I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 55: [Side Story] The Funeral

Chapter 55: [Side Story] The Funeral

Lucass eyes were a vibrant blue. A deep, brilliant, emerald-tinged azure.

Typically, his gaze was tender, much like a large dog gazing up at its master, but in this moment, I couldnt quite gauge the temperature of his stare.

Did he ask his question out of genuine concern for me?

Or was it a test to determine if I truly was the real Ash?

"Uh, well..."

I faltered, breaking into a sweat.

How was I expected to know the intricate details of Ashs familial history? Id assumed that, as the emperors son, his past wouldnt be straightforward, but...

This sudden and unexpected line of inquiry had caught me off guard, and I fumbled to respond.


After silently watching me for a beat, Lucas finally spoke,

"I apologize. I broached a topic youre uncomfortable with."

He lowered his head in apology.

I quickly waved my hands to deny his claim.

"No, its not that! I just... I was caught off guard, and I spaced out for a moment. Haha."

"Your family history, as well as Miss Evangelines, will all sort itself out."

Lucas beamed, his usual radiant golden retriever smile.

Had I been overreacting? Was Lucas simply expressing concern?

"Uh, umm... Thanks, good night! See you tomorrow!"

I hastily waved goodbye and hurried off to my bedroom.

Did Ash have family problems?

He was a prince, after all. The emperors own son.

Naturally, thered be plenty of dark and messy secrets. The issue was that I was entirely in the dark.

What else is he hiding about his past?

I would need to dig around for more information later. Sigh.

Once again, the stark reality that I was inhabiting someone elses body struck me. Living as another person was proving to be no small task...


The day after we returned from the dungeon,

I tackled the backlog of work and fortified our defenses for the next stage.

[Enemy Information - STAGE 3]

- Lv.? ??? : 5 units

- Lv.20 Steam Golem : 152 units

- Lv.15 Rock Golem : 103 units

Especially considering that this time wed be fending off a battalion of golems, I needed to adapt the defense installations accordingly.

Large monsters, a handful of elites. Tailor the strategy to them.

Just over a week remained until the next stage.

This time, I would be fully prepared.

To be able to handle any curveball. No.

So that I can chew up and spit out any curveball with even greater firepower...!

I ramped up my preparations for the next stage, ceaselessly placing orders and fine-tuning all the production guild facilities in the city.


Then, another day passed. Early in the morning.

To the west of Crossroad, in the barren wasteland. The graveyard.


I stood silently amidst the bustling funeral preparations.

While several had been injured during Stage 2, only one had fallen.


I clenched my jaw as I glanced over the list of names for the funeral. Charles Cross name was the only one that stood out, etched in solitary isolation.

"Your Majesty, the procession has begun."


Lucas murmured in my ear. I responded with a nod.

The casket, initiated at the temple, meandered through the citys main arteries, ultimately breaching the western gate.

Unbeknownst to me, a lengthy stream of citizens trailed the procession.

The lord who had presided over this place for decades had passed.

Even in a city as unfeeling to death as this one, many were expressing their grief.

Ultimately, the casket halted before the graveyard.

The funeral would occur here, with the casket destined for burial in the orchard where Margrave Charles Cross had lived his life.

His wifes tomb was there, too.


The casket, gently placed on the ground, was draped with the banner of the Ash Everblack Empire.

Priests, forming a circle around the casket, initiated their prayers, with a choir chiming in with a funeral hymn.

Once the procession reached its conclusion, it was time for me to deliver my concise eulogy.

I ascended the stage, now familiar with the scrutiny of many eyes.


I drew a deep breath, arranging my thoughts.

Then, I began.

"Ive said it before. Your deaths come at a high price. And that wasnt a metaphor. I meant it literally, in terms of money."

From funeral costs to compensation.

Without hyperbole, death in this city bore a high price tag.

"But the death of Margrave Charles Cross surpasses mere monetary loss... it stings deep within."

I pressed my hand firmly against my chest.

The crowd remained hushed.

Pausing momentarily to let my words resonate, I slowly recommenced.

"...The Margrave once implored me to foster joy among the people."

A faint smile appeared on my face.

"He claimed the city wouldnt thrive on mourning alone. Given its nature as a fortress city, death was an inevitable reality. So, he urged me to rule with hope and joy, rather than sorrow."

Immediately following, I shook my head gently.

"But today, I will go against the Margraves final wish. Today, I choose to mourn."


As the people listened to my tale, they swallowed audibly in anticipation. I raised my voice.

"This battlefield is perpetuated by the sacrifice of cherished lives. Not only the Margraves, but each life lost here strikes a painful blow."

Once again, I pressed my hand against my chest.

"I hope you always remember the value of that sacrifice. The Empire, and indeed all of humanity, is sustained by your sacrifice and dedication. Always remember."

I surveyed the crowd below the stage.

"I will reiterate. You will continue to meet your end on this frontline!"

