I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 152: Battle Of Jungfrau Plains (9)

Chapter 152: Battle Of Jungfrau Plains (9)

The Swiss swordsmen continued their aggressive attack against the closely formed spearmen of the Reich Empire.

Although the empires soldiers held on with a combination of poleaxes and spears, from a distance, it seemed they might collapse at any moment, barely maintaining the situation.

Imperial idiots! Didnt your parents or dimwitted veteran soldiers teach you thats not how you use a spear?!

Aim for the vital spots with your spear, not just hitting the breastplate!

You invaders, with no justification, dare think you can win against us swordsmen, whove survived over dozens of battles?!

Saying this, the Swiss infantry, especially the two-handed swordsmen in the vanguard, deflected or cut the shafts of the spears thrust by the imperial army and slowly advanced.

Each time, the poleaxe soldiers assisting the spearmen countered the Swiss infantry, and the imperial soldiers whose spear shafts were cut switched places with those in the second or third row to continue fighting.

In the rectangular formation of the imperial army, there were eight soldiers per row, with six spearmen available for rotation, so there was still a long time before the formation would be breached.

Lieutenant General Yaeger, commanding the 7th Division, couldnt conclusively say,

The current situation is very bad, but the outcome of the battle is ultimately decided in the infantry combat, which comprises the majority of the army. If we keep being pushed back here, our casualties will increase.

However, Lieutenant General Yaeger had already erased the possibility of defeat from his mind. Although there was no report yet of a successful cavalry attack from Anastasia or Werner, the sudden decrease in the intensity of long-range magic and arrow attacks suggested that the cavalry attack had succeeded, meaning that if the infantry just held on, the Reich Empires army, continuing to receive long-range support, would gradually gain the advantage.

Given the situation, Lieutenant General Yaeger contemplated how to overcome this critical moment and soon found an appropriate solution.

He immediately called one of his staff officers and issued a hasty command.

Right now, it might seem like the Swiss army is about to overwhelm us and win, but the reality is completely different. They know that they have lost long-range support and are in a state of desperate struggle.

Yes, Lieutenant General.

Send flags and signals to Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia and Lieutenant Colonel Werner to order a retreat and regroup. Also, send a messenger immediately to convey what Ive said. To ensure that all Swiss soldiers know that their rear has been overrun, instruct the knights and archer cavalry to pass by both sides of their camp, shouting this information.

The staff officer, receiving this command, immediately conveyed Lieutenant General Yaegers instructions to the messengers and wrote down the necessary information on paper to ensure clear communication.

At this time, Baron Ragnos, commanding a thousand ambush troops under orders from Count Ticino, marched very cautiously through the forest.

Anticipating accidents like tripping or getting pricked by branches, which could cause noise, he was very careful, watching his every step as he advanced.

The soldiers and nobles, feeling this was not enough, put pieces of cloth in their mouths and were thoroughly on guard, surveying the surroundings.

Thanks to these precautions, Baron Ragnos safely reached the vicinity of the Reich Empires army without falling into an ambush. Now that he had arrived, he was judging the timing of the surprise attack

Damn, why arent we getting arrow and magic support from our side?! Just a little more, and we could kill all those Reich Empire brats.

Look at those guys shooting arrows or magic from a distance, unlike us real men fighting to death in the front. They are so squeamish

Just let them come under my command. I will grind them down until their shins break!

The Swiss swordsmen and spearmen, fighting for their lives in the front, were too busy fighting the empires soldiers to complain.

But right behind them, seeing the sudden decrease in long-range support, even the Baron was getting anxious inside.

If we would send a signal just before we would ambush them, a simultaneous volley from long-range during the surprise attack could greatly magnify its effect. What on earth is Count Ticino doing?

However, in the situation of ambushing for a surprise attack, it wasnt feasible to leisurely send a messenger to get a situation report.

He gestured to gather some captains and scouts nearby and asked them in a low voice.

Scout, I wont blame you, so answer me straight. Do you think our 1,000-strong ambush force has been detected by the enemy?

At that, Senior Scout Leader Halt pondered for a moment before shaking his head and answering.

We thoroughly searched the forest but didnt detect any presence other than our Swiss troops. So, it seems unlikely that their scouts are in this forest.

Then what about the possibility that they have noticed our ambush or set traps?

The forest next to the Jungfrau Plains, where the ambush is going to happen, is thick with trees and grass. This means visibility is limited, so if we had been spotted, both sides would have noticed each other. Hence, our failure to spot the enemy meant the Reich Empire hadnt found us either.

The Baron and other commanders wanted to cheer based on the Scout Leaders report, believing the operation had a high chance of success, but

Knowing that making a loud noise in the forest would reveal their secret ambush to the enemy, they suppressed the urge to shout out loud by pinching their forearms.

Good. Then, right when those Reich Empire pigs are fully pushing back our Swiss infantry, we will surprise attack them from the side. The reason is obvious, isnt it?

There was a common knowledge and maxim known by anyone who had ever been a mercenary in the Swiss army.

It was that predators like dogs, wolves, jackals, and bears, while chasing their prey, remained alert and cautious, checking for all variables.

Once carnivores cornered their prey and bit its neck, ending its life, they felt a sense of relief and achievement from having successfully hunted.

They stopped being vigilant and let their guard down, and it was during this time that attacking could easily catch these predators off-guard.

Similarly, when ambushing, attacking at the moment the enemy mistakenly believed they had won ensured maximum effectiveness.

It was a lesson that Swiss soldiers, who had been mercenaries, had often mulled over to escape numerous dire situations.

It was a saying that had helped them survive various contingencies in situations that seemed certain victories.

Naturally, the commanders who understood the meaning of this saying nodded and returned to their positions to instruct their soldiers to wait momentarily.

So, they waited one minute, two minutes, perhaps even twenty minutes.

The heads of those Swiss idiots have completely shattered! All troops, charged!

If we take five of their necks, our company commander promised discharge and a reward! If we are at war anyway, we might as well return home as heroes!

Deus blesses the empire! Long live Deus! Long live the Reich Empire! Long live His Majesty the Emperor!

The Swiss soldiers, as if the ground were collapsing beneath them, began to see their ranks fall apart.

Even mercenaries who had fought in dozens, some nearly hundreds, of battles, could treat ordinary heroes of reversal as mere novices.

Retreat! We must retreat! Reform the lines and continue the fight!

Sometimes you need to take one step back to move two steps forward!

Damn it, save me, my legs! Ahhh! Damn it!

When it was sincerely deemed too hard to hold any longer, the Baron saw this as the best opportunity.

Based on their wild instincts and experiences from numerous past wars, other commanders also saw this as the moment to sink their fangs into the neck of Peter Yaeger, known as a master strategist of the Reich Empire.

Today, here, we would capture and kill Lieutenant General Peter Yaeger, one of the leaders of the evil invading empires army. This way, we must avenge our fallen soldiers who died protecting our homeland.

From the Baron down to the lowest-ranking soldiers, they all made this vow internally and gritted their teeth, steeling themselves for what was to come.

Now, the Baron, leading the 1,000-strong ambush force, slowly and carefully targeted the flank of the imperial army commanded by Peter Yaeger.

As the distance to the Reich swines narrowed, the Swiss soldiers felt a thrill and anticipation.

Because soon they would be able to avenge their fallen comrades.

And then came the order to unleash all their desires and fury.

Slaughter the imperial army! Massacre them! Dominate the battlefield!

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