I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 331 The Responsibility Of A Captain

He suddenly felt confident as he recalled just how strong their main fighter was. The monster could kill an A-rank peak? So what? Fein could fight an S rank when he was an A rank peak! Although he was defeated in the end, it was obviously because of Ceterus' invincible regeneration abilities, and inhuman speed.

Now, Fein had already reached the S rank realm, and he wasn't the same as before. Well, specifically speaking, his strength had improved by leaps and bounds that he could kill his previous self without much effort.

When he thought of this, Gregory look at the sky with a complicated expression and couldn't help but mutter under his breath. 'That guy doesn't belong to the human category.'

Thinking of days when Fein just started. Where they sparred for the first time. The corner of Gregory's lips rose. He could still suppress Fein at that time. But now, he could literally take the entire Ranger's Eye team by himself.

"Hey captain? Are you still there?"

Michael's voice suddenly startled Gregory. 'Oh fuck. I forgot that I was still talking to him.'

"I'm still here. I just thought of something just now." Gregory replied. "By the way, I have a story to tell you later."

"About what?"

"It's about me..."

'Ohhh, what could the captain want to tell me?' Michael, on the other side of the phone, though with interest.

After all, Gregory rarely tells a story about him. Michael actually knew that their captain dislike talking about himself. Rather, he likes to talk about the team. Now, hearing he had some story to share about him surprised Michael a little.

Michael gave out a smile. "Okay, I'm always all ears."

"Well, that's for later. Since there's nothing on your side, I'll check on the others first." Gregory said.

"Okay, goodbye captain. Be careful. I'll go there later three minutes. I already checked the alleys and the corners of the city. But there are no traces of the monster."

"You take care of yourself, too. You can come here at any time. Then we could explore that sewer together with your shadow ability."

With that, Gregory pressed the red button, and the call ended. "It seems that the monster still didn't make a move. Just where would it attack? I hope we won't be too late at that time."

Just as Gregory was about to click Anthony's number. Multiple screams resounded throughout the street where he was at.

When Gregory turned his head to the source of the commotion. He saw the people running away in panic with pale faces. Some carriages collided against the people, some were hit in the heads and fell unconscious, while some flew away with the sound of bones cracking along with a pig-like painful scream.

'What happened?' Gregory ran towards the area with the maximum speed he could reach. He even channeled his degu energy on his feet, which boosted his speed by sixty percent.

The cold breeze of the night brushed his face, and with every step he took, a bad feeling appeared in his heart.

Suddenly, a dark mist enveloped the entire area and rose fifty meters to the sky. In Gregory's eyes, the place dimmed and all the light bulbs in the street exploded.

"Ahhh! Cecil!" A desperate scream of a woman entered his ears. But because the pure dark mist blocked his vision, he can't see clearly. 'Damn it! What's the matter? What's with this thick black mist?'

Gregory felt uncomfortable with all the black mist surrounding him and the place. The mist gave him a feeling of pure maliciousness and cruelty.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of crying, and the bad feeling in his heart increased. 'Dammit! Run faster!'

When he reached the place, his eyes widened... Because what appeared in his sight was a fifteen to eighteen meters big monster with blood and bits of flesh in his mouth. He has a head of an eight years old girl in his hands. It has a huge chunk of missing flesh on its cheeks that looked like it was bitten ruthlessly by a sharp tooth with three thousand pounds of force.

The face of the little girl was contorted in pain before she died. And her now headless body lay on the floor, spurting large amounts of blood constantly. Then there's also a woman with a blank look in her eyes. She was still breathing, but Gregory felt that she lost her will to live after she saw her daughter get devoured in front of her viciously by a monster.

In the back of the monster, a tentacle appeared, then its pointed end became as sharp as a spear and it elongated towards the woman and pierced her forehead.

"No!!!!" Gregory bellowed. An armor-made rock enveloped his entire body.


But it was obviously too late. The body fell to the ground with a thud. Her hollow eyes didn't change at all, even in the face of death.

Gregory clenched his teeth. He tried to calm himself down, but he almost felt his heart would jump out at any time because of extreme anger. Blood started to seep out of his mouth due to the force he was exerting on his bite.

What did he just witness? A pitiful mother and daughter died in front of his eyes. He couldn't even save the woman, even after he arrived.

Yet Gregory didn't do anything impulsive. The more desperate the situation was, the calmer he became. As an experienced veteran, Gregory already witnessed even some of his comrades in the past die in front of him. Of course, that experience scarred him for life, but it also made him stronger.

'Such an innocent little girl... I will avenge you. I won't stop as long as I didn't see the monster die in front of my eyes!' Gregory took a deep breath and slapped his cheek with all his strength.

Although he was calm, that didn't mean he wasn't angry. On the contrary, this was the angriest he felt he was in his life! He just didn't want to mess up due to impulsiveness. He won't be able to return the dead even if he charged at the monster, and he might even die and let the monster escape.

Such a rookie mistake won't happen. It's not only irresponsible, but the woman and the little girl would have died in vain.

It was now on him, and his decision if they would be able to kill the abomination in front of him! As the captain, he has to act rationally!

So, he dialed a few numbers on his phone in a span of seconds. After it, he looked at the monster.

The monster, and the multiple eyeballs on its skin, were staring at Gregory. This scene made all the hairs on Gregory's body stand on their ends, and he felt as if death was staring directly at him.

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