I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 111 110. 100 Headed-Serpent

The darkness of night was pierced by the ray of the sun creating a gorgeous scenery of unreal twilight of morning.

Most of the men were already awake and preparing to go to their work, women on the other hand were cooking and some were carrying water to their houses from the river and well for daily use.

All in all, The world became active and villages were lively as small children playing in the fields with their friends or going to take a bath in the river with them.

All this happening outside, But our dear protagonist was in a deep slumber not having any intention to wake up at all, This was his normal routine as there is nothing else for him to do.

It's better to use this time to sleep, After which he goes and plays with those four of them. Unfortunately for him he was not alone in this room anymore.


Suddenly something soft and fluffy banged on the face of Karna, Which instantly woke him up. He wanted to open his eyes but he wasn't able to as that thing was still on his face.

Karna reached out and lifted up from his face looking at the thing in his hand speechlessly.

"What do you want? Why break my sleep? See, the sun was not even out yet."

Karna helplessly asked the white fox, Who was right now wagging her nine fluffy tails in front of him acting all cute for him.

Seeing her like that Karna can't even be angry, There is no need to guess the reason for her waking him up. She is hungry and wants to be fed. If Karna knew before this mystical beast was this much, He would have second-guessed making her his pet.

But now he has done it. There is no point of regretting it anymore. He just shook his head and pulled out Akshaya Patra and asked for some delicacy from it, Which quickly appeared in it.

Karna didn't even have to say anything to her, The moment she smelled the food, She jumped from his hands straight into the bowl like yesterday and started devouring.

He let her be, Now that his sleep is broken, He can't go back to sleep now, So he decided to go and try using the Gayatri mantra given to him by Sage Aditya yesterday.

Karna got out of bed and after arranging the bed, He looked outside the window. It was still twilight, the Sun had yet to rise from the horizon but it would soon, So Karna had to hurry up.

It's said that Gayatri Mantra is strongest when chanted under the rising sun, He wanted to see why everyone was so surprised he get this Mantra. He used to chant this in his last life.

Though he was not religious but when he was adopted, He started learning Yoga in which they also taught this Mantra for calming the restless soul and mind, So Karna was curious what happened when chanted that mantra here in the age of gods.

"Hey, Eat fast we- Already finished? Are you even chewing it or just inhaling it directly?"

Karna turned around. He wanted this white fox to hurry up to finish eating, but just as he turned around, He saw the fox sitting beside the Akshaya Patra waiting for him like a good puppy.

This would have looked cute if not for the fact Karna knows he just devoured approx 10 kg worth of food in an instant, Karna was very curious to know where all that food was going.

But he knows he will not get an answer to that question soon, So all he could do was to go pick her up and carry her towards the river to take a bath and then start his chant.

Which is exactly what he did. He went towards her, First put Akshaya Patra in the system inventory and then carried her in his arms downstairs.

"O'Lord, I am seeing things? Did my son wake up this early? No, I must imagine it or the sun will come out from the west today."

Just as Karna came downstairs, He heard a very surprised voice asking in disbelief, he didn't even need to turn around to know his mother once again pulling his leg.

"Mata, Neither you imagine it nor the sun will come out from the west, I just want to wake up because this little thing disrupted my sleep."

Karna was helpless in front of his mother Radha. She is a caring and very overprotective mother. The only problem is that she will not let go of a chance to pull his leg like this.

There is always this slight banter in this house but well, everyone involved in it enjoys it, So it's not that bad just its cheating that he didn't get to do the same

"Really? Then this hmm what you said before? Haa cutie, She needs to be rewarded, Hey when you come back from the river I will give you something good to eat."I think you should take a look at

Radha was even more happy knowing that someone woke Karna up, Before she tried to train him but always failed because she can't see him in distress, which he took quite advantage of, making her useless against his sleeping habits.

But now that there is this fox, If she trained this fox wisely, She can work as an alarm clock for her lazy son.

"I know what you are thinking Mata but drop it, I don't need anyone to wake me up now, I decided to wake up early, Now let me go to the river, There is not much time before sunrise."

Karna knows his mother very well, So he can tell when something is cooking in her mind. He didn't want to tell her yet about his departure a month later, So he had to break his habits first then hers to make it easy for her to let him go.

Radha also looked outside and found out that the sun still has not risen yet, Though it is taking more time than usual but it's not uncommon. Sometimes the sun acts like that, so she didn't think much of it.

She quickly took out the fresh clothes for Karna and handed them to him. She also give two extra towels to wipe their body, One for him and the other for the fox which she had yet to notice has a nine-tail because it was always hidden in Karna's arms.

So Karna and Fox make their way towards the other side of a big mountain, Away from the village because if he goes to bathe near the village, The girls will come to harass him.

Yes, Little, maiden, married and even older women come to harass him though each has a different motive behind it which is mostly pure one but Karna doesn't like to be stared at by hundreds of women when he is bathing, So he has his secret place to bathe.

Even those 4 didn't know about this place, This is his safe haven.

Normally travelling this long takes half an hour of travel for an average person but who is Karna? For him, it was a journey in a matter of seconds.

He quickly came to the river shore of Ganga and then without giving a second thought jumped directly into the strong current of the river, The white fox in his arms was terrified seeing this action.

She quickly attached herself to Karna as much as possible and closed her eyes as she couldn't swim. She was waiting for the cold splash of water but it never came.

When she opened her eyes slowly to see what was happening, She saw they were underwater but the water was not even touching Karna at all. Around them has an air bubble helping them breathe.

She was lost seeing this wonder. Water changed its nature for Karna. She wanted to appreciate this phenomenon a little longer but Karna was as quick as an arrow released from a string of bow pierced through water and reached his destination in a matter of seconds.

Karna just jumped out of the water on the shore, His secret place but he was totally dry and so were the clothes he was carrying with him.

He always does this because not only is this faster and shortcut but also because he faces no resistance in water, So he is actually faster in water even if he was swimming against the current than on land because air does give him resistance.

When Karna reached his place, He quickly take a dip in the water with the unwilling white fox and then washed his body, After which he warp the fox in the dry cloth while he himself with his wet body sat on the boulder and started chanting the mantra in his mind.


"If I enter the village with this route, I can avoid the guard's detection."

Kaliya, Who was currently in the original 100 metres long 100-headed serpent form thinking of entering Anga through the current of Ganga, He knows he has to be sneaky so as not to alert Hastinapur kingdom.

"I have to find that divine child, but where? This kingdom is so big, Who knows where that child will be-"

Kaliya shook his hundred heads. He though taken this task but he was not sure if he was able to complete it. After all, this kingdom is so big. How can he find the one person here while staying in the shadows?

But as Kaliya was about to go underwater and sneak into the village of Anga, He was attracted towards the golden light coming just a little away from him, When he turned towards there in curiosity, His 100 heads nearly fell in the river in shock.

(A/N : Kaliya had 100 heads each filled with venom and poison.

Sorry for not updating for two days. My eldest uncle passed away Monday morning, I didn't get time to write this nor was I in that mental space.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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