I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 133: Beast Tamers ( Part 1 )

Chapter 133: Beast Tamers ( Part 1 )

All the items that Orga left behind were in Stella's possession and she's confident that she has the higher survivability in this mission. 

Aside from that, her Master can also use his Take Over if it really became dangerous.

Tanro then approached Stella and gave her a black cloak 

"We will be moving once the sun goes down. We'll move as covertly as possible so please wear this."

"I understand, thank you"

The young girl then took the hooded cloak from him and wore it without any issues. It fitted her body very well.

After confirming that everyone has arrived, Hendrick led the team and slowly entered the Wailing Forest

"Stella I know that you're good with your swords. However, stay close to Misha as she can protect you from any ambush. We'll be needing your skills more once we entered the Tamer's hideout."

"I understand"

Stella answered Knight Ulysses before she nodded at Misha to imply that she would stick beside her.

Misha is carrying a small shield enough to protect her arm but it seems that it has other effects. It is most likely a Magic Item or perhaps, even Arcana.

As they moved forward, Stella saw that the Hunters moving in front started scattering some powder as they advanced. 

She could guess that it was being used to repel some particular beasts around the area.

In truth, the Evil Beasts should be actively hunting by now so they need to hurry and find the Tamer's hideout. 

They believe that the place has some protection that repels strong beasts since it was impossible for them to survive in this forest if they needed to constantly fight against these creatures.



They heard the roar of a bear and a bird's cry not too far from them. However, they just ignored them and moved as fast as they can

Suddenly, the hunters in front signaled to stop. 


Everyone halted their steps and waited for another instruction. 

"We'll need to take a different path. Follow me."

The one-star Hunter specializing in scouting mission didn't explain too much and only moved around from the original path.  It seems that he found some trouble there but there was no time to explain. 

Anyway, they trusted Tanro's choice with the Hunters accompanying them so they didn't bother asking as well 

Although they would no longer see the wolves' footprints, it didn't bother the Hunters as they already have a rough idea of their location. 

Only, Lord Castillo looked far ahead before nodding his head. 

It seems that he also realized the problem in their current path as he agreed in taking a different one to take.


'Don't worry The Hunters in front are skilled. Just follow them.'

'Yes..' Stella understood as she no longer bothered her master.

As they moved along the new path, they heard several more cries and howls from different types of beasts. 

It was quite scary as it's getting darker.

They would probably encounter attacks from all different directions if the Hunters were not scattering some of those mysterious powder on their way. 

They traveled on foot for almost an hour before they found the traces of Tamers The Hunters managed to find the Inferno Wolves' footprints again as they got closer to their target

"Everyone You can now drink the tonic"

Hendrick whispered but it was enough for everyone to hear him.

The tonic that he was referring to was the one that would give enhancements in their vision within this dark and eerie forest. 

Gulp! Gulp!

After everyone consumed the tonic, they waited for a while to confirm that the effects have appeared. 

Stella was no longer new to this vision enhancement tonic so she was no longer surprised at the magical effects it had on her vision...

"Alright Do you see that huge rock over there? After we passed that area, we will be rushing forward in combat formation. Some of the Tamers had entered the cave ahead and only ten were supposedly guarding outside Lord Castillo, please"

"I understand, I will make a move first." The 3rd-Class Arcanists said as he pulled out his wand It seems that this person likes these types of items. First was a quill pen, now he has an unattractive wand in his hands. 

"Great! We will move and act as planned" Hendrick said as they began their offensive operations. 

As soon as they passed the huge rock as their marker, they saw a few Inferno Wolves patrolling the area. 

The cave that the Tamers had targeted was on an elevated ground. The wolves and the other tamers were uphill while they were below hiding under the cover of the trees. 


The wolves started growling as they noticed their presence after getting near


Hendrick signaled as Lord Castillo cast his Arcane Magic

"Energy Blast!"

As soon as the Arcanist cast the magic, Stella waited in bated breath as she wanted to see what was about to happen.

Unfortunately, the magic didn't seem effective as nothing happened. 

However, she suddenly heard Hendrick casting another arcane magic

"Chaotic Heart!"

This time, Stella saw a visible effect

The Tamers that were alerted and the wolves that were ready to pounce on them had suddenly started attacking each other!


Stella was confused at the situation as she remembered during their meeting that they would indeed cast a spell to signal the start of the battle. After the spell successfully hits their enemies, they should be rushing to defeat them while they are still surprised by their assault

However, it looks like they didn't have to take action at all!

The Tamers and wolves were already killing each other!

"It wouldn't last long Attack now!"

Hendrick quickly said after noticing their hesitation 

"Alright! Long-range attackers! Now!"

The Hunters who brought crossbows, longbows, and throwing knives started their series of attacks. 

Stella waited for them to finish their long-range attacks before getting closer and finishing them off.

Their coordination was flawless They easily killed the 10 or so Inferno Wolves and only a few were injured after being hit by some random fire breath from the wolves.

As some of them celebrated, Stella had a question floating in her mind.

'If we did this a while ago, we wouldn't have to enter this scary forest and we could've killed them while they were just outside the village'

Stella couldn't help but look at Hendrick.

'Why did he not use that powerful Chaotic Heart magic and waited until they retreated to a secluded place?!'

As she was thinking of it, Misha noticed her confused expression

"Are you thinking why we didn't do this a while ago?" Misha suddenly whispered to Stella.

"Eh? Ahh You can read my mind?"

"Haha Of course, not I can read your face."

Misha chuckled before she explained what happened.

"The Chaotic Heart skill that the captain used isn't all-powerful. It can be defended by several layers of Shell Protection made by Spiritual Energy"

"Is that so"

"That's right That's why Lord Castillo cast his arcane magic at first"

"Ah The Energy Blast?"

"That's right It destroyed their defenses against the captain's spell"

"I see"

The arcanist and the knight only managed to make some plans a while ago but they already created such an amazing combo

"Chaotic Heart Amazing Can you also use that skill?"  Stella asked the beautiful knight.

"Of course Just like how all Sun Fire Knights can use Hazy Flash Steps All Chaos Knights can use Chaotic Heart It just depends on the spiritual energy of each Knight."

Stella was sure that it wasn't as simple as that but she didn't ask any more questions as they were still on a mission.

"We're done here It seems that all that was left are those guys who entered this cave"

One of the Hunters said after inspecting their surroundings.

Hendrick nodded at this and added his findings.

"Aside from that, none of the strong leaders were present here All of the tamers we killed were too weak and they only have two or three magic items with them Don't be complacent"

He already got himself entangled with other tamers before so he was sure that the people they killed were just fodders. 

Their true foes were inside the cave where they would have difficulty using their techniques. 

"Have you found any other exits they could use?"

The Hunter shook his head after being asked by the Knight.

"We didn't find other caves nearby As for the other side of the hill, it was too dangerous to explore that area So if there is indeed an exit there, we wouldn't know" The scout answered truthfully. 

"Alright Let's just proceed with our plan"

As soon as Hendrick said this, they heard a low rumbling noise as the ground started to sway

'An earthquake! At this time?!'

Stella realized what's happening and quickly looked at the cave 

Will it collapse? They don't know However, it might be for the best if the tamers got buried inside.

The earthquake lasted for half a minute and was followed by panicking wild beasts

"Tsk! Hurry inside the cave!"

Hendrick shouted as he noticed that a beast wave was about to hit them

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