I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 868 Imeng's Cooking Skill

The first rays of morning light gently filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow upon the room where Fein and Imeng had spent the night. As Fein stirred from his sleep, he became aware of a low, rumbling sound that seemed to reverberate through the walls.

Fein groaned and rubbed his eyes, struggling to shake off the remnants of sleep. The persistent snoring from the adjacent room grew louder, interrupting the peaceful atmosphere of the inn. He glanced towards Imeng, who was already sitting up in bed, his brows furrowed in annoyance.

"Is someone being attacked by a wild beast?" Fein muttered, his voice tinged with sarcasm. The noise was unbearable, and it threatened to derail any hope of a restful morning.

Imeng, sharing Fein's frustration, pushed himself off the bed and headed towards the door. Annoyance etched upon his face, he resolved to seek out the source of the disturbance and put an end to it.

Fein watched as Imeng disappeared through the doorway, his figure upright and purposeful. Moments later, he returned, his expression a mix of exasperation and mild amusement. He gestured for Fein to join him, and together they ventured towards the inn's main hall.

The owner of the inn, a middle-aged man with a tired smile, greeted them as they approached. His eyes were weary, hinting at the long hours he had spent tending to his establishment.

"Good morning," Fein greeted the innkeeper, his voice polite but laced with irritation. "We couldn't help but notice the rather... disruptive noise coming from the room next to ours. Is there anything you can do about it?"

The innkeeper sighed, a mixture of resignation and sympathy crossing his face. "Ah, I apologize for the inconvenience. You see, the person causing the commotion is my nephew. He has a bit of a snoring problem. I've tried everything, but it seems to be beyond my control."

Fein exchanged a knowing glance with Imeng, a hint of amusement twinkling in their eyes. It was an unexpected turn of events, and the realization that the cause of their disrupted slumber was a family matter brought a touch of understanding to their frustration.

The innkeeper continued, his tone apologetic. "I assure you, we've tried our best to minimize the noise, but it seems he's particularly vocal this morning. Please accept my deepest apologies on his behalf."

Fein couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, his irritation dissipating in the face of the innkeeper's sincere explanation. "No worries, it happens. We understand."

Imeng nodded in agreement, his stern expression softening. "Indeed, we appreciate your honesty. We will do our best to make the most of our stay despite the circumstances."

The innkeeper offered a grateful smile, relieved that the guests were understanding. "Thank you for your understanding. If there's anything else I can assist you with, please don't hesitate to let me know."

Imeng smirked mischievously as he cast a spell to mute the loud snoring that had plagued their morning. With a wave of his hand and a whispered incantation, a ripple of magic spread through the air, silencing the disruptive noise. Peace and tranquility settled over the inn once more.

Satisfied with the successful spell, Imeng turned his attention to the task at hand. He set about gathering ingredients and utensils, his movements precise and fluid. Fein watched with growing curiosity, intrigued by Imeng's culinary expertise.

Imeng's cooking station soon came alive with a symphony of sizzling, chopping, and the fragrant aroma of herbs and spices. Fein, standing by as a spectator, couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his mentor's culinary skill. The dishes took shape under Imeng's skilled hands, each ingredient meticulously chosen and prepared.

Fein's eyes widened in awe as he observed the meticulous attention to detail that Imeng exhibited. There was an almost artistic quality to his cooking, a graceful dance between flavors and textures. It was clear that Imeng's culinary prowess extended beyond mere sustenance—it was a form of expression.

As the dishes neared completion, the tantalizing scent permeated the air, drawing the attention of the inn's patrons. Mercenaries and weary travelers, their eyes weary and bellies empty, were lured by the aroma and the sight of the culinary spectacle unfolding before them.

They gathered around Imeng and Fein, their gazes fixated hungrily on the mouthwatering creations. Fein couldn't help but feel a mixture of satisfaction and apprehension as he realized the attention they had attracted. It was a testament to Imeng's culinary skill and a testament to the power of a well-prepared meal to transcend the boundaries of language and culture.

"Hello, what are you cooking? Can we buy? It smells delicious." A man with a dark blue hair went beside Fein and look at Imeng with expectation.

"Line up bastards! Since I'm in a good mood, It'll be free..." Imeng, unfazed by the hungry crowd.

"Damn it! Really?" The crowd that formed around Imeng visibly cheered.

Imeng calmly began to distribute the food among the eager diners. His movements were measured and efficient, ensuring that each person received a portion of the feast. Fein observed his mentor, impressed by the way he handled the situation with ease and grace.

As the diners tasted the dishes, a collective murmur of delight and appreciation filled the air. The flavors exploded on their tongues, a harmonious symphony of spices and textures. Fein couldn't help but feel a swell of pride as he witnessed the satisfaction and joy on the faces of those he had helped to feed.

The atmosphere in the inn shifted, from weariness and hunger to one of camaraderie and contentment. Strangers became friends as they bonded over a shared meal, their differences momentarily set aside in the presence of good food and warm company.

Fein stood by Imeng's side, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. Despite his initial doubts, he couldn't deny the impact of their cooking on those around them. It was a reminder of the power that food held, not just as nourishment for the body but as a bridge between people.

As the last of the food disappeared, the satisfied diners bid their thanks and dispersed, their bellies full and their spirits lifted. Imeng and Fein watched as the inn returned to its usual quietude, the echoes of shared laughter and satisfied murmurs lingering in the air.

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