I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 809 Second Attack

General Qin Mo's eyes gleamed with approval. "Exactly," he replied, a hint of confidence in his tone. "We must be proactive in our defense. By setting up these wires, we can create a barrier that will buy us precious time to react and mount a counteroffensive if needed."

As the soldier returned to his task, General Qin Mo's attention shifted to the overall progress of the preparations. The soldiers worked diligently, their movements purposeful and synchronized. He admired their resilience and unwavering dedication, knowing that their collective efforts would determine the fate of the kingdom.

A few soldiers approached General Qin Mo, their brows furrowed with curiosity. "General," one of them spoke up, his voice tinged with anticipation, "what is our plan moving forward? How will we defend the wall with fewer soldiers?"

General Qin Mo paused, his gaze sweeping over the room before settling on the soldiers before him. "Our plan," he began, his voice filled with conviction, "is to use every advantage we have. We will employ a combination of strategic positioning, effective communication, and swift action to defend our wall. Each one of you plays a vital role in this battle."

He continued, his voice carrying a weight of responsibility and determination. "We may be outnumbered, but we will not falter. We will adapt, utilize our resources wisely, and fight with unwavering resolve. Together, we will stand as a formidable force against the demons that threaten your kingdom."

A surge of chicken soup coursed through the soldiers' veins as they absorbed General Qin Mo's words. They nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting their unwavering loyalty and dedication.

General Qin Mo stepped forward, his presence commanding. The soldiers followed suit, their movements synchronized as they prepared to defend with their life.

The afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the wooden table where General Qin Mo and his soldiers sat, enjoying a brief respite from their preparations. Plates of food were spread out before them, filling the air with savory aromas. Laughter and conversation filled the space as camaraderie enveloped the soldiers.

Suddenly, a sharp, piercing sound shattered the tranquility, echoing throughout the area. The soldiers sprang to their feet, their expressions shifting from contentment to alertness. Eyes widened with a mix of anticipation and concern as they exchanged glances, their voices rising in a chorus of questions.

"Why did the alarm sound?" one soldier exclaimed, his tone laced with urgency. "Does this mean there are intruders?"

Another soldier, his hand instinctively moving toward his weapon, added, "It must be the demons or monsters. They've found us!"

General Qin Mo rose calmly from his seat, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a mixture of caution and determination. "Stay calm, everyone," he said, his voice steady and commanding. "We must assess the situation before jumping to conclusions."

The soldiers exchanged nervous glances, their bodies tense with anticipation. They looked to General Qin Mo for guidance, their eyes seeking reassurance amidst the uncertainty.

"Could the alarm have been triggered by mere animals?" a soldier questioned, his voice tinged with a hint of skepticism. "It doesn't make sense for animals to trigger all the alarms."

General Qin Mo met the soldier's gaze, his expression serious yet composed. "While it's a possibility, we cannot discount the presence of the enemy," he replied, his words carrying an air of authority. "We must remain vigilant and prepared for any threat, whether it be animal or demon."

The soldiers nodded in agreement, their faces reflecting a mixture of determination and concern. They understood the gravity of the situation and the need to act swiftly and decisively.

With a nod from General Qin Mo, the soldiers swiftly organized themselves, their movements purposeful and coordinated. They secured their weapons, donned their protective gear, and formed a defensive formation, their senses heightened and focused.

As they prepared to face the unknown, their voices intermingled with a sense of urgency and determination.

"We can't let our guard down!"

"Stay alert, everyone!"

"Protect the kingdom with everything we have!"

Their voices blended together in a chorus of determination and unity, echoing through the air. The soldiers braced themselves for whatever awaited them beyond the safety of the wooden table.

General Qin Mo's gaze swept over his troops, his expression a mixture of worry. He understood the weight of the moment and the significance of their actions. With a deep breath, he led his soldiers forward, their footsteps echoing in the distance.

As the soldiers stood on high alert, their hearts pounding in anticipation, their eyes scanned the perimeter, searching for the source of the alarm. Tension filled the air, thickening with each passing moment. Then, emerging from the shadows, a chilling sight unfolded before them.

The troops of demons, bathed in an eerie glow, advanced with a sinister grace. Their eyes burned with an unholy fire, fixed upon General Qin Mo and his soldiers with a mixture of disdain and arrogance. The air crackled with an electric charge as their presence exuded a palpable malevolence.

The leader of the demons, a towering figure with twisted horns and a malevolent smile, stepped forward. His voice dripped with venom as he began to taunt General Qin Mo and his comrades.

"Ah, General Qin Mo," the demon sneered, his voice laced with a mocking tone. "Did you enjoy the gift we left for you that night? The heads of your companions adorned with such a unique embellishment."

The general's face tightened with a mixture of anger and disgust, his brows furrowing as he maintained a steely gaze. The soldiers, their muscles tensed and weapons at the ready, exchanged glances of determination mixed with a burning desire for vengeance.

The demon's voice carried across the battlefield, cutting through the tension like a sharp blade. "Tell me, General, isn't it a work of art? A testament to our power and your insignificance?"

A flicker of defiance flashed in General Qin Mo's eyes, his jaw clenched tightly. He refused to let the demon's words break his resolve, but his expression betrayed a profound mix of anger, sorrow, and determination.

With a chilling smirk, the demon continued his assault on their spirits. "Why do you wear such an ugly expression, General? Is it because you realize the futility of your efforts? The inevitability of your defeat?"

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