I Found A Planet

Chapter 252 - Photolithograph Machine!

Chapter 252: Photolithograph Machine!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Nuwa was not exaggerating.

There were many types of advanced technologies integrated on that special service spaceship of the aliens. Those technologies could be used as points of references.

For example, there were material technologies, reactor technologies, engine technologies, artificial intelligence programming technologies and so on.

There was even a miniature gravity field generator. When the device was started, it would generate a gravity field within a small area. Thus, gravity could exist in the interior of the spacecraft. This definitely belonged to the realm of futuristic technology.

In addition, a quantum communication device was installed in the alien spaceship.

This quantum communicator was based on the principle of quantum entanglement; the technology of instantaneous communication was thus achieved. As long as the particles remained in a state of entanglement, real-time communication could be achieved no matter how far apart the caller and the receiver was.

There was zero delay!

Haierfa did have its own quantum communication technology, but it had not advanced to the level where the particles could remain in an entangled state long term. As the particles could not remain entangled for a sufficient amount of time, the communication range was limited to 100 million kilometers and the contact could only be maintained for a short time.

Chen Jin was using the quantum communication technology of Haierfa to talk with Nuwa. However, it was necessary to arrange multiple relay base stations between Haierfa and Mars. There was a communication delay of more than ten milliseconds due to the conversion of information.

Moreover, based on the speed that particles untangle on their own, the quantum communication system would fail and return to the traditional electromagnetic wave communication after about ten days.

Therefore, contact was poorly maintained!

It was precisely due to the poorly sustained state of entanglement that a stable and usable quantum supercomputer had never been successfully created in Haierfa. This quantum supercomputer, with its wonderful prospects had never moved past the laboratory stage.

But apparently, the alien civilisation had solved the problem of maintaining the particles in an entangled state.

Not only was the spaceship equipped with the quantum communication device, it was also installed with a quantum supercomputer.

The alien spy had employed superb use of quantum technologies to release the rebooted virus.

If Nuwa and Alice could unravel these quantum technologies and open the door to the world of quantum technologies, the power that Chen Jin wielded would increase exponentially.

Therefore, Nuwa’s words were not an exaggeration. Even if that spaceship belonged to the category of “inferior and outdated products” from the alien civilisation that it came from; even if it turned out to be a simple and primitive sort of spaceship, it still represented the basic overall technological standard of the alien civilisation.

Lastly, Nuwa had also made a big discovery about the alien’s body.

“Master, a transparent crystal was growing behind the brain of the dead alien. This crystal has the structure of a rhombus and is the size of an adult fist. The function of this physiological structure is unknown, but I think that since their brain capacities are three times larger than that of humans, that crystal may be used to support the processing of brain information.”

“Or it could also be a physiological structure where the brain waves are generated and sent.”

“It is precisely through this ‘brain crystal’ that it was able to send out brain waves that are a thousand or even ten thousand times stronger than those from a human brain.”

“The robots have found another ‘brain crystal’ in a locker on the spaceship. This crystal is red and much denser, It should be in the brain crystal of the alien body found in the Lyons Air Force Base. It should be an exact fit with the hole that had been dug at the back of that alien corpse’s brain. It was probably dug away by its companion to be taken back to its hometown.”

“Master, this type of alien must be a very unique higher life form. Their intelligence and potential may have possibly surpassed that of the human race.”

Nuwa suggested, “Master, since they will become our enemy, why don’t you give a name to this species of aliens?”

A name?

Chen Jin stroked his chin and considered the alien’s image shown in the projection. He thought hard about the possibilities.

They were uglier than zombies; should they be called ‘The Revenants’?

He shook his head. Although these aliens were ugly, they were not as easy to deal with as zombies. He should not underestimate them.

He looked at the transparent and red crystals again. He thought of Nuwa’s description of these “brain crystals” and was suddenly inspired.

“How about this, Nuwa, let’s call them the ‘Crystal Brainers’. Aren’t they crystal brainers since they have a crystal growing at the back of their brains? Isn’t this name fitting?”

