I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 838 Snap

As their plans unfolded, Fein's mind raced, grappling with the weight of their rebellion. He questioned their motives, the feasibility of their plot, and the chaotic aftermath that would follow. 'Is this the right path to take? What will happen to the innocents caught in the crossfire?'

Raelis reclined in his chair, a glint of wisdom in his eyes. "But we gotta plan for the aftermath, folks. Once we've taken down those self-righteous pricks, we can't just leave the Lower Abyss in chaos. We establish a council, a council that's made up of the different factions, so that everyone's voice is heard and we can keep things in order."

A demon with ethereal wings spoke softly, her voice tinged with worry. "Raelis, what about retaliation? You think those noble houses will just sit back and let us have our way? We gotta be ready for a fight, for their counter-attacks."

Raelis nodded, his expression resolute. "We're not gonna back down, not now, not ever. We know the risks, but we believe in this cause. The liberation of the Lower Abyss is worth the sacrifices we may have to make. We stay united, no matter what storms come our way."

Fein, still hidden in the shadows, mulled over their words, torn between the allure of freedom and the potential chaos that loomed. 'Hmmm... Interesting. Now, how can I benefit with this?'

As the rebels continued their hushed debate, Fein remained silent, absorbing their plans, their doubts, and their unwavering resolve. A pivotal decision loomed before him—one that would shape his destiny and the destiny of the Lower Abyss itself. Should he add fuel to the fire? or just stay as a bystander? But the more chaotic the Abyss is, the more advantageous it was to him!


As Fein stepped out of the secret rebel base, his mind was all over the place. Walking through the shady streets of the Lower Abyss, he couldn't help but witness the messed-up tactics the rulers used to hold their power. It was like a freaking horror show unfolding right in front of his eyes.

The once vibrant streets now resembled a warzone, with tension hanging in the air like a thick fog. The poor souls roaming around looked like they had seen some serious shit. Fear and desperation were etched on their faces, as if they were constantly on edge, waiting for the next blow to fall.

Fein's attention was caught by a gang of demon guards strutting around like they owned the place. Those bastards were dressed to kill, armor shining and weapons gleaming with menace. Their eyes, cold and unforgiving, scanned the surroundings, making everyone shrink back in fear. It was like they were on a mission to suck out any ounce of hope left in these people.

Then he noticed this scrawny demon, barely holding it together while carrying a freaking heavy sack. The poor sucker looked like he hadn't slept in ages, his body sagging under the weight of his own misery. Fein couldn't help but feel a knot in his stomach, knowing that this was the reality for so many folks in this messed-up realm.

As Fein continued his walk, he stumbled upon this run-down building that used to be a symbol of prosperity. Now, it was a damn eyesore covered in graffiti. It was like the rebel graffiti artists were screaming, "Screw the system!" with every stroke of their spray cans. The building was a symbol of the rebellion simmering beneath the surface, a middle finger to the ruling jerks.

Suddenly, a ruckus broke out nearby, and Fein's curiosity got the better of him. He followed the noise and found himself in a freaking alley, where rebels were throwing down with a bunch of demon guards. It was a David versus Goliath kind of situation, with the rebels fighting tooth and nail against the oppressive regime.

Fein couldn't help but cheer silently for the underdogs as they dodged and weaved, refusing to go down without a fight. Their faces were a mix of determination and pure defiance, like they had something to prove. The sounds of swords clashing and shouts of both victory and pain filled the air, creating a chaotic symphony of rebellion.

But, damn it, the odds were against them. More guards showed up, and the rebels got overwhelmed, like ants being crushed under a boot. Fein's heart sank at the sight of their defeat, the cruel reality hitting him like a punch to the gut.

Suddenly, the situation on Earth overlapped with the scene in front of him. The corrupt politicians, unjust system, and misery of the poor people. He didn't expect that even in the Abyss such thing exists... In his mind, Fein cursed the system and made a silent promise. "This shit ain't right. I can't just stand by and watch. I gotta find a way to shake things up, to bring down these power-hungry assholes. It's time for a freaking revolution."

With a fire burning in his eyes, Fein vowed to become a catalyst for change in the Lower Abyss. He wasn't gonna be some passive bystander anymore. It was time to kick some demon ass and give the oppressed a fighting chance.

Fein's mind snapped into action as he observed the arrogant demon guards causing havoc on the streets. His thoughts quickly transformed into a plan of swift and decisive action. Without hesitation, he sprang into motion, his movements fluid and silent like a panther stalking its prey. 

Closing the distance between himself and the guards, Fein swiftly positioned himself behind them, lurking in the shadows of the dimly lit alleyway. His heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and resolve. With lightning speed, he launched himself at the first guard, his hands darting out like vipers seeking their target. 

His fingers closed tightly around the guard's throat, cutting off his airflow. The demon struggled and flailed, desperately clawing at Fein's hands in a futile attempt to break free. But Fein's grip only tightened, fueled by a fierce determination. The guard's face turned a sickly shade of purple as the life slowly drained from his eyes.

One by one, Fein took down his enemies, his actions swift and merciless. He moved with a calculated precision, his trained body carrying out his every command flawlessly. Each guard fell victim to his deadly grasp, their struggles fading into silence as their life force slipped away.

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