I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 421: Zombies

Chapter 421: Zombies

Elliot couldn't ask more about what happened. The tree that they passed through was already flooding with undead soldiers that were sprinting towards the city.

"How come they followed us here?" Kaminari grit his teeth in anger. "How?"

"Let's finish this first," Guan Yin said. "There's not much soldiers. Unlike the ones that chased us, this is nothing."

"Right," Lance agreed. "Let's go."

They leaped from the roof they stayed on and ran through the houses' roofs. They have now considerably faster speed considering they have been training their Arcane Points. 

Their endurance was doubled and their stats increased drastically. It was almost like they leveled up a couple of times.

"Lance," Elliot called out after seeing the white tree that was currently being flooded by zombies. "Who planted that tree?"

He couldn't be mistaken. This was a tree similar to the one at the Gray Lake. Although this tree was much larger than the tree in his backyard and the lake, they have similar features.

The plain white bark, trunks, and leaves. The wide sword-shaped leaves, and the small circular markings on its bark. These trees are of the same origin.

"Emperor Kang said he discovered this tree when they were looking for a hideout," Lance said. "I don't think he knows who this tree belongs to."

"That's" Elliot trailed off. "Nevermind. Let's hurry before those zombies could reach the city."

A man leaped to the side and was running alongside them. "Hello, I am Seungju and I'm here to help. The civilians are being evacuated to the bunker. Please, help us defend."

"I think it followed us here," Guan Yin said. "This is our fault."

Seungju shook his head, "I'm afraid one of our crows were seen. She was the one who got caught."

"Nonetheless, we're here," Lance said. "Let's just finish this and get over with. We still have a lot of planning to do."

"What about the reinforc?" Ed asked. "Are they here yet?"

"Frederick called me earlier," Lance said. "It seemed like they got delayed for days due to the border patrols and the armies strolling around the shores."

"Licht had expected reinforcements," Guan Yin said. "Of course he stengthened the guards."

"Why am I here again?" Kusa deadpanned. His hands were still tied together but his legs were freed. Lance was still suspicious of him, but they trusted him better now.

"You're here to help," Ed said. Ed was the one who was holding the chains that tied Kusa's hands. Connor and him were assigned to watch over Kusa in case he shows hostility.

But Elliot was already one step ahead of them. If his system shows that Kusa is hostile, he will not hesitate to chop his head off. He didn't need more betrayals at the moment.

"Elliot," Lance called out, snapping Elliot from his thoughts. "Stop spacing out. We're almost there."

A few more minutes later and they have arrived at the edge of the city. The zombies were still far away, giving them time to prepare.

"What is a zombie's weak point?" Ed asked out of the blue. "You're expecting us to fight these undead beasts when we don't even know how to kill them? They're already dead."

"Pulverize them," Seungju answered with a smirk. "Like so."

He leaped high into he air and ran his hand from the side to his front. There was a small fragments of crystal-like aura from his movements. It looked like he was being followed by a diamond aura whenever he moves.

"Dance of the Swans!"

Seungju snapped his hand into the air, the light from all over his body travelling into the tip of his fingers before it bursted into a swan-shaped figure.

The swan flapped its wings before launching itself to the horde of zombies, unleashing its wrath that left a crater in the soil. Seungju's attack was powerful that it was able to pulverize a large number of zombies in one strike.

"That's amazing!" Elliot gasped, looking at the man who was now landing on the roof.

He was grinning one second and his knees fell to the ceramic roof the next. His eyes rolled to the back of his head before he paseed out in a kneeling position.

"Seungju has one attack that he focused all his cultivation on," Kaminari sighed. "It's powerful, effective, yet he can only use it once. After that, it's as if all the life had been sucke out of his body."

All their faces contorted as thet pitifully watched the passed out Seungju. They shook their heads to get rid of the thought and proceeded to face their enemies.

"This is gonna be a tough battle," Lance said. "There's a lot of them."

Kusa sighed, shaking his head as he burned the chains off of him. "What they have is number. They don't know sh*t."

"You could break free from that?" Connor pouted. "Why didn't you do it sooner?"

"Honestly, I was first suspicious," Kusa said. "You're all foreigners and I don't know what your intentions were, so I played along."

"And you knew about how vile DuDu and Licht are?" Elliot asked. "How come you never told us?"

"You think us Masters are dumb?" Kusa chuckled. "We have known for a long time that the ruling emperors and the fake rulers they placed were from the darkness. I was just unsure where your side stands."

"Against them, obviously," Elliot scoffed. "Will you help us or not?"

Kusa leaped off of the roof and conjurer his wooden elephant. The vehicle made a trumpet like sound, its nose that were made from connected cylindrical wood waved in the air.

"I'll fight for my kingdom," Kusa yelled. "The elephant whipped its nose in the air, creating a slash of flames that hit an entire row of zombies. "I have the highest damage output in the masters. Though, I'm the slowest, zombies are never faster than me."

It's been days and the reinforcements from Avancia had nothing to do other than fight and hide. They didn't just battle against zombies, they also fought Explorers.

It was like a war between Adventurers in this state. Unlike zombies, Explorers have minds and can cast their skills. They were harder to defeat even when there were dragons on the Avancians' side.

"This is impossible," Luck groaned. "It's been days and all we did was fight."

"I know," Midnight sighed in agreement. "They're not that strong, but they have the numbers. They still outnumber us three to one every single fight."

Zeus had no other choice than to rub his temples. A woman in white came up to him and bowed, "Zeus, all the injured had been healed. They only need a couple of hours of rest and they will be good to go."

"I just wish we brought more men," Zeus sighed. "Thank you. Let me know if they can move again. We will travel by air again."

"But that didn't work, did it?" Tanner, the one Daniel had the argument with, scoffed. "They have their iron birds with them. We can't move in the air. And on land, we have zombies to take care of. Let's just go"

A man stood in front of him, red eyes piercing through his soul. Daniel leaned and smiled flatly, "Are you sure you're an Adventurer? Or just a coward?"

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