew all too well but unfortunately for him, Instructor Venitt only spared him a single look and nodded. 


Rewen was dissatisfied but didn't try to push things. "Is there anything I can do for now?"

"Do you even need to ask? Try increasing your mana storage." 

[Ding! A quest has been issued from 'Basic Knights and Magic System'. Would you like to see it?]

[Yes] [No]

Rewen was planning about how to go about setting goals to increase training productivity when the system gave him a quest. Going into a corner, he directly tapped 'Yes'. 


Quest: Starting up

Grade: C-

Details: Become Rank 0 Mage within this week. 

Rewards: Two Rank 0 Purple-ranked skills. 

Failure: None. 


[Would you like to accept it?]

[Yes] [No]

Rewen fell into silence when he read this. 'Including today, I only have about 5 days and increasing mana storage from 1 to 100 within five days is something I have never heard of. Hm I'll just accept it since there's no failure.' Thinking so, he pressed 'Yes', then fell into thoughts. 

'It's practically impossible to increase my speed with my 22% mana resonance. The only option left for me is the system. System, do you have any solution to this?'

[Checking initiated 0...54.100%]

[Not found. Please try again.]

'Alright, start checking.'

[Checking initiated 0...78...beep-]

[Something went wrong. Please try again.]

'Start checking.'

[Checking initiated 0...21...98...100%]

[Ding! Hidden feature "Boost" found.]


Information: When activated, increases the Host's speed in a particular activity depending on the Host's temporary sacrifice. 


Note: Missions will be given only when the feature is activated. 


'What exactly is the temporary sacrifice?'

[It can be anything. The Host can sacrifice stats, skills, bloodline and anything in possession with the Host. Of course, it all comes back when the activity the Host is doing is halted.]

'How fast would the speed be if I temporarily sacrificed all of my stats and [Freestyle Knights Combat] technique?'

[A little more than three times.]

'Not enough, but the speed would increase as I get more stats and skills along the way. Activate hidden feature 'Boost' and temporarily sacrifice all my stats and skills.' Wasting no more time, he started training. 

Two hours later when the training session ended, Rewen increased his mana storage capacity to 10 which is a huge improvement. Of course, he didn't bother to inform anyone not because he was afraid of getting attention but he wanted to give everyone a scare when he reached 100 MP after this week. If he wanted to show off, he would do so in the best possible way.

Rewen was chatting with Zelic in the hallway after the training session when suddenly a braided girl with glasses popped up in front of him. 

"Ah, are you Rewen?" Figuring that she was very close to his body, she stepped back and adjusted her glasses. 

"Yes. Is something the matter?"

The braided girl with glasses again readjusted her glasses. "You are requested to come to Ms Cutlin's office."

Rewen turned to Zelic. "You go to class."

Zelic nodded and left while Rewen and the braided girl with glasses started walking towards Ms Cutlin's office. 

"Eh! Aren't you the Future Strongest Man on Earth?" Showing a shocked face, she turned to him and bowed. "Please forgive my manners!"

Rewen bitterly smiled. "Uh yes." 

"I believe it's my greatest honour to be walking around with the Future Strongest Man on Earth."

"Please stop joking."

"Wha- Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. It wasn't my intention to make fun of you. Please don't hold a grudge against me."

Rewen frowned. 'I don't even know her. Why is she still joking around with me?' He was about to berate when a thought struck his mind. 

"Why do you think I'll become the Strongest Man on Earth?"

"Ah, isn't everyone on the internet saying so?"

Rewen had a strange smile on his face. Although he still couldn't be absolutely sure, he was confident that this girl didn't know the word 'meme'. 

"Excuse me for asking but do you use the internet very often?"

The braided girl shook her head. "I never used the internet more than three times in my life. Yesterday, a friend was going through the internet when she told me about you."

"Oh." Rewen didn't tell her the truth but also didn't acknowledge that she was right. Although the chance is slim, she could still be playing with him. When they arrived at Ms Cutlin's office, a woman was looking as if she was in her late twenties reading some stuff. When she raised her head and noticed the pair, she closed the book she was reading. 

"Rewen, come and sit here."

He did as he was told. Meanwhile, the braided girl left the office. Ms Cutlin took a sip from her coffee and stared at Rewen. 

"I'm not sure if you are aware or not but apparently, a tiny portion of your soul space is missing. Yesterday, every single cadet in the academy went through a scan and only yours had a slight defect."

Rewen had a calm expression. "No. I'm not aware. Will that affect me?"

"No. It's only a tiny portion. To scale, if your soul space has 100 units, then only about 1/100 is missing. It can be overlooked but there are surgeries to restore the defect. I just called you here to make you aware. Are you interested in restoring?"

"Is it expensive?"


"Then no need."

"Okay, you can go now."

Rewen came out of the office and stared at pink cherry blossom leaves from the hallway through the glasses. 

"They look good, don't they?"

Rewen turned sideways and saw Zaplin smiling, then nodded. 

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