I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 345 Lucian's Ability

Seeing this, Lucian knew that things would become easy. Since the majority was in his favor. Although some didn't like him, he didn't need their help. Because what he really wants is to get the attention of degu users hiding in the crowd of people. After all, they are the only chance for them to survive the monster's cruel killings.

"My name is Lucian. And I know what most of you have on your mind. Yes, I'm the one who shouted before. Logically speaking, If I haven't said those words, you should still be in your previous position. Or worse, all of you should've already been on the monster's stomach!" Lucian stared at everyone as he said those words. Particularly to those who were against him. "As for those who died. If there's anyone to blame, it should be the monster!"

He stopped for a while and looked at the people that became silent. His words weren't for nothing as they contain only logic and the truth. He had to admit that he did it to survive, so he can see his family again. But it also indirectly saved their lives. Sometimes, only one variable or detail could change an outcome.

If Lucian didn't do that and you remove him from the equation. The outcome would be different. Lucian blamed himself and felt guilty at first. But as he heard the fatty's sincere words. He realized that it was not really his fault, it was the monster's.

Now, he intends to transfer or redirect all the negative emotions the people around him felt to one single entity. The monster... When one single external enemy, powerful enough, appeared. It could make people solid and united. The pressure erases possible internal conflicts. Of course, when the powerful enemy disappears, conflicts would inevitably come back.

This is his plan... To use the pressure the monster brought to unite all the people in the stadium and align their goals into one simple goal. To survive against the monster! When a group has one cause and one goal in mind, they could achieve a lot of impossible feats.

Humans are social creatures. What made them stronger is their collectivity. If there's a person that was born that could lead them and made them move like one entity, it would be him, Lucian!

"So we shouldn't point fingers at each other in this time of crisis and create an internal conflict. What we have to do is to think of ways to survive... Don't depend on chance, and fully rely on this damn stadium to protect us. Are you really going to bet your lives on luck? That the monster wouldn't find us? Stop that fluke mentality!! We don't even know full the capabilities of the monster!" Lucian empathized with every word that came out of his mouth and said it with strong momentum.

He might not be powerful, but he knew the way to his words. Words are powerful, a weapon that one can use to convince other people. One just needs charisma and eloquence to convince someone to change their belief.

Lucian always knew the right words to say. The right words to affect people's hearts that would influence their minds.

Words are the most potent force available to humanity... Words have energy and power with the ability to assist, heal, hurt, harm, humiliate, and humble. The words we pick and how we use them may build up or tear down others; bring the community together or break it apart.

Words, when used badly, can inflict a deep wound on a person's heart. Ruin a person's reputation, and lower someone's self-esteem. When used in good, it could inspire a person, boost morale, and change a person's course of life. Words are human's oldest but most effective weapon aside from their brain!

Some of the generals on the battlefield and politicians are the experts on this. They could even make the soldiers and citizens give up their lives just with their words. For what? for the country? Their family? or their glory? They knew how to touch the strings in people's hearts and make them behave how they want like a puppet.

As long as one says what others want to hear, pairing with tangible or intangible benefits. They could essentially convince someone. Of course, they have to understand the desire and the intensity of their desires. How far the person could go to achieve it?

Lucian knew all these factors and knew how to take advantage of them. He was a natural-born manipulator that had been awakened because of the life and death crisis.

Lucian discovered that since he was young. He was a good speaker and understood the minds of people well. So he hones this skill until words became his sword. The only thing he was good at was his mouth. Now, he would use any means necessary just to survive. Because he still has a wife and daughter waiting for him!

Now, seeing the people focused their attention on him and digesting his words. Lucian knew that the fish took the bait he prepared! A smile appeared on his face unconsciously as his words took effect.

'Shit... I'm becoming better at this.' Lucian realized that the life-and-death situation had pushed him to transform into an almost different person. The desire to see his family again pushed his potential to its limit. He might not be as strong as degu users, but he has his specialty.

"So, what do you plan to do?" Eugene was the one to speak and step forward. As he felt that the words of the man in front of him makes sense and speaks the truth.

"Well..." Lucian changed his expression to a serious one. Then swept his eyes on the crowd with piercing eyes.

The people couldn't help but swallow inexplicably. They didn't know how what the man intends to say. But such a serious expression made them think that what he was about to say was a big thing.

"I know for one that there are degu users here!"

Suddenly, the crowd became silent that even a pin drop of water could be heard. It was as if a bomb exploded in their ears as Lucian said some magical words.

Eugene, Joshua, and the expression of degu users hidden in the crowned changed dramatically.

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