I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy

Chapter 120: Village of Korokoro Tribe (4)

Chapter 120: Village of Korokoro Tribe (4)

Magician Planet, the most prestigious newspaper in the magic society.

While he wasn't officially affiliated with Magician Planet, the journalist named Clikin had become famous for reporting several major scandals to the newspaper recently.

He was recently chasing after a certain mage.

Stella Academy student, Baek Yu-Seol.

A boy who gained significant attention since it was revealed that he co-authored a groundbreaking alchemical formula called 'Delta Augmentation Formula' with the prodigious alchemist Alterisha.

Before that, he had prevented a major disaster by thwarting a Necromancer's attack in advance, or so it was said, and later he had even defeated Level 6 Danger Dark Mage at the Heavenly Spirit Tree.

Despite being a Stella student, his remarkable achievements piled up one after another in just six months, to the point where he was almost invincible as a first-year student.

As evidence, even now on this train, there were repeated eye signals exchanged among colleagues.


*Those guys and I are qualitatively different!*

They all had taken at least one provocative photograph. And, those scoundrel reporters would quickly write ambiguous titles that led to misunderstandings.

In contrast to them, Clikin took pride in having solid evidence and only revealing facts to the world.

He believed in the right of people to know!

To fulfill this belief, the journalists risked their lives. Stalking a mage required exceptional skills in disguise and infiltration, as well as the courage to face even death.

But now, look.

A 'real' target appeared, and yet, they couldnt even hold a camera and were trembling in such a pitiful manner!


It couldn't be helped.

The train was racing noisily along the tracks, yet that guy remained unperturbed, and calmly strolled through the aisle.

Kalaban the crazy demon.

A rare mage slayer who had painted the streets with terror.

He was known for his exceptional knowledge in the art of killing mages, and more than anyone else, he knew how to deal with the magic warriors.

Many had shivered at his gruesome and horrifying methods as he slaughtered hundreds of mages and then devoured their corpses.

Ten years ago, Kalaban had disappeared, and there were vague rumors that he had been murdered by someone...

*It's unmistakable! That's Kalaban!*

The legendary mage slayer Kalaban had reappeared as a Dark Mage before three of Stella's most prominent prodigy students: Mayuseong, Haewonryang, and Baek Yu-Seol.

All three were the most famous teenage mages, and they now faced off against one of the worst murderers.

*This is a scoop.*

They might get swept up in the disaster and die there without even leaving bones behind.

But even knowing that, Clikin raised his trembling hand towards the camera and pressed the shutter.

*Even if I die, I have to capture this...!*

His extraordinary professionalism as a journalist allowed him to overcome the raging fear bubbling inside him, and even resist the pressure of the Dark Mage as he pressed the shutter.

"It seems like he's gone crazy!

"Unbelievable! Is he suggesting we engage in aerial combat?"


Clikin managed to capture scenes of Stella's boys opening the train's doors and leaping off the train, as well as the scenes of the Dark Mages tearing through the train's walls and chasing after them.



Clikins heart was still pounding. His hands were trembling so much that it was difficult to properly check the photos.

However, instead of thinking, *Did I survive?*

Clikin used his superhuman concentration to inspect the camera's film.

*... I feel like I have a scoop!*

Very artistically, the scene of the Dark Mages pursuing Stella's boys was vividly captured on camera.


When Stella's students reached their second year, they could officially undertake "missions" and be dispatched outside.

At that time, Stella's Betelgeuse Knights would continuously monitor students' whereabouts and protect them.

The escort unit operated on a small scale and often moved discreetly to avoid drawing attention from the students.


Such a mission was mostly assigned to the lower-level knights.

Blade was a senior knight belonging to the third Magic Escort Battalion of the Betelgeuse Knights, and a Class 6 magic warrior.

For the first time in a very long time, he had received a mission to personally protect cadets.

He wasn't pleased about it.


It didn't sit well with him that a senior knight of the Class 6 like him was given a task typically assigned to inexperienced junior knights.

He thought it was a significant waste of manpower to send a senior knight to supervise mere novices.

However, he couldn't refuse the mission because it was personally requested by none other than Instructor Lee Hanwol.

Lee Hanwol was a former top-class knight and battalion commander. He had a significant prestige despite being out of the military for some time.

But... The mission wasn't all that bad.

Blade found it quite interesting.

