I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 899 Back To Human World

As Fein lay unconscious, his battered body began to undergo a remarkable transformation. The injuries that marred his form slowly faded away, vanishing before the eyes of any who might witness the miracle unfolding. Visible regeneration took hold, stitching together torn flesh and healing broken bones.

Unbeknownst to Fein, as he drifted in the realm of unconsciousness, the surrounding wildlife stirred with curiosity. Creatures of the wild, both majestic and fierce, passed by his still figure. Three gentle deer approached, their delicate noses twitching as they sniffed the air around Fein's prone body. Sensing no threat, they cautiously drew closer, their warm breath creating gentle ripples of air that brushed against his skin. In an act of tenderness, their tongues reached out to tenderly lick his cheek, their actions mirroring a gesture of comfort and solace.

Meanwhile, a group of massive elephants, their size and strength a testament to their dominance, lumbered towards the scene. Their keen senses detected the presence of Fein, and with a remarkable display of cooperation, they worked together to shift his unconscious form to a more comfortable position. As one, they gently nudged him with their trunks, guiding him beneath the sheltering embrace of a sturdy tree. It was a display of empathy from the mighty creatures, an understanding of the vulnerability that lay within even the most formidable beings.

Amidst this display of gentleness, a trio of lions approached, their powerful presence and predatory instincts ever-present. Intrigued by the still figure before them, they circled cautiously, their eyes fixated on Fein's dormant form. Growls emanated from deep within their chests, an expression of both curiosity and caution. In a bold move, one of the lions ventured closer, teeth bared and jaws poised to bite into Fein's arm. However, to their surprise, their assault met an unexpected resistance. Fein's regenerating body had regained its strength, rendering their attempted attack ineffective. Injured, the lions recoiled, their growls shifting from aggression to frustration.

Throughout this sequence of events, Fein remained oblivious to the actions unfolding around him. His face, etched with the pain and exhaustion of his battles, bore a serene expression in his unconscious state. He remained unaware of the gentleness bestowed upon him by the deer, the shelter provided by the elephants, and the failed assault of the lions. His body, now renewed and resilient, continued its regeneration.

As the animals eventually moved on, drawn away by the rhythms of the wild and the call of their instincts, Fein gradually stirred from his deep slumber. Opening his eyes, he found himself nestled beneath the protective canopy of the tree, the memory of the wildlife's interaction with him lost in the haze of his subconscious.

Fein pushed himself upright, his once battered form now brimming with vitality. Though the animals' acts of kindness remained shrouded in the mists of forgotten dreams, the warmth of their presence lingered within him.

As Fein gradually regained consciousness, his surroundings came into focus. The comforting shade of the tree's canopy sheltered him, and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze created a soothing melody. The symphony of nature surrounded him, with the occasional chirping of birds adding a touch of liveliness to the tranquil scene. The tension in his body eased, and a sense of calm settled over him.

Yet, amidst this serene backdrop, flashes of memories pierced through Fein's mind like shards of shattered glass. His brows furrowed with confusion as fragmented images of the recent past surged forward. The figure of the Demon God, enveloped in blinding white light, materialized before his inner eye. The memory caused him to suffer headache, a dizzying assault on his senses, resurfaced with intensity.

Fein rubbed both his temples and massaged them. Then he took two deep breaths to calm himself down.

He closed his eyes, focusing on the vivid recollection of the Demon God's presence. The formidable figure stood before him, exuding an aura of supreme authority. Fein could almost feel the time itself freezing at the command of the Demon God, his own abilities rendered useless in the face of such overwhelming power. The memory of the flick to his forehead, a gesture both dismissive and final, echoed in his mind, serving as a stark reminder of his own limitations.

The image of the Demon God, shrouded in resplendent white light, lingered in Fein's consciousness like a haunting specter. The magnitude of the encounter left an indelible impression on his psyche, it made him understand the gap between them. The memory of his defeat ignited a flame within him, a burning desire to grow stronger and overcome the limitations imposed upon him by the Demon God.

'So that's how strong the Demon God is... An Absolute SSS-rank.' Fein smiled bitterly in self-depreciation. 'Fortunately he didn't kill me?' Wait... Why didn't he kill me? Is it because of his relation with his younger brother?'

Fein estimated that the Demon God and Niki whom he defeated in the battle of wills were equivalent in strength. After all, Niki could also kill him if not for his reckless invasion of his body. Fein knew that he only won because of the help of them system.

Opening his eyes once more, Fein found solace in the tranquility of his surroundings. The tweet of birds and the gentle caress of the breeze offered a respite from the tumult of his thoughts. He took a deep breath, grounding himself in the present moment, and made a silent vow to himself. 'I'll be back you kick your ass!'

As Fein's mood gradually lifted, a sense of longing and anticipation welled up within him. Thoughts of his family consumed his mind, their faces appearing vividly in his imagination. He yearned to be reunited with them, to see the familiar smiles and hear their voices once more. Melissa, his mother, whose warmth and unwavering support had guided him through countless trials. Fey, his sister, whose spirited nature and unwavering loyalty never failed to bring a smile to his face. And Sofia, his girlfriend, the love of his life, whose presence filled his heart with joy and comfort.

With each step he took, Fein's thoughts turned to his loved ones, their well-being and happiness becoming his foremost concern. He pictured his mother, her expressive eyes filled with love and concern, and wondered how she was faring in his absence. Melissa's gentle smile and nurturing presence had been a constant source of strength for him, and the thought of reuniting with her filled him with a sense of comfort and belonging.

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