“Yes, master. I will give this species of alien the uniform label of ‘Crystal Brainers’”.

Chen Jin nodded.

His lips suddenly quirked in a cold smile.

Haha, the Crystal Brainers will be the first obstacle that I will get rid off once I begin to explore the outer space.

Of course, with their standard of technology, they would not be easy to deal with. They were strong opponents who could even be quite tricky and challenging to eliminate. He could not afford to underestimate them or be complacent.

But Chen Jin was not anxious about it. He planned to go into the fight in a steady manner and strike his opponent hard. In order to do that, he would have to strengthen his abilities first.

He had to wait until he had unraveled and mastered all the technologies onboard the alien spaceship.

After that he would have to develop weapon technologies that were even more advanced as well as supporting industrial technologies. Only when he had enough confidence in his abilities would he make a move.

It would be a moment where he would amaze the world in a single feat without making a sound.

However, it would be a lengthy incubation period before he was confident enough to make his move. The period could last for a hundred years, two hundred years, or even longer... He had to make full use of this precious incubation period to sufficiently improve and expand the technologies in his possession. His technologies would be even way more advanced than the civilisation of the Crystal Brainers!

Chen Jin was not the reckless sort. Based on the development history of civilizations, one or even two hundred years was nothing at all. He could not lack even this little bit of patience.

Moreover, the preparation before a fight was something that was rather dry. Besides the major breakthroughs, there was almost nothing significant to witness in the lull periods.

It was such a long stretch of time that it was impossible to not be bored.

Hence, Chen Jin reminded Nuwa again to bring the alien spaceship back to Haierfa without incurring any damages. After which, his focus returned back to Earth.

He decided to resolve a small issue.

Of course, it was not Xing Hai Technologies who was in trouble. It was Xing Hai Technologies close partner company, Zhongxin International, who once again met a rather tricky and stressful issue.

The photolithograph machine!

Faced with pressure from Merica or perhaps other forces, ASML company from Holland had suddenly announced that it would ban the sale of its photolithography machine to Zhongxin International!

They had originally signed an order contract to purchase three EUV photolithograph machines with wavelengths of 13 nanometer. But, ASML suddenly went back on the agreement. Even though ASML had to pay hundreds of millions for their penalty fee, they still chose to violate the agreement.

There was no need to further explain the reasons behind ASML’s violation of the agreement. Zhongxin International was able to mass produce the 7 nanometer chip and thus they had gained many chip order contracts for OEM manufacturers. The orders for the chips were made by Hua Yao as well as many other major mobile phone manufacturers.

Therefore, the ban on the sale of the photolithograph machines had started.

Zhongxin International had originally planned to add another two production lines for the 7 nanometer chip. This would allow them to expand their chip production capacities. However, they were immediately thrown into a crisis due to the shortage of photolithograph machines.

Stock prices fell by 20%.

Vexed beyond his limits, Zhang Wei Jin called Chen Jin immediately.

“President Chen, I’ve had enough of their ignorance and arrogance! They actually think that Zhongxin International can’t make anymore chips without their lithography machine! I’ve decided to allocate 8 billion to acquire Shanghai Microelectronics. We’ll create our own advanced photolithography machine right now! ”

Shanghai Microelectronics was a local company that manufactured photolithography machines. Currently, the most advanced photolithography machine produced by the company could be used in the manufacture of the 22 nanometer chip. However, Shanghai Microelectronics had also developed a photolithography machine in their labs that could be used in the manufacture of the 10 nanometer chip. But due to various reasons, mass production was not realised.


Chen Jin laughed chillingly, “President Zhang, go ahead with the acquisition of Shanghai Microelectronics. On our side, Xing Hai Technologies have the supercomputer with a quintillion Flops, the Supernova 2. We can lend it to you when the time comes. Haha, it’s futile to use the photolithography machine to try to strangle us. They’re courting their own deaths!”

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