I Have Infinite Attributes

Chapter 40

C40 – Star Sect

“Is he truly without fear, or has the Shrine of Astral Radiance driven him mad?” Lang Shen mused aloud.

The Yu family patriarch wore an expression of uncertainty, his mind teeming with doubts due to Zhou Jibo’s audacious actions. What could possibly be the background of Zhou Jibo?

“The Jiao family boasts four Innate Warriors, each more formidable than the two of us together,” the patriarch remarked. “Their response to Zhou Jibo will be very telling.”

“You’ve got a point, and there’s no need for us to test him further,” Lang Shen concurred. “Whatever his angle, the Jiao family’s reaction will speak volumes.”

With a tinge of regret, Lang Shen added, “His weapon alone is worth a small fortune in silver.”

The Yu family patriarch kept his silence, a sense of unease gnawing at him. Lang Shen’s greed seemed boundless. As the preeminent family in Icefair City, the Yus had to consider: if Lang Shen felt confident enough to challenge them, would he see them as his next target?

It was prudent for the Yu family to exercise caution and keep their wealth under wraps.

Two days on, at the southern reaches of Icefair, Wang Sibo, Yan Yuanlu, and Wang Xuelan approached Osobron Mountain, only to be met not by the Myriad Treasure Auction House’s overseer and miners, but by a group of people with vacant stares and smeared with blood.

“Something’s gone terribly wrong!” exclaimed Yan Yuanlu, with Wang Sibo echoing his alarm.

The bloodied group, panic-stricken, cried out, “There’s been a horrific event in the mine!”

Meanwhile, in the woods beyond Icefair, Zheng Xunqin, Zheng Congyang, and the Zheng clan had been in hiding for over twenty days, their presence inadvertently discovered by local hunters.

Those hunters had since been silenced permanently. Yet, this was no sustainable strategy; the families of the hunters might suspect the presence of wild or Strange Beasts, potentially drawing even more scrutiny.

Should they come to the attention of the Zhou family and Zhou Jibo, the consequences would be dire.

Recently, their spies in the city had returned with alarming news: Zhou Jibo had taken another life—Jiao Lexin, the scion of the Jiao family from Basinpond.

Zheng Congyang and the others were convinced that Zhou Jibo had lost his mind. The Jiao family boasted four Innate Experts, and traditionally, both the Zhou and Su families would have to act subserviently in their presence. Yet, Zhou Jibo dared to kill a member of the Jiao family?

Surely, the Jiao family would retaliate by sending someone to assassinate Zhou Jibo and wipe out the entire Zhou family!

That was their prediction.

But as seven or eight days passed since the incident, there was no sign of the Jiao family seeking vengeance.

The Zheng family members were deeply disappointed.

What was happening with the Jiao family? Why hadn’t they sought revenge?

“It looks like the Jiao family won’t take any action. If that’s the case, there’s no use in holding out hope,” Zheng Xunqin declared solemnly. “In less than two months, the emissary from the Holy Land will arrive, and then we will take our revenge with our own hands!”

Zheng Congyang agreed, nodding emphatically. “Indeed, personal revenge is the most gratifying!”

Their words bolstered the morale of the other Zheng family members.

Amidst their discussions, an Acquired Warrior from the Zheng family arrived on horseback, speeding into the forest.

He approached breathlessly, his face beaming with excitement, “There’s great news from Basinpond!”

Zheng Xunqin perked up. “Has the Jiao family finally lost patience and decided to act?”

He continued with a smile, “Even if the Jiao family strikes, it would only hasten our chance for revenge. It’s just regrettable I won’t get to kill Zhou Jibo myself.”

Zheng Congyang chimed in, “Then let’s settle for killing Zheng Linghan to satisfy our thirst for vengeance!”

The returning scout from Basinpond shook his head. “It’s not the Jiao family. The Star Sect is coming to Icefair to lend aid to the Zheng family.”

The Zheng family members queried, “What is the Star Sect?”

Upon hearing the scout’s report, Zheng Congyang burst into laughter. “At last, they’ve arrived.”

Zheng Xunqin also smiled broadly. “This is indeed fantastic news.”

He went on to enlighten the Zheng family members, “The Star Sect is one of the sects under the Shrine of Astral Radiance, situated on Shercester Hill by the coast of the Iphaseon Empire. The sect’s Master is a Soul Separation Stage Warrior, and within the sect, there are seven experts of the Innate Stage. Their arrival is undoubtedly at the behest of the Second Palace Holy Son, who has commanded them to assist the Zheng family.”

“Are they emissaries from the Shrine of Astral Radiance?” someone inquired.

Zheng Xunqin’s frustration vanished in an instant, replaced by an eager thirst for vengeance. “No, they are not the Shrine’s envoys. The Shrine sends only one representative at a time. The Star Sect has merely come to assist the Zheng family,” she clarified.

“The Shrine wouldn’t arbitrarily back a minor family in a small city. With the Star Sect’s arrival, the Zheng family’s stature will soar, and soon the entire Iphaseon Empire will recognize us as a vassal family to the Shrine of Astral Radiance.”

“In time, when the Shrine’s true emissary graces us with their presence, everything will progress in the most favorable way.”

Realization dawned on the crowd. Zheng family scouts quickly added, “Exactly, the Star Sect will reach Icefair in seven days. As the sister has mentioned, there’s already buzz in Basinpond about the Zheng family’s allegiance to the Shrine of Astral Radiance.”

A look of satisfaction crossed Zheng Xunqin’s face, and Zheng Congyang, with a smile, praised her, “Xunqin, you truly are the beacon of hope for our family. You’ve seen right through the heart of the matter.”

“Indeed, Miss is quite remarkable,” echoed the others.

With a serene and self-assured smile, Zheng Xunqin thought of Zhou Jibo. “Zhou Jibo, this time, I will show you the true meaning of a fate worse than death.”

Her heart brimmed with barely containable excitement. ‘In seven days, upon the Star Sect’s arrival, your agony will begin.’

“In times like these, we must exert our utmost effort,” she declared.

“Elder Zheng Congyang, I entrust you to keep a vigilant eye on Zhou Jibo and the Zhou family. Ensure they have no opportunity to flee.”

“Furthermore, we must reach out to our allies within the Zheng family to prepare a united front against the likes of Zheng Linghan and Zheng Fanshuang, the traitors among us.”

“This time, it’s not just about vengeance. We will show the Iphaseon Empire that the Zheng family stands as a proud vassal to the Shrine of Astral Radiance, and they will never underestimate us again.”

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