I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 836 Demon God's Secret

The Middle Realm stood as a bridge between the Lower and Upper, a realm of balance and stability where knowledge and enlightenment flourished. And the Upper Realm, a realm of celestial beauty and ethereal grace, was reserved for the most powerful and esteemed beings among the demons.

Fein have to admit that if he didn't focus his perception, he wouldn't have noticed the hidden library as their was a hidden force field, strong enough, that conceals its existence.

His hands trembled with excitement as he absorbed the intricate details of the origin story. The facial expression on Fein's face was a mix of awe, fascination, and a hint of mischief. The library had revealed secrets that could change the course of the demon race, and Fein was determined to wield this knowledge to his advantage.

'This changes everything,' Fein whispered to himself, his voice barely audible in the hushed atmosphere of the library. 'I hold the key to the ancient mysteries of the demons, and with that, I hold the power to reshape their destiny.'

Fein pressed on, vowing to squeeze every last drop of knowledge from this hidden sanctuary. The path to understanding the lower realm lay before him, and he was ready to conquer it like a freakin' boss. Nothing could stand in his way.

  'Well, might as well learn more.' 

As Fein continue to delved deeper into the ancient tomes and scrolls, he discovered a chapter dedicated to the Great War that had ravaged the Abyss, shaking its very foundations. His eyes scanned the pages, absorbing the details of the conflict that spanned thousands of years, a war that pitted the three realms against each other in a cataclysmic struggle for dominance.

'Whoa, this is insane,' Fein murmured to himself, his mind reeling with the magnitude of the revelation. 'The Great War... a war that lasted for millennia. The demons tearing each other apart...'

The texts spoke of the emergence of Satans, powerful beings who rose to prominence during the war. Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan, and others were hailed as the princes of hell, their names whispered with awe and fear. Fein's eyes widened as he imagined the chaotic battlefield, the clash of demonic forces led by these enigmatic figures.

'Each Satan serving the Demon God but not fully loyal,' Fein pondered, his brow furrowing in contemplation. 'What a dangerous game they must have played...'

The descriptions painted vivid pictures of the Satans, their commanding presence and overwhelming power. They were formidable adversaries, their loyalty to the Demon God wavering at times as they pursued their own ambitions and desires. Fein's mind spun with the implications, his inner thinking racing to comprehend the dynamics at play.

'Wow, that's it?' Fein's inner voice questioned, a mix of curiosity and disbelief. 'These Satans... they were like gods themselves, challenging the order of the Abyss. I can't even begin to fathom the scale of their battles.'

Fein's face contorted into a mix of fascination and concern as he read about the devastating consequences of the Great War. The descriptions of the battlegrounds, once pristine realms now marred by destruction and chaos, sent shivers down his spine. The toll of the conflict on the denizens of the Abyss was immeasurable, countless lives lost in the pursuit of power and dominance.

As he absorbed the harrowing details, Fein's body language shifted. His fists clenched in determination, a flicker of resolve burning in his eyes. He understood the potential ramifications of this newfound knowledge, the significance of the Satans and their tenuous allegiance to the Demon God.

'I must tread carefully,' Fein thought, his mind calculating the possibilities. 'The Satans hold immense power, and their ambitions could tip the balance of the Abyss. But if I can manipulate their desires and harness their strength...'

A wry smile played on Fein's lips, a mix of cunning and ambition. The revelation of the Great War had unveiled a delicate web of alliances and betrayals, power struggles that still simmered beneath the surface of the demon civilization. Fein saw an opportunity amidst the chaos, a chance to manipulate the Satans and mold their ambitions to his own advantage.

'Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan... I shall make you dance to my tune,' Fein whispered, his voice laced with determination. 'Satans? They can't even compare with my Shadow Emperors.'

Fein smirked as he remembered how his shadow emperor killed Leviathan, who turned out to be extremely prestigious in the Abyss.


As Fein delved deeper into the ancient texts, his eyes widened with each revelation. The Abyss, it seemed, held more secrets than he could have ever imagined. And not all of them were as grim as he had initially thought.

His mind raced with a mix of fascination and disbelief as he uncovered the truth about the Demon God. It turned out that the mighty ruler of the Abyss treated the demons like mere livestock, cultivating them for a grand feast in the future. Fein couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle at the absurdity of it all.

'Wow, that's it?' Fein's inner thoughts echoed in his mind, his voice laced with a tinge of sarcasm. 'I mean, sure, let's just raise a bunch of demons to devour them later. Who needs ethical farming practices?'

A smirk played across Fein's face as he continued reading, his thoughts drifting to the Demon God's deluded plan of ascending beyond the SSS-rank realm through demon feasting. The audacity of it all was almost comical.

Yes, the Demon God treats the Satans and all the demons in the three realms as his livestock to breakthrough in the future.

His facial expression shifted from disbelief to amusement, his shoulders shaking slightly with suppressed laughter. He couldn't help but picture the Demon God sitting on a throne made of demon bones, cackling maniacally as he planned his next demonic dinner party.

Fein's mind filled with humorous images of demons dressed up in fancy attire, sipping blood-red wine and discussing the latest trends in soul-devouring. It was a ridiculous scene, and yet, somehow, it seemed fitting for the bizarre world of the Abyss.

As he finished reading the final pages of the ancient text, Fein couldn't shake off the feeling of both amusement and a tinge of pity for the demons caught in the Demon God's twisted game. It was clear that his time in the Abyss had given him more than just acquiring knowledge of spells—it had also given him a unique perspective on the dark side of demonic politics.

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