I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 895 Demon God's Younger Brother

"Ha! That's what you get for messing with us!" Lucifer gloated, a smirk playing on his lips. "Thought you were something special, huh?"

"Yeah, who's the trash now?" Belial added, a wicked grin stretching across his face.

The Satans reveled in their apparent victory, their taunts and jeers echoing through the air. They were certain that Fein had been crushed under the weight of their combined power.

Unlike the other Satans, Lucifer and Beelzebub looked at the swirling clouds of dust with a hint of apprehension. They exchanged a knowing glance before simultaneously conjuring their most devastating spells. Lucifer formed a pulsating sphere of dark energy, a soul bomb, in his hand, while Beelzebub gathered the chaotic energy of the abyss, shaping it into a destructive ray of pure destruction.

The atmosphere crackled with their combined power as they unleashed their spells upon the crater, the epicenter of the destruction. The soul bomb shot forth with explosive force, its ominous glow illuminating the surrounding area. It collided with the remnants of the building, triggering a massive explosion that shook the very foundation of the city.

Simultaneously, Beelzebub's destruction ray pierced through the dust-laden air, tearing through any lingering debris and adding to the chaos. Its path was marked by a trail of swirling black energy, as if reality itself was being rent asunder.

The rest of the Satans watched in awe and unease as their leaders unleashed such destructive force. They could feel the sheer power radiating from the impact zone, and while some of them couldn't help but feel that Lucifer was perhaps overdoing it, they dared not voice their opinions in front of the powerful demon.

Lucifer's expression remained stern and focused as he channeled his spell, his eyes fixed on the center of the crater. Beelzebub, on the other hand, displayed a mixture of determination and caution, his brow furrowed in concentration.

The soul bomb and destruction ray collided with the remnants of the building, unleashing a cataclysmic explosion that sent shockwaves rippling through the area. The ground quaked beneath the force of the impact, debris flying in all directions. The billowing cloud of dust and smoke obscured the crater, creating an ominous shroud that seemed to swallow all light.

As the dust settled and the smoke dispersed, the Satans slowly regained their vision. The remnants of the building had been reduced to mere rubble, scattered across the hundred-meter-wide crater. The area was engulfed in a scene of utter devastation, the very ground scorched and cracked from the sheer magnitude of the spells unleashed.

Lucifer and Beelzebub stood at the edge of the crater, their expressions a mix of relief and concern. They had unleashed their one of their most potent attacks. The aftermath of their assault spoke volumes about the power of their spells.

The other Satans glanced at each other, their eyes filled with a mix of awe and trepidation. They couldn't deny the strength and determination of their leader, even if they questioned the necessity of such overwhelming force. In the presence of Lucifer, their doubts remained unspoken, buried beneath a veil of deference and fear.

'That should do it.' Lucifer heave a sigh of relief. 

As the dust settled in the crater, a sudden shift in the atmosphere sent a chill down the spines of the Satans. Time itself seemed to freeze, bringing an eerie stillness to the once chaotic scene. The clouds of dust, suspended mid-air, refused to move, as if trapped in a frozen moment.

All the Satans, except Beelzebub and Lucifer, found themselves unable to move. Their bodies were held captive by an unseen force, their limbs locked in place. Panic and confusion etched across their faces as they struggled against the invisible restraints that held them captive. Their futile attempts to break free only served to highlight their powerlessness in the face of this unknown phenomenon.

In the midst of this frozen tableau, Fein emerged from the depths of the crater, his figure emanating an aura of otherworldly power. Unaffected by the temporal stasis, he stepped forward with a calm and measured gait. His face bore a neutral expression, his eyes glinting with a flicker of anticipation.

The Satans, their bodies rendered motionless, could only watch as Fein approached them, his presence looming over them like an impending storm. Fear and disbelief danced in their eyes, their minds racing to comprehend the situation that had unfolded before them.

Amidst the frozen time and space, only the consciousness of the Satans remained active. Their thoughts swirled with a mixture of dread and anticipation, their voices silenced but their minds filled with unanswered questions. How had Fein achieved such control over time and space? What did this mean for their battle against him?

Lucifer and Beelzebub, unaffected by the temporal stasis, stood unyielding, their expressions a stark contrast to the frozen Satans. They held a semblance of composure, their eyes locked onto Fein with a mixture of recognition and defiance. Their mastery over time and space granted them the freedom to move and think amidst the temporal paralysis.

Fein's gaze swept over the trapped Satans, his eyes seemingly piercing through the frozen veil of time. Though his expression remained composed, there was a glint of amusement in his eyes. He had them right where he wanted them, trapped and at his mercy.

"We are the only one who can move now..." As the frozen stillness enveloped the room, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Satan, and Belphegor exchanged wide-eyed glances, their jaws practically hitting the floor. The gravity of the situation hit them like a ton of bricks, and a barrage of questions erupted from their lips, fueled by disbelief and curiosity.

Lucifer, his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline, couldn't help but blurt out the burning question that had been gnawing at him. His voice cracked with a mix of awe and confusion as he asked, "Dude, seriously, how the hell did you master time and space?"

Fein, cool as a cucumber despite the astonishment in the room, smirked and casually replied, "Well, it was my teacher, you know? He taught me all the mind-boggling secrets of bending time and space like a boss."

As the frozen stillness enveloped the room, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Satan, and Belphegor exchanged wide-eyed glances, their jaws practically hitting the floor. The gravity of the situation hit them like a ton of bricks, and a barrage of questions erupted from their lips, fueled by disbelief and curiosity.

Lucifer, his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline, couldn't help but blurt out the burning question that had been gnawing at him. His voice cracked with a mix of awe and confusion as he asked, "Dude, seriously, how the hell did you master time and space?"

Fein, cool as a cucumber despite the astonishment in the room, smirked and casually replied, "Well, it was my teacher, you know? He taught me all the mind-boggling secrets of bending time and space like a boss."

Satan, his eyes widening to saucer-like proportions, stammered out his own query, his voice trembling with a hint of fear, "Wait a minute... You're not talking about an old fart named Imeng, are you?"

Fein's nod was barely perceptible, but it spoke volumes, sending shivers down Satan's spine. His voice cracked as he muttered, "Oh, holy hell... We're in deep trouble, guys."

Lucifer, his swagger momentarily deflated, leaned in closer to Fein, his voice low and serious, "So, spill the beans, Fein. Where the hell is Imeng hiding these days? We need to have a chat with our old man."

Fein's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing as he locked gazes with Lucifer. His voice dripped with determination as he replied, "If you wanna find Imeng, you gotta go through me first, buddy. I'm not lettin' anyone mess with him."

Belphegor, who usually had the energy of a sloth on sedatives, found himself roused from his lethargy, his words cautious yet tinged with a hint of urgency, "Fein... Just so you know, Imeng happens to be the Demon God's younger brother. Yeah, you heard me right. The big boss's little bro."

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