**[Stella first-year, Class S]**

**[Mayuseong, Haewonryang, Baek Yu-Seol]**

**[Provide close protection]**

Usually, when junior knights were sent to escort novices, they managed around thirty to ten of them.

But this time, it was exceptionally unusual.

A senior knight was personally assigned to provide close protection for just three Stella novices.

And not just any novices; those were the most famous mage boys from Class S.

So, Blade had no intention of spending this time idly.

*Did they really need to use me for this...?*

Blade, who had taken a seat in the front compartment of the train, let out a yawn.

He didn't feel any sense of danger.

Dark mages wouldn't operate openly in such crowded places.

For dark mages to be active in such a densely populated area meant they were willing to suffer consequences.

However, there were no such audacious dark mages these days.

So, he leisurely glanced at the location information displayed on the Magic Screen.

The location tracking device was known as the Stella Badge.

It was given to the dispatched Stella cadets. They didn't have to wear it if they refused, but wearing it allowed them to call for immediate support from the escort if they encountered an emergency.

Additionally, there were penalties for not wearing it, so most cadets chose to wear it.

*Nothing's going to happen, right*

He had thought this way just ten minutes ago.

But in the blink of an eye, a glaring red light flashed on the Magic Screen.

"What the...?"

Startled, he hardened his expression and checked the signal on the screen.

There was no doubt about it; someone had sent a rescue signal through the badge.

From the back of the train...

The thought crossed his mind just as an overwhelming amount of dark mana swept over from the last compartment of the train.

It was so overpowering that even Blade felt momentarily overwhelmed.

"Darn it!"

Blade thought it was just a short vacation, but he had no idea that something like this would happen.

After hurriedly sending out a request for support signal, he grabbed his staff and tried to move to the back, but he realized there wasn't enough time to get there on foot.

In a hurry, he destroyed the ceiling and shot up above the train, then quickly raced towards the rear.

**Clank! Clank!**

"What's going on...?"

The incident had already ended.

The rear compartment of the train was partially torn apart.

Blade passed by Clikin, who held his camera as if he was some kind of photography club member. He even came across passengers who had wet themselves as he made his way to the sky.


Using a form of advanced Hyper Jump, he propelled himself high into the air, and he could see two silhouettes in the distance.

*They are...!*


Blade stopped at the edge of the cliff and aimed his staff at them.

As if they had sensed Blades magic power, they turned around.

Their expressions were cold and filled with anger, which made Blade quite nervous.

*No doubt about it. Azmik and Kalaban...!*

He heard they disappeared a while ago, so why on earth were they active here?

"Oh my. Has one of Stella's knights arrived? But what to do with him? I'm not in a good mood today. How about you quietly leave?"

"Depending on your response to my question, we'll decide what to do with you."

Blade checked a screen which had been shrunk into the form of a wristwatch. The signal from the students had completely disappeared.

"What happened to the students who were in the rear compartment?"

As he asked that, Blade realized something.

*They must be dead, all three of them.*

It was a heart-wrenching realization for him.

All three of those boys were considered prodigies, and they had all met their deaths because of his mistake.

No, it might be accurate to say that it was a natural disaster.

Who would have thought that the worst dark mages in history would be on this train?

However, the response was slightly different from Blades suspicions.

"We missed them."

"... What?"

"We missed them, you damn bastard. This won't do. Even you need to be torn apart for me to feel better."

"Calm down, Azmik. You haven't even properly drawn your nails at the moment."

Kalaban intervened.

Azmik was still agitated, and continuously bared her claws, but Kalaban really had no intention of fighting right now.

Kalaban, who was once notorious as a mage slayer, had remained active for several years without being apprehended.

The reason?

Behind the moniker "madman," he was a calculative man with well-thought-out plans.

*Not good.*

Due to the release of dark magic, magic warriors were likely gathering here even now.

With Azmik not properly prepared, there was a risk of unnecessary delay and even imprisonment while facing Stella's knights.

"... The mission is a failure. Let's go back."

In the end, following Kalaban's opinion, Azmik also retreated, and Blade, who was left alone, couldn't help but feel shocked.

"What's going on right now...?"

Aside from the fact that those dark mages were leaving.

*... So, those first-year students fought them and even managed to escape alive?*

Stella's badges were still unresponsive, but it couldn't be ruled out that they might have moved a certain distance away.

Moreover, there was no reason for them to lie and cause a commotion.

*How on earth?*

He had heard multiple times about those extraordinary first-year students.

