I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 872 Art Of Defense

Fein sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes fixed on Imeng with unwavering focus. The campfire crackled in the background, casting dancing shadows on their surroundings. It was a moment of deep gravity as Imeng prepared to impart his knowledge of defensive magic.

Imeng held out his hand, palm facing upward, and a shimmering aura enveloped his fingertips. A soft glow emanated from his hand, casting a gentle light on his face. He began with the first spell, Obstructive Shield, his voice steady and authoritative.

"Alright, Fein, pay close attention," Imeng said, his voice carrying a weight of importance. "The Obstructive Shield is all about creating a barrier that hinders the progress of an opponent. It disrupts their movements, slows them down, and gives you time to react and counter. Visualize it like a thick mist that wraps around your body, impeding any attack that comes your way."

Fein leaned forward, absorbing Imeng's words like a sponge. His eyes glimmered with faint light, eager to grasp the intricacies of each spell.

Imeng continued, his gestures mirroring the motions of casting the spell. "Next, we have the Meta Barrier. This one's all about redirecting magical energy. It's like a magnet that draws in incoming spells and redirects them away from you. Picture it as an invisible force field that repels any magical assault. Focus your intent and willpower to guide the energy flow."

Fein nodded, his mind already churning with the possibilities. He took mental notes, committing every detail to memory, determined to master the art of defensive magic.

Imeng's next spell, Reflective Mirror, was met with heightened intrigue. His voice lowered, carrying a sense of reverence. "The Reflective Mirror is a powerful defense against direct attacks. It's like a mirror that reflects back any offensive magic thrown at you. Picture it as a shimmering shield that absorbs and reflects the energy back at the source. Control the flow, and turn your enemy's power against them."

Fein's eyes widened with excitement, envisioning himself countering formidable opponents with their own spells. The gravity of the situation deepened as Imeng's teachings unveiled the complexities of defensive magic.

Imeng moved on to the Heavy Barrier, his words resonating with a sense of solidity. "The Heavy Barrier is all about creating an impenetrable shield. It's like a solid wall of energy that withstands even the strongest attacks. Picture it as an invisible fortress surrounding you, unyielding and formidable. Channel your focus and strength to reinforce the barrier."

Fein clenched his fists, his determination burning bright. He could feel the weight of responsibility settling upon his shoulders as Imeng entrusted him with the knowledge of these formidable defenses.

Imeng's final spell, Double Shield, carried an air of culmination. "The Double Shield combines two defensive forces, layering them for enhanced protection. Picture it as a shield within a shield, reinforcing your defenses and creating an impenetrable barrier. Visualize the layers intertwining and strengthening each other, granting you unparalleled protection."

Fein's mind whirled with possibilities, his imagination fueled by Imeng's vivid descriptions. The weight of the responsibility settled upon him, knowing that mastering these spells meant safeguarding himself and those around him.

As the last word left Imeng's lips, a profound silence settled over the camp. The flames of the fire flickered, casting dancing shadows on their faces. Fein looked at his mentor, his eyes filled with gratitude and determination.

"You know... Defense is very important. Although they always say that offence is the best defense, that's only if ones offence is so strong that the opponent couldn't counter attack or even if they attack, one's offense can break them." 

"That's true." Fein nodded.


Fein listened intently as Imeng spoke of the importance of defensive spells. The crackling fire provided a warm glow, casting a soft light on their faces. Imeng's voice carried a weight of experience and wisdom as he shared his own encounters where these spells had saved his life.

Imeng's eyes glistened with a mix of nostalgia and gravity as he recounted his experiences. "You see, Fein, these defensive spells are not just mere tools. They are the difference between life and death, the shield that protects us in the face of danger. Let me tell you about three instances where these spells saved me."

Fein leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Imeng's face, eager to hear the tales of survival and the practical applications of the spells they had just learned.

Imeng's voice grew slightly somber as he began his first story. "I remember a time when I was ambushed by a group of powerful mages. They unleashed a barrage of spells, but with the Obstructive Shield, I was able to create a dense barrier around me, disrupting their aim and buying me enough time to retaliate. It was the difference between being overwhelmed and gaining the upper hand."

Fein's eyes widened, realizing the significance of the spell. He could almost feel the tension in the air, imagining himself in a similar situation, relying on his own mastery of the defensive arts.

Imeng's tone turned more introspective as he recounted his second encounter. "In another instance, I found myself facing an opponent whose magic was overpowering. But with the Reflective Mirror, I was able to turn their own attacks against them. The spell acted as a shield and a weapon, deflecting their power and delivering a powerful counterstrike. It taught me the importance of adaptability and resourcefulness in the face of adversity."

Fein's brows furrowed, his mind spinning with questions. He couldn't help but voice his doubts. "Imeng, what if the opponent's magic is too strong? What if the Reflective Mirror can't handle it?"

Imeng's gaze met Fein's, filled with unwavering confidence. "Fein, remember that these spells are not absolute guarantees of success. They require skill, precision, and the ability to assess the situation. In the face of overwhelming power, it's crucial to reinforce your defenses with the Heavy Barrier. It acts as a last line of defense, providing a solid shield against even the strongest attacks. It may not be foolproof, but it can give you the precious moments you need to plan your next move or escape."

Fein nodded with a smile. He was glad that he was getting closer and closer to his goal. He didn't only manage to learn spell. He even have someone to guide him and teach him the basics and strengthen his foundation. Fein knew how important the mastering the basics are. They are the roots, the building blocks that determine how far one would reach in thee future.

Imeng's voice took on a lighter tone as he shared his final story. "Once, I found myself in a battle where the odds seemed insurmountable. But by combining the Double Shield with strategic maneuvering, I was able to create a multi-layered defense that allowed me to withstand relentless attacks. It was a proof to the importance of versatility and creativity in utilizing these spells."

Fein leaned back, absorbing every word, his mind buzzing with possibilities and newfound knowledge. He was beginning to understand the intricate web of defensive magic and the invaluable role it played in survival.

Feeling a little curious, Fein posed his question to Imeng. "Imeng, how did you come to learn these spells? Were you taught by someone, or did you discover them on your own?"

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