I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 394: Red Winds and Blue Lightning

Chapter 394: Red Winds and Blue Lightning

As Lance fell from the skies and slashed his sword, he created a massive attack. The Earth Master raised both his hands to the side and opened his mouth, seemingly accepting his fate.

The light from the attack had consumed him not a second later. His presence vanished into thin air, slowly dissipating into oblivion.



Two huge auras clashed in the middle of the centre. The people had to crouch almost near to the floor just to avoid the magic that was coming closer to them. 

Kaminari and Angin were in the middle of the fight. Neither of the two seemed like they were going to back down by how powerful their auras were.

Red winds and blue lightning. The elements paraded both the earth and the skies. Their magic was filling the atmosphere like it was air that it was getting harder and harder for the normal people to breathe.

"Come over here!" Lance yelled, leading the path outside. Ed was the one who cleared the golems in the path so it was safe for the people to pass through. Lance and Elliot stayed in the centre to make sure everyone got safe.

Connor on the other hand, had another task. He was leading the crowd in the safe path while carrying the unconscious Crystal Maiden the Earth Master wanted so badly.

Even when they didn't know what gem she was or why she was in a human form while the others were stone, they were sure that it had something to do with the leading emperors. They wanted her power, like she was their key to achieve something.

If not, they could've easily get rid of her. The Earth Master had a lot of chances to kill her while Elliot was preoccupied, but he was giving them gentle attacks. He deliberately avoided hurting her.

"What secrets do you hold?" Connor asked the woman. He looked at her cloaked face, trying to open the hood but he had no available hand to pull it up.

He was curious as to what the woman looked like. Based on the voice alone, she sounded like a very beautiful Maiden. Her voice was soft like silk, but commanding like a general.

Shaking the thoughts off, Connor proceeded to run to safety. When they get out of the city, he will guard the woman and people with Ed while Elliot and Lance help Kaminari fight the Wind Master.

"Should we intervene now?" Elliot asked, raising his sword defensively. "Earth Master's aura was nowhere near this. They're exceptionally powerful, yet that person looked weird and had pathetically weak magic."

"You're really just a small kid," Lance chuckled and crossed his arms. He sat cross-legged on the floor while his eyes never left the two that were fighting in front of them.

Elliot's face contorted with confusion after his friend's words, "What do you mean?"

"There is a huge difference between mana something possesses, and the life force they have," Lance explained. "That beetle had a huge mana reserve actually, but it lacked the life force."

"So, you mean it's a puppet?" Elliot guessed to which Lance nodded in agreement. "That beetle was just a puppet, meaning the Earth Master wasn't here at all."

Lance nodded once more, "The Masters are assigned per region of two kingdoms. After Malice's corruption, she must've awarded each Master and Lady a single kingdom to rule. This could only mean that the Earth Master wasn't near this kingdom and he can't come physically."

"But how come he knew where we were?" Elliot asked. "And if he could control the puppet with a kingdom's length, he must be very powerful."

"Well, yes and no," Lance answered. "He is indeed very powerful, a force to be reckoned with. But then, he didn't exactly commanded the puppet from what kingdom he currently is."

Elliot just pursed his lips and let Lance continue.

"He must have a series if checkpoints to relay his magic. How that works is that you put your magic in a vessel and it will act like an extension of your range. If I judge it from that, the Earth Master has approximately three hundred of these vessels that he was able to reach from a country," Lance sighed. "We might be facing strong enemies this time"

When he glanced to the side, Elliot wasn't there anymore. Lance immediately looked in front of him and saw Elliot in a red flash, approaching the two Masters.

Kaminari was wounded. He had a wounded arm that was cut from below the shoulder down to the elbow. Angin on the other hand didn't have a scratch in him. He was just crying while repeatedly whispering his dead lover's name.

"Elliot, what are you doing?" Lance yelled. "We stood back because Kaminari was trying to get his full attention. Angin will attack the villagers if he sees us again!"

Elliot stopped after hearing Lance but he was too late. Angin's head snapped to the side and saw Elliot there, frozen in place.

"I" Elliot trailed off. "I come in peace."

Angin raised himself off of the grounds and groaned. His body started to tremble like he was having a shock. The sky darkened, the world got cold, everything felt wrong.

"This is" Kaminari trailed off while watching his opponent hover in the air. 

"Watch me unleash my true power, K," Angin said. "I'll show you the power that landed me this title, and not just some family ties!"

"I earned this title too," Kaminari reasoned. "You know how hard I had to work to get to where I am now. Even after all the pressure and loss, I pursued."

"But you killed her!" Angin yelled. "You killed my one and only wife! She was my best friend."

"She was my best friend too, Angin," Kaminari spoke. "I didn't intend for us to fall apart like this. Believe me."

"Nonsense!" Angin growled. "You. Killed. Her."

Angin waved his hands above him and the dark clouds looming above the city slowly formed a vortex. "I have no more purpose in this world after her death. Winds from the Great Vast Skies!"

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