I nodded solemnly.

"And that is undeniably a valuable thing."

In front of the silent crowd, I slowly inclined my head.

"For those who have given their lives in saving the world, lets take a moment of silence."

As I bowed my head, the gathered individuals mirrored my action, one by one.

With thousands amassed, a profound silence cloaked the area surrounding the Cemetery of Unity.

"Someday, may this city be a place where festivals prevail daily, rather than funerals."

Gradually lifting my head, I voiced these words gently.

"Just as the Margrave had wished."

I stepped off the platform, and Lucas signaled the artillerymen.

Boom! Boom-Bam!

The canon salutes echoed, paying tribute to the departed.

With that, the funeral ceremony reached its end. Soldiers loyal to the Margrave shouldered the casket, and I climbed onto my horse.

We commenced our journey to the site where the Margraves coffin would be laid to rest.


Roughly thirty minutes southeast by horseback.

The visage of the Margraves orchard came into view.


As the front of the procession, I noticed that someone had reached the orchard before us.

A petite, platinum-haired girl stood in the orchards backyard. Her hands were buried in her jacket pockets, her shoulders drawn in.


I slowed the pace of my horse. One by one, the other soldiers in the funeral procession also noticed the girl.

Oh? That person is...

Miss Evangeline?

A young lady.

The young lady has returned!

The procession shortly entered the orchard.

Evangeline was positioned in front of a small tombstone in the orchards backyard. It appeared to be her mothers grave.


Evangeline, having turned to face us, uttered in a detached tone.

Youre here.

The soldiers hastened towards Evangeline and surrounded her, conveying their greetings.

Miss Evangeline, its been three years!

Youve journeyed a great distance from the capital.

Were deeply sorry about the Margraves incident. We should have safeguarded him....


Evangeline responded by silently bowing her head.

The soldiers promptly ceased their chatter and returned the bow.

The coffin.

Evangeline glanced at the coffin settled on the ground and inquired.

May I verify the coffin?

The priests presiding over the funeral looked at me, nonplussed. I nodded.

You are entitled to do so. Please, proceed with the verification.

Evangeline positioned herself beside the coffin, and the priests cautiously lifted the lid at the head.


Evangeline clenched her mouth tight and studied her fathers face.

The corpse, saved from decay by temporary magic, was pallid.

The small mercy was that while the body was horribly disfigured, the face was relatively untouched.

...So its true.

Evangeline murmured slowly.

Always at the front of the fight, as if he were invincible. But in the end...

Evangeline, who had been biting her lip, abruptly pivoted away.

...Thank you. That will be all.

The coffin was sealed once more.

Evangeline remained stationary, her back turned, until the coffin was interred.

The coffin was set into the deeply excavated hole, with only the task of covering it with earth remaining.

It was then that one of the soldiers cautiously addressed Evangeline.



"I have something to ask."

The veteran soldier extended something towards Evangeline. It was a battered cavalry lance and shield. Evangelines eyes widened in surprise.

"This is..."

"This weapon was passed down through the Cross family, wielded by the Margrave himself. I originally intended to lay it to rest with him. But I thought it best to consult with you first."


"Though its a bit worn and damaged, it could be restored to use..."

"Bury it."

Evangeline lowered her head.

"Please lay it to rest alongside my father."

"...Your wish is my command, Miss."

The soldiers carved out a separate niche beside the grave, inserted a box, and filled it with the lance and shield.

The two weapons, loyal companions to the head of the Cross family for generations, were subsumed by the dirt mound.

I observed the scene, a twinge of regret flickering within me.

At last, the dirt blanketed the coffin.

The priests offered their closing blessings, marking the end of the funeral.

"Ah, my shoulders."

I kneaded my sore shoulders. Despite the event lasting merely a few hours, I was profoundly drained.

"Everyone, enjoy a refreshing drink!"

Lucas handed out drinks to all in recognition of their diligent work.

As everyone accepted and sipped their drinks, I stood before the grave, my gaze fixed on the tombstone.

More deaths will follow in the days to come.

I remembered all those who had given their lives on the battlefield thus far. Their deaths, in retrospect, felt so vivid and real.

How many more?

How many more?

Suddenly, one of the Margraves remarks echoed in my mind.

- A time will come when you must surrender what you hold most dear to safeguard this city.


What would I have to relinquish?

Could I still maintain my sense of self after such a loss?

Immersed in these thoughts, I softly began to recite a poem.

Built from ice and snow,

Here lies the surface,

The path of a compassionate life.

It was a line from a poem I held dear on Earth.

I originally planned to recite it as a tribute at the funeral, feeling it was fitting for the Margrave, but it felt out of place for the ceremony, so I refrained.

Lost in contemplation, my gaze locked onto the tombstone.

Just then.

"I didnt realize you enjoyed the cultured pastime of reciting poetry."

A young girls voice drifted from my side.

I turned and found, as anticipated, Evangeline.

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