I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 842 Bullseye

As Fein watched the epic clash unfold from the shadows, he couldn't help but be in awe of the rebels' sheer badassery. He was just a spectator in this chaotic dance of power, but his heart raced with excitement and admiration for their courage.

One rebel, fueled by an unyielding determination, stepped forward with a mischievous grin. Fein could practically see the gears turning in his head as he took a deep breath, sucking the very air around him into his lungs. It was like watching a magician preparing to unleash a mind-blowing trick.

And then, with a fierce exhale, the rebel unleashed a devastating attack, robbing the demon soldiers of their precious oxygen. Fein's eyes widened as he witnessed the soldiers gasping for air, their faces contorting in a desperate struggle. It was like watching a bunch of suffocating fish flopping around on dry land.

The rebel's power had an immediate impact. Chaos erupted among the demon ranks as they desperately clutched at their throats, their eyes bulging with terror. The rebel's attack had claimed the lives of at least six of the hapless soldiers, their bodies crumpling to the ground like discarded ragdolls.

The rebels, emboldened by the success of their comrade's suffocating spectacle, seized the opportunity to strike with renewed ferocity. 

With their bodies fueled by adrenaline and their spirits aflame with rebellion, the rebels moved with a swagger that could rival the slickest action heroes. They dodged and weaved through the chaos, their movements fluid and deadly. Their body language spoke volumes, screaming, "We ain't messing around!"

In the middle of all the chaos and mayhem, a demon soldier named "Bullseye" stepped forward, his wicked grin widening as he prepared to unleash his mysterious powers. The rebels, too caught up in their own arrogance, couldn't help but scoff at his theatrics.

But Bullseye was no ordinary soldier. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he began uttering strange chants, his voice dripping with an otherworldly energy. The rebels, still mocking him, failed to realize the danger that was about to befall them.

As Bullseye's incantations grew louder, a thick cloud of smoke began to swirl around him, taking on the shape of an arrow. The rebels' laughter quickly turned into disbelief as they watched the spectral arrow materialize before their very eyes.

Without a moment's hesitation, Bullseye let the arrow fly. It streaked through the air, leaving behind a trail of smoky wisps that seemed to defy the laws of nature. The rebels' smug expressions quickly transformed into sheer terror as they finally recognized the true power behind Bullseye's conjuring.

The smoke arrow, once intangible, solidified into a deadly weapon as it closed in on its targets. With an eerie precision, it found its mark—three rebel demons who had underestimated the danger they were in. The arrow pierced their foreheads with a chilling accuracy, silencing their mocking laughter forever.

The rebels' faces contorted in a mix of shock and pain as they crumpled to the ground. Their life forces snuffed out, they lay motionless, their expressions frozen in a grim testament to their folly. The battlefield fell silent, save for the agonized moans of the fallen rebels.

Bullseye, his sadistic delight evident in his twisted smile, reveled in his triumph. His body language exuded a menacing confidence, his posture straight and imposing. He savored the fear and chaos that his powers had unleashed upon the rebels, relishing in their realization of the grave mistake they had made.

Meanwhile, the surviving rebels, their eyes wide eyes rallied around their fallen comrades. The loss only fueled their resolve to overthrow the noble houses and bring justice to the oppressed. 

Next, Bullseye couldn't resist the urge to unleash his acidic tongue upon the rebels. He sneered at their feeble attempts and launched into a barrage of insults that dripped with venom.

"Look at you sorry lot!" he spat, his voice laced with disdain. "You really think you stand a chance against me? I've seen maggots put up a better fight!"

The rebels, seething with anger and wounded pride, bristled at his words. Their faces twisted into snarls of defiance, their fists clenching in determination.

But Bullseye wasn't finished. With a swift, fluid motion, he transformed his body into an elusive wisp of smoke, dodging a flaming sword that whizzed through the air. The rebels' hopeful attack was nothing more than a futile gesture in the face of his superior agility.

Reforming his solid form, Bullseye seized the opportunity to strike back. A wicked grin played on his lips as he conjured a sickening surprise. He unleashed a torrent of saliva, spitting with malicious intent. The saliva, transformed by his malevolent power, morphed into razor-sharp projectiles, each poised to claim its victim.

The rebel demon, caught off guard and unable to react, met a grisly fate. The deadly projectiles found their mark, piercing the demon's eyes with merciless precision. A gut-wrenching howl of pain echoed through the air before the rebel crumpled to the ground, his life extinguished.

Bullseye reveled in his triumph, savoring the sight of the fallen rebel with sadistic pleasure. His eyes gleamed with a twisted satisfaction, and a chilling aura of arrogance surrounded him.

Fein had finally had enough of Bullseye's arrogant antics. With a snappy teleport, he materialized right beside the smug demon, catching him off guard and leaving him wide-eyed. Without wasting a second, Fein unleashed his fury, jabbing his fingers straight into Bullseye's eyeballs like a vengeful madman. Bullseye's bloodcurdling screams echoed through the battlefield as Fein showed him just how painful payback could be.

But Fein wasn't done toying with his foe. With a powerful flick of his wrist, he sent Bullseye hurtling into the sky like a ragdoll. The rebels and noble soldiers stood there, mouths agape, unable to comprehend the audacity and sheer brutality of Fein's actions. It was a sight they would never forget.

As Bullseye twirled helplessly through the air, Fein raised his index finger high, conjuring a glowing orb of pure energy. The luminous sphere crackled with raw power, pulsating with a blinding intensity that threatened to sear the retinas of anyone foolish enough to look directly at it. With a wicked grin, Fein unleashed the ball of destruction, hurtling it towards Bullseye like a speeding comet.

Impact. The explosive collision shook the very foundation of the battlefield, unleashing a cataclysmic shockwave that sent debris flying in all directions. Bullseye was consumed by the blinding flash of the detonation, his malevolence reduced to mere ashes floating in the air. Fein's retaliation had been swift, merciless, and devastatingly effective.

Satisfied with his handiwork, Fein melted back into the shadows, leaving the rebels and noble soldiers stunned and bewildered. They exchanged nervous glances, their faces a mix of awe and terror. The rebels couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards their mysterious savior, while the soldiers of the noble houses trembled in fear, realizing that they were now facing an opponent whose power and ruthlessness surpassed their wildest nightmares.

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