I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 834 Method Acting

Fein's expression hardened as his eyes fell upon the female demon who had dare to cross his boundary. The atmosphere in the room shifted, charged with an intense aura that emanated from Fein. It was a tangible force, a manifestation of his power and dominance.

The female demon shrank back, her body trembling with fear as Fein's gaze bore into her. She could feel his overwhelming presence, a weight that pressed upon her, leaving her breathless and paralyzed.

Fein took a step closer, his movements deliberate and controlled. He exuded an air of authority that demanded obedience. Without uttering a word, he communicated his displeasure and the severity of the situation through the sheer force of his presence.

'How dare she presume to satisfy her own desires without my permission?' Fein's inner voice seethed with righteous indignation. 'Such insubordination will not be tolerated.'

His voice, sharp and commanding, finally broke the silence. "Do you understand the gravity of your actions? To intrude upon my personal space without my consent is a grave offense. It undermines the very foundation of loyalty and obedience that I expect from my servants."

The female demon's lips quivered, her eyes wide with fear. She struggled to find her voice, her words coming out in a barely audible whisper. "I... I'm sorry, my Lord. I-I didn't mean to overstep my bounds. It won't happen again, I swear."

Fein's gaze intensified, his eyes piercing into her soul. He allowed his aura to press upon her, a tangible reminder of his power and dominance. It was a silent warning, a message that echoed through the room: disobedience would not be tolerated.

"Remember this moment," Fein's voice resonated with a cold, unwavering certainty. "My command is absolute. Your actions should never go beyond the boundaries I have set. You are here to serve, to follow my every instruction without question or deviation."

The female demon nodded frantically, her body visibly trembling. She had witnessed the consequences of her actions and understood the severity of her mistake. Fein's aura had left an indelible mark on her, a stark reminder of her place and the consequences that awaited any further transgressions.

Fein's expression softened slightly, a glimmer of authority mixed with a hint of disappointment. "I expect better from you. This is your warning. Let it be a lesson to always adhere to my wishes without exception."

As the weight of Fein's presence lifted, the female demon took a hesitant step back, her fear still palpable. She averted her gaze, unable to meet Fein's eyes directly. The lesson had been learned, etched deeply into her mind.

Fein watched her for a moment longer, his thoughts echoing within his mind. 'Discipline and control are essential. My authority must never be questioned or undermined. It is my duty to ensure that my servants understand their place and the consequences of their actions.'

With a final nod, Fein turned away, his footsteps firm and resolute. The female demon remained in the room, her body still trembling, a constant reminder of the consequences of her momentary lapse. Fein's command had been made clear, his dominance asserted once more.


As Fein stepped out of his crib, the cool breeze of the lower realm of the Abyss slapped him in the face, like a wake-up call to the weirdness that awaited him. He strutted down the road, his swagger exuding a mix of confidence and amusement. The streets were crawling with demons of all shapes and sizes, each one uglier than the next. Fein couldn't help but smirk to himself, his inner monologue mocking their hideous appearances.

'Look at that freak with the honker nose,' Fein sneered silently, his mind dripping with sarcasm. 'And check out the horned dimwit with horns that don't match. Man, these demons must've been hit with the ugly stick a few too many times.'

Fein's eyes roved over the chaotic landscape, taking in the twisted architecture and crumbling buildings that lined the streets. It was like a mash-up of a haunted house and a freak show, a wild display of weirdness that both fascinated and repelled him. Vibrant banners and symbols adorned every corner, revealing the bizarre beliefs and rituals of the Abyss dwellers.

With a nonchalant expression on his face, Fein strutted through the crowd, his body language oozing superiority. He walked like he owned the place, his posture upright and cocky. Every step was deliberate, a show of his blasé attitude toward this strange world.

As he moved through the throng, Fein immersed himself in the chaotic symphony of the lower realm. Shouts and cries filled the air as vendors peddled their wares, each one trying to outshout the other. The scents of exotic spices mixed with the stench of decay, creating a pungent aroma that assaulted his nostrils.

'Ah, the wonders of this crazy place,' Fein muttered to himself, a smirk playing on his lips. 'Such a freak show, but damn, it's entertaining.'

He watched as demons haggled and bartered, their voices rising in a cacophony of noise. Some showed off their bizarre talents, performing tricks and stunts that elicited both gasps and laughter. Fein stood back, an amused observer in this carnival of oddities, enjoying the spectacle like a twisted sideshow.

The lower realm of the Abyss was a smorgasbord of weirdness, a melting pot of the unconventional and the downright absurd. And as Fein strutted through the streets, he reveled in the madness, finding a strange sense of satisfaction in being the odd one out.

With each swaggering step, Fein absorbed the sights and sounds of this twisted world, reveling in its absurdity. It was a realm he didn't belong to, but one that provided him with endless entertainment. As he continued to strut down the street, his expression remained cool and detached, concealing the genuine curiosity and amusement that simmered beneath the surface. Of course, the arrogant behavior and cocky attitude he is portraying is just a part of his disguise, not his true personality. 

After all, Fein wasn't in the Abyss to play around. Although he doesn't look serious. His identity is a wealthy demon. It's only fitting to act arrogantly and show off his superiority to everyone... Method acting.

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