The rumor that this year's freshmen included geniuses who had received blessings from the gods had reached his ears countless times.

But still, they were inexperienced newcomers.

Blade couldn't find a way to escape from them, even though he had been desperately trying to buy time for himself.

"Ha, haha..."

"Knight! I rushed here after receiving your call!"

"Where are the enemies?"

The magic warriors from the support unit, who had received the request for assistance, had arrived.

But, Blade couldn't say a word.

"I've heard the word 'genius' so many times, but I never expected it to be this extreme..."

Amazement and disappointment burst out in succession, leaving Blade with no choice but to laugh.


The magic warriors didn't fully understand the situation and were bewildered.


Meanwhile, inside the dungeon, Baek Yu-Seol slowly lifted his head, clutching it with his hands.

Unlike him, who had fallen down in a miserable state, Haewonryang and Mayuseong lay on the ground in a noble posture.


They belatedly got up, and hurriedly pulled out their staff while looking around cautiously.

Fortunately, they couldn't sense any dark magic or signs of life.

"I seriously thought I was going to die..."

Baek Yu-Seol said casually, brushing off his shoulders.

Looking at him like that, Haewonryang was somewhat astonished.

"Aren't you even a bit shaken by this situation?"

No matter what, they had faced Dark Mages and almost died.

Even the composed Haewonryang was nervous, and his face was pale.

However, even in the midst of all this, Baek Yu-Seol calmly waited for the entrance to the dungeon to reveal itself, and at the exact moment, he swiftly made his move.

Then, watching him rise so nonchalantly, one couldn't help but wonder if he was truly a first-year student.

"Well, yeah."

Actually, no matter how many such incidents Baek Yu-Seol faced recently, it was unlikely he could remain this composed.

It was probably thanks to **[Blessings of Yeonhong Chunsamweol]**, which allowed him to exhibit his abilities to the fullest.

However, Haewonryang didn't know this fact, and could only feel a sense of inferiority when he saw him like this.

Always striving for the next move to survive, to win, no matter what happensthis level of calmness.

It was as if... it was the kind of mental aptitude that would only be forged by someone, who had experienced numerous battles and challenges.

*... I guess I'm just overthinking.*

As he thought that far, Haewonryang felt ashamed of himself.

He had relied on Baek Yu-Seol without doing anything in that situation.

Haewonryang truly despised losing.


Mayuseong and Baek Yu-Seol.

Losing to those two was even worse.

For some reason, Haewonryang felt a vast gap between him and Baek Yu-Seol. To get rid of those thoughts, he hurriedly stood up.

The tension still hadn't completely faded, and his palms were sweaty, but he could overcome this much.

"I'm going."

"Hey, where are you going?"

Now that we have entered the dungeon, we should start the raid immediately. We'll finish it today."

"What? Well, even if you say that, it's a bit tough to finish it in one day because of the low-level demons."

However, Haewonryang continued forward without replying.

Baek Yu-Seol could only look at Mayuseong with resignation, and he faintly smiled in response.

*No matter how I think about it, trying to finish it in a day sounds impossible because of the low-level demons*

Baek Yu-Seol had thoroughly prepared the strategy for conquering this dungeon.

Well, it wasn't something he devised; it was the perfect route crafted by Earths players.

It covered everything from efficient low-level monster handling, sections to ignore; how to bypass numerous traps, and how to deal with boss level demon safely.

However, even if he employed all those strategies, it would still take at least two days.

*Finishing it in one day is too much.*

Baek Yu-Seol thought as he followed Haewonryang.


Exactly one day later...

**[You have successfully cleared the Dungeon 'Korokoro Village!]**


Looking at the screaming chief of Korokoro Tribe as he collapsed, Baek Yu-Seol couldn't hide his bewildered expression.

*Does this make sense...?*

They cleared it in a significantly faster time frame than the shortest record achieved by the best players in the world.

Yet, Haewonryang wore a somewhat displeased expression.

Once again, Baek Yu-Seol realized the fact that he was with 'real geniuses.'

Even the results created by Earth's geniuses pounding on their computer keyboards could be easily broken through when the geniuses were genuinely committed.

"You guys are the real demons."

When Baek Yu-Seol blurted out those words without realizing it, Mayuseong and Haewonryang looked at him as if they found it absurd.

If their expressions were roughly interpreted, it would likely mean, *Is that what you're going to say